QuickBar Scandinavian Indie - What's New?

On this page you will find what's happened to all pages when they have been updated or when there are new pages added. The easy way out when you don't want to go through them all since you were here last time. NOTE: Radio and TV pages are updated every THURSDAY or FRIDAY. Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides are updated almost every day. New issues of the Avalyn and Scan-Indie Digests are also added continuously. In fact, most pages are updated every second or third day. The updates are added to this page with a somewhat mixed time schedule, due to a heavy workload.

January 3rd, 1997 -> January 17th, 1998

What's up? Well, as the whole site is pretty much updated daily, old and never to be updated pages are being removed and new pages are being added, there's too much work to keep track of what's happening here. But don't despair - an automated "let me know when something has happened on your site" service is on the way. Keep an eye open for it. And check out the site anyway - it has been updated whenever you visit. :-)

November 13th, 1996 -> January 2nd, 1997

New pages: New issues (Vol.3 50 - 55) of the Scandinavian Indie Digest. New issues (Vol.1 #15 - 19) of the Avalyn Digest. A winners page for the Lousy Contest. A new Contests page. A new Fidget Contest, and an Interview with the band Fidget. A Swedish page for the band Radioaktiva Räker. Both a Swedish and an English page for the Beat Butchers Christmas '96 Giveaway.
Updated pages: All Beat Butchers pages were updated December 27th, 1996. All Gig Guides, including the Herrgår'n Gig Guide were updated as usual. All Radio, TV and Record Releases Lists were also updated as usual. Both the Swedish and the Norwegian Record Labels Lists were updated. Because of the new Contests page, the Quickbar, Homepage and the Info pages were updated. Added new Friends and neat pictures. Added loads of new Links and corrected a few others. Both the Demo and CD Reviews pages were updated. The Aquadays Homepage was updated, and new links were added to the Miscellaneous page. The Mojave 3 and Eggstone discographies were updated. Selected News was added on November 25th, December 5th and January 2nd.

October 26th -> November 13th

New pages: New issues (Vol.3 #45 - 49) of the Scandinavian Indie Digest. Avalyn Digest Vol.1 #14. A whole bunch of new pages for the A West Side Fabrication Label Discography. Rolands Gosskör History (in Swedish). A dedicated Beat Butchers Gig Guide. The Scandinavian Indie Lousy Contest!
Updated pages: Added reviews to the Scandinavian Demo Reviews and CD Reviews pages. The A West Side Fabrication Label Discography was updated. Updated the Shallow Soundwave and Aquadays homepages with a lot of stuff (sound clips, news etc). Added new Friends and links. Added and corrected a couple of Links Links. Added labels and updated a few others on the Swedish Record Labels. Added Selected News on November 4th, 7th and 12th. Updated all the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides and the different Booking Agency Tour Lists. All Upcoming lists were updated, as well as the Upcoming Gig list for Herrgår'n. And don't you think that ALL Beat Butchers pages were updated? Yes they were. And the Mojave 3 Discography was finally updated.

September 24th -> October 26th

New pages: New issues (Vol.3 40 - 44) of the Scandinavian Indie Digest. Avalyn Digest Vol.1 #13. Tour List from the KonTur Booking Agency. Beat Butchers Special News pages for 23 Till and Tuk Tuk Rally. A page with Beat Butchers Bands Lyrics. Swedish Beat Butchers pages: History and Lyrics.
Updated pages: All Gig Guides & Tour Lists. Added and updated links on the Links Links page. Added/removed/completed info on the Upcoming Record Releases and Released Records pages. Added Selected News on 25-Sep-96, 26-Sep-96, 20-Oct-96 and 24-Oct-96. Removed the monthly Selected News pages. Added link to Trästocksfestivalen pages from the Festivals In Sweden 1996 page. Updated the A West Side Fabrication Label Discography. Added/updated/corrected the Scandinavian CD Review and Scandinavian Demo Reviews pages. Corrected/added and updated links on the Miscellaneous page. Removed the Lousy homepage and added a link to the band's own official homepage instead. Updated the Herrgår'n Upcoming Gigs page. All Radio & TV Lists were updated. Added new labels/new info and corrected information on the Swedish Record Labels page (with new feature "LU" = Last Updated). Updated all the Beat Butchers pages, including the News, History and Discography pages, as well as each band's homepage.

August 12th -> September 23rd, 1996

New pages: A new page for Danish Record Labels. The Avalyn Digest Vol.1 #09 to 12. Then Digest Vol.2 #19 to 23. Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3 #37 to 39.
Updated pages: Upcoming Record Releases and Released Records. The Luger and Motor Tour Lists. All three Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides. Upcoming gigs at Herrgår'n. Upcoming music on the Radio and All Radio Lists pages. Upcoming music on the TV and All TV Lists pages. Loads of new links were added to the Links Links page. More information and a couple of new labels were added to the Swedish Record Labels page. New reviews and more info on all the Reviews pages. New links added and old ones deleted on the Miscellaneous page. Selected News for 28-Aug-96. Coca Carola, Åka Bil, Köttgrottorna, Svart Snö and Brandgul homepages were all updated. Loads of news added to the Beat Butchers News page.

August 11th, 1996

New pages: Then Digest Vol.2 #18 and Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3 #36.
Updated pages: Added news to the Beat Butchers News page. Also added latest news to the Coca Carola, Roger Karlsson and The Solar Lodge homepages. Added latest lists to the Music on the Radio, All Radio Lists, Music on the TV and All TV Lists pages. Updated the A West Side Fabrication Label Discography. Added new festivals to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Tour lists: Luger, Motor and all Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides. Also updated the Upcoming Record Releases and Released Records pages. And news was added to the Selected News pages for August 11th, 1996.

August 3rd, 1996

New pages: All Lollipop '96 pages, even though they have been there for a while. A general page, report page, photos page, artists page, contest page, information page. New page for Selected News with the latest news. A number of Digests: Then Digest 2.15, 2.16 and 2.17. Scandinavian Indie Digest 3.33, 3.34 and 3.35. Avalyn Digest 1.08.
Updated pages: A lot as usual. Added winners of the Beat Butchers Definitivt 50 Spänn 5 contest. New interesting links added to the Miscellaneous page. New info added to the Swedish Record Labels page. A couple of links were added to the Links Links page. Latest lists added to the Upcoming Music on the Radio and All Radio Lists pages. New festivals and artists added to the Other Festivals 1996 and Swedish Festivals 1996 pages. All Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides are updated. Added new information to the Lousy page. Added new releases to the Upcoming Record Releases page. And, of course, Selected News up to 03-Aug-96.

July 10th, 1996

New pages: The Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3 #30 and Vol.3 #31. Then Digest Vol.2 #13. And a new page for Selected News was also added.
Updated pages: All of them. News has been added to the Beat Butchers News page twice. News and info was added to the Brandgul, Coca Carola, Köttgrottorna, Svart Snö, Tuk Tuk Rally, Roger Karlsson and The Solar Lodge homepages. The Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides have been updated almost daily. The Motor Tour List and Luger Tour List pages were updated. Upcoming Record Releases and Released Records were updated. Upcoming Music on the TV and Radio along with the respective Long Lists were updated. Swedish Festivals 1996 and Other Festivals 1996 - also updated. More info was added to the Swedish Record Labels page. New links were added to the Links Links page. Friends were added to the, that's right Friends page. New Selected News was added. Added picture and address on the Non-Scandinavian Demo Reviews page. Updated the AWSF discography. Corrected link on the Norwegian Record Labels page. Added new buttons to the Beat Butchers Homepage and Beat Butchers History pages. Closed the The Solar Lodge Contest and presented the winners on the same page. Phew!

June 20th, 1996

Updated pages: Added June (1/2) Demo Reviews. Added artists and removed Copenhagen Rockfestival on the Other Festivals 1996 page. Added loads of artists and a couple of new festivals on the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Added more info and pictures on the Swedish Record Labels page.

June 11th, 1996

New pages: Avalyn Vol.1 #07, Scandinavian Indie Vol.3 #28 and Vol.3 #29, Then Vol.2 #12 Digests. A New Beat Butchers Contest Page. A new page for the Definitivt 50 Spänn 5 compilation CD.
Updated pages: A link to the sound clips was added to the Beat Butchers Homepage. New news was added to the Beat Butchers News page. Added a bunch of artists to the Other Festivals 1996 and Swedish Festivals 1996 pages. Added latest list to the Upcoming Music on the Radio and All Radio Lists pages. Added latest list to the Upcoming Music on the TV and All TV Lists pages. Updated all the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides and added Selected News for June 7th, 1996.

June 6th, 1996

Updated pages: New CD Reviews have been added to the Scandinavian CD Reviews and Non-Scan CD Reviews. A number of artists were added to the Swedish Record Labels page.

June 5th, 1996

New pages: A new page for June's Selected News has been created (with news for June 5th).
Updated pages: Added new gig at Herrgår'n. Added Baltic festival to the Other Festivals 1996 page. Updated, added and removed artists + added a new festival on the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Added artists on the Swedish Record Labels page. Updated the TV This Week page late. Updated the Upcoming Record Releases page. Added two old and one new list to the All TV Lists page. Updated the Scandinavian Indie Swedish Bands Gig Guide. Also added Selected News for June 5th, 1996.

June 4th, 1996

Updated pages: Added link to Sandy Lyle on the Links Links page, as well as on the Friends page where a link to My Bloody Valentine also was added. Updated the Luger Tour List page. Also updated the Scandinavian Indie Swedish Bands Gig Guide and Swedish Bands Non-Scandinavian Gig Guide.

June 3rd, 1996

New pages: The Charlatans Digest Vol.2 #11. The Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3 #27.
Updated pages: The Motor Tour List and Scandinavian Indie Swedish Bands Gig Guide. Added artists to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Added latest radio list to the Upcoming Music on the Radio and All Radio Lists pages. Also updated the Upcoming Record Releases page.

May 30th, 1996

New pages: The Friends page - check it out. The new Beat Butchers Solar Lodge Contest page! A Norwegian Record Labels page. Two Scandinavian Indie Digests, Vol.3 #25 and Vol.3 #26.
Updated pages: The old Beat Butchers 1996 Promo Contest page. The Beat Butchers Homepage. Added news to the Beat Butchers News page. Updated the Brandgul and The Solar Lodge pages. Added loads of links and corrected one link on the Links Links page. Updated the Info page. Added festivals and artists to the Other Festivals 1996 and Swedish Festivals 1996 pages. Updated the Quickbar. Updated the Upcoming Music on the Radio page. Added the new button to the Home page. Updated the Swedish Record Labels page. Updated the Scandinavian Indie Swedish Indie Bands Gig Guide to 30-May-96. Updated the All Radio Lists page with new lists. Updated the Upcoming Record Releases page and moved the released records to the Released Records page. Also added Selected News for 23-May-96 (late late, I know... it's finals time here).

May 20th, 1996

New pages: The Luger Tour List page.
Updated pages: The Motor Tour List page was updated, as well as all the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides, the Upcoming Music on the Radio and the Upcoming Music on the TV pages. Added a new festival, in-document link-list and a bunch of new artists to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Also made some layout changes here and there.

May 19th, 1996

New pages: Scandinavian Indie Digests Vol.3 #23 and Vol.3 #24.
Updated pages: The Motor Tour List and Scandinavian Indie Swedish Bands Gig Guide were updated to 19-May-96. Added a new festival + new artists to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Updated the TV Next Week page, and with that the All TV Lists page. Updated the Upcoming Record Releases and Released Records pages to 19-May-96. Also added Selected News up to 18-May-96.

May 16th, 1996

Updated pages: Most of the Beat Butchers pages have been changed. Click on the link and you will see why.

May 15th, 1996

New pages: Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3 #22. The Charlatans Digest Vol.2 #10. Replaced all the old Upcoming Music on the Radio & TV lists with new lists. Radio This Week, Radio Next Week, TV This Week and TV Next Week.
Updated pages: Added new band-links to the Links Links page. Corrected and added artists to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Added more information to the Swedish Record Labels page. Updated the Non-Swedish Bands Gig Guide. Also updated the All Radio Lists page with lists for the next two weeks.

May 13th, 1996

New pages: Added yet another Beat Butchers group: Brandgul. Added information & picture pages for the latest releases from West Side bands A Shrine, Popundret, Stardog and Waterbug.
Updated pages: First, ALL Beat Butchers pages have been updated, layout, news, info, text, pictures, well.. whatever you can think of really. Added more artists to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. A major update of the Swedish Record Labels page was made, loads of new info, pictures, links etc. Updated the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides. Also updated the A West Side Fabrication Label Discography.

May 11th, 1996

New pages: Upcoming Music on the TV 10-May-96.
Updated pages: Added loads of new links (bands + misc) to the Links Links page. Updated the Herrgår'n Gig List with new date + artists. Added loads of Norwegian festivals to the Other Festivals 1996 page. Added festival + loads of new artists on the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. All Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides were updated. Added several labels + artists and updated other information on the Swedish Record Labels page. Updated the Upcoming Record Releases and the Released Records pages. Updated the A West Side Fabrication Discography page. Also added Selected News for 11-May-96.

May 7th, 1996

Updated pages: Added some times and new information to the Aquadays Homepage. Added a missing year to the Scandinavian Demo Reviews page. Added new artists to the Other Festivals 1996 and the Swedish Festivals 1996 pages. Added a new link to the Miscellaneous page. Added four new labels to the Swedish Record Labels page. Updated the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides. Updated the Upcoming Record Releases, and also the Released Records pages. Added missing info (for the latest list) on the All TV Lists page. Added new + previously missing info on the A West Side Fabrication Discography page, which makes it almost complete now, apart from two missing years. Also added Selected News for 07-May-96.

May 5th, 1996

New pages: The Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3 #21.
Updated pages: The Scandinavian Indie Scandinavian Demo Reviews has been updated with reviews for April 1996. The Scandinavian Indie Non-Scandinavian Demo Reviews page was also updated with reviews for April 1996. Added new and removed faulty links on the Links Links page. Did the same thing + made some layout changes on the Gig Guides page. Updated the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides.

May 4th, 1996

New pages: Upcoming Music on the TV 03-May-96. Upcoming Music on the Radio 06-May-96 and 13-May-96.
Updated pages: The Aquadays Homepage was updated and a new picture was added. The Scandinavian CD Reviews and the Scandinavian Demo Reviews pages were updated with pictures. The Eggstone Discography was updated with new information. An error was corrected on the Links Links page. The Lousy Homepage was updated and new pictures were added. Artists were added to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. The Shallow Soundwave Homepage was updated and a picture was added. The Solar Lodge Homepage was updated somewhat and a picture was added. Information, artists and pictures were added to the Swedish Record Labels page. The Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides were updated somewhat. The All Radio Lists and All TV Lists pages were updated, and the Upcoming Record Releases and Released Records pages were also updated.

May 2nd, 1996

New pages: The Selected News page. The Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3 #20.
Updated pages: The Motor Tour List was updated. Added a link to a Finnish Record Labels list to the Record Labels page. Added a bunch of festivals and artists to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Added tons of information (labels, artists, sub-labels etc.) to the Swedish Record Labels page. Updated the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides. Updated the Upcoming Record Releases page and moved released records + added some before missing information to the Released Records page. Also added Selected News for both the rest of April and for May 2nd.

April 29th, 1996

New pages: The Charlatans Digest Vol.2 #09.
Updated pages: Added a whole bunch of new links to the Links Links page. Added yet another band to the Herrgår'n Gig List page. Added Copenhagen Rockfestival to the Other Festivals 1996 page. Added a bunch of festivals and loads of artists to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Added new labels and artist information to the Swedish Record Labels page. Updated all the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides. Updated the Upcoming Record Releases and the Release Records pages somewhat. Added the fine Magellan 4-Star Site logo to the Home page. Added Magellan Search Engine to the Miscellaneous page. Added the two latest releases from Beat Butchers to the Beat Butchers Label Discography page. Updated the Eggstone Discography. And added Selected News to 29-Apr-96.

April 27th, 1996

New pages: The Avalyn Digest Vol.1 #06. The Charlatans Digest Vol.2 #08. The Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3 #19. Upcoming Music on the Radio 22-Apr-96 and 29-Apr-96. Upcoming Music on the TV 19-Apr-96 and 26-Apr-96.
Updated pages: The Aquadays Homepage. Removed Daystar Records and added Dorian Records on the Swedish Record Labels page + added a bit of new information elsewhere. Updated the All Radio Lists and All TV Lists pages. Also updated the Upcoming Record Releases page and moved the released records (+ a couple of not listed before ones) to the Released Records page. Added new links to Hipshakers, Sodabuzz and Stopgap to the Links Links page. Added a bunch of festivals + loads of artist info to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Updated the Herrgår'n Gig List page. Also added Selected News from 25-Apr-96 and 27-Apr-96. The Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides are updated continuously.

April 17th, 1996

New pages: Upcoming Music on the TV 12-Apr-96. The Charlatans Digest Vol.2 #07. Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3 #18. The Avalyn Digest Vol.1 #05.
Updated pages: Added new info to the Upcoming Music on the Radio 15-Apr-96 page. Also added the same info to the All Radio Lists page. Added link to Rottingdean to the Links Links page. Updated the Upcoming Record Releases page and moved the old releases to the Released Records page. Added new artists to the Roskilde Festival on the Other Festivals 1996 page. Corrected info, added artists and WWW-address to Arvikafestivalen, added Rock Festival and Gothenburg Jazz Festival and added artists to Hultsfred Festival on the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Updated the Motor Tour List and the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides: Swedish Bands in Scandinavia, Swedish Bands Outside Scandinavia and Non-Swedish Bands in Scandinavia to 17-Apr-96. Added more info and new artists to the Herrgår'n Gig Guide page. Updated information on Joker and Rosa Honung, added new Xotic Mind and XTC labels to the Swedish Record Labels page. Also added Selected News up to 17-Apr-96.

April 5th, 1996

Updated pages: Added Ice JupiterGroove review to the Non Scandinavian CD Reviews page. Added missing information to the Upcoming Music on the Radio 25-Mar-96, and All Radio Lists pages. Added pictures of demo tapes to the Scandinavian Demo/Tape Reviews page.

April 4th, 1996

New pages: Upcoming Music on the Radio 15-Apr-96. The Avalyn Digest Vol.1 #04. The Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3 #17.
Updated pages: Added latest list and added missing date to the All Radio Lists page. Added new releases from Surreal, Humble Bee and Salt to the Upcoming Record Releases page. Added new artists to the Roskilde Festival on the Other Festivals 1996 page. Updated all the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides to 04-Apr-96. Changed the link to Bob Hund's page and added a bunch of new links to the Links Links page. Also changed the link to Bob Hund's page on the Swedish Indie Bands page. Added more information to the Upcoming Music on the TV 29-Mar-96 and All TV Lists pages. The winners in the Beat Butchers contest are presented on the Beat Butchers Contest page. Added a load of Swedish Labels and information to the Swedish Record Labels page. Added & removed artists to the Hultsfred Festival on the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Also added Selected News up to 03-Apr-96.

April 2nd, 1996

New pages: Non-Scandinavian CD Reviews and Non-Scandinavian Demo / Tape Reviews. These are clearly not for Scandinavian Indie, but I thought they would be of interest to some people at least.
Updated pages: Upcoming gigs at Herrgår'n. Scandinavian Indie's Swedish Indie Bands Gig Guide was updated to April 1st. Added links to Merrymakers and other information to the Links Links page. Changed some layout things on the Demo Zone page. Updated the Shallow Soundwave and Lousy band pages. Changed the layout a bit on the Scandinavian Indie - Scandinavian CD Reviews page. Changed layout a bit and added demo reviews for aBLe, Blake Carringtons (x2), Cark, Fidget, Morgonen Därpå and Tongue Gongue to the Scandinavian Indie - Scandinavian Demo / Tape Reviews page.

March 31st, 1996

New pages: Upcoming Music on the TV 29-Mar-96. Scandinavian Indie digest Vol.3 #16. The Charlatans digest Vol.2 #06.
Updated pages: Added the latest Music on the TV list to All TV Lists page. Updated the Upcoming Record Releases page and moved the released records to the Released Records page. Corrected the link to the Swedish Punk/HC Archive's gig guide on the Gig Guides page, and corrected the link to the archive on the Links Links page, where new links were added as well, to homepages for Brainpool, Smash Hit Wonders and Tongue Gongue. Added artists to the Roskilde Festival 96 on the Other Festivals 1996 page. Added Gatufesten i Sundsvall and artists to the Hultsfred and Emmaboda Festivals and changed the WWW address to Hultsfred on the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Updated the Scandinavian Indie Swedish Indie Bands Gig Guide and Scandinavian Indie Non-Swedish Indie Bands Gig Guide. Updated the Swedish and English long lists for the Hultsfred Festival 1996. Also added Selected News up to 30-Mar-96.

March 28th, 1996

New pages: Upcoming music on the Radio 08-Mar-96.
Updated pages: The All Radio Lists page was updated with the new list. Changed date for Rottingdean on the Scandinavian Indie Swedish Indie Bands Gig Guide page. The Motor Tour List was updated to 26-Mar-96.

March 27th, 1996

New pages: Selected News March 1996, pretty self-explaining. Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3 #15. The Charlatans Digest Vol.2 #05. Upcoming music on the Radio lists for 18-Mar-96, 25-Mar-96 and 01-Apr-96. Upcoming music on the TV list for 22-Mar-96.
Updated pages: Added information about Brandgul changing their MCD to a CD and Guld-Lars e-mail address to the Beat Butchers News page. Updated the Gig List for Herrgår'n. Added Guld-Lars e-mail address to Köttgrottorna's homepage. Updated the Motor Tour List to 27-Mar-96. Added link to the new Selected News page for March to the Selected News Middle Page. Added Selected News for 27-Mar-96. Added a link to the new issue of the Scandinavian Indie digest to the Sid Archive page. Corrected song titles on the Solar Lodge homepage. Added The Merrymakers to the CNR Music label on the Swedish Record Labels page. Added link to the new The Charlatans digest on the Then page. Updated all Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides to 27-Mar-96. Added links to all the new Upcoming Music on the Radio and TV lists to the Upcoming page. Updated the All Upcoming Music on the Radio Lists page and All Upcoming music on the TV Lists page. Also changed Brandgul's MCD to CD on the Upcoming Record Releases page.

March 5th, 1996

New pages: The Charlatans digest Vol.2 #04. The Slowdive & Mojave 3 digest Vol.1 #03.
Updated pages: Added full information about Dalarocken 96 and new artists for Karlshamn Rock Festival 96 to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Added new information and the upcoming CD on the The Solar Lodge page. Added the new CD from Tuk Tuk Rally to their page and to the Beat Butchers Label Discography page. Added history section to the Svart Snö page. Updated history and latest news sections on the Coca Carola page. Also updated the history section on the Radioaktiva Räker page.

March 4th, 1996

New pages: Scandinavian Indie Reviews containing lists for CD Reviews and Demo / Tape Reviews. The Gothenburg band Shallow now have their own homepage here. Also added the latest issue of the Scandinavian Indie Digest.
Updated pages: Added link to the Shallow page from the Demo Zone and Links Links pages. Added the new Reviews button to the Home page and to the Info page together with information about it. A link to the same page was added to the Quickbar as well. New artists were added to the Other Festivals 1996 and Swedish Festivals 1996 pages. Also added a link to Dalarocken to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Also updated all the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides.

February 28th, 1996

New pages: Scandinavian Indie digest Vol.3 #13. The Charlatans digest Vol.2 #03. Upcoming Music on the Radio 04-Mar-96 and 11-Mar-96. Upcoming Music on the TV 23-Feb-96.
Updated pages: Added information to the Upcoming Music on the Radio 26-Feb-96 page. Updated the All Radio Lists page. Changed and added information about Roskilde Festival 96 on the Other Festivals 1996 page. Added date in London for Cloudberry Jam to the Swedish Indie Bands Non-Scandinavian Gig Guide. Changed postal address to Emil Larsson on the Herrgår'n page and removed old, added new gigs to the Herrgår'n Upcoming Gigs page. Added links to SvD's City Edition, another Festivals page, Singer, Whale and Naked (DK) pages, and removed the non-working SvD's Musikbolag på Nätet link on the Links Links page. Updated the Upcoming Record Releases page with new releases, and moved the old ones to the Released Records page. Added Tuk Tuk Rally's new CD to the Beat Butchers Discography page. Added news about the upcoming "Sator & Sator Codex tribute CD" and the new Brandgul Mini-CD to the Beat Butchers News page. Added artists to the Emmaboda Festival on the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Corrected phone/fax numbers to the Birdnest label on the Swedish Record Labels page. Updated the All TV Lists page with the latest list. Also added Selected News up to 28-Feb-96.

February 20th, 1996

New pages: Scandinavian Indie digest Vol.3 #12. New pages for Upcoming Music on the TV for 09-Feb-96 and 16-Feb-96 (I know they are late).
Updated pages: Added link to another tourdate site to the Gig Guide page. Added the latest Upcoming Music on the TV lists to the All TV Lists page. Also added Selected News up to 19-Feb-96.

February 18th, 1996

New pages: Scandinavian Indie digest Vol.3 #11. The Avalyn digest Vol.1 #02. Hultsfred Festival 96 Long information page in Swedish and one page in English.
Updated pages: Changed information about Edel and added EMI to the Swedish Record Labels page. Added new information to the Upcoming Music on the Radio 19-Feb-96 page and added that information to the All Radio Lists page as well. Updated all the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides to 18-Feb-96. Updated the Upcoming Record Releases page and moved old information to the Released Records page. Added the Urkult 96 festival and made layout changes as well as added information about Hultsfred Festival 96 on the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Updated information about the Roskilde Festival 96 and added some artists on the Other Festivals 1996 page. Also added Selected News up to 18-Feb-96.

February 15th, 1996

New pages: Upcoming Music on the Radio 26-Feb-96.
Updated pages: Changed date and added information about snail-mail address to the Beat Butchers Contest page. Also changed the date on the Beat Butchers News page. Changed information on where to find more information about the Scandinavian Indie Contest to the Home Page. Added line-up (so far) and WWW link for Hultsfredsfestivalen 96 to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Changed the e-mail address to the Seadog label on the Swedish Record Labels page. Added the latest upcoming music on the radio list to the All Upcoming Music on The Radio page. Also added Selected News up to 15-Feb-96.

February 14th, 1996

Updated pages: All Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides including the Motor and Energy guides were updated today. The Mojave 3 discography was updated to version 0.2. Added a link to the Finnish band Super to the Links Links page. Also added some tba names to the Upcoming Record Releases page.

February 11th, 1996

New pages: The latest issue of the Scandinavian Indie digest (Vol.3 #10). The first issue of the Avalyn digest (Vol.1 #01).
Updated pages: Added Futon Records and updated Seadog label information on the Swedish Record Labels page. Added link to the band Cessna and fixed the link to Drain on the Links Links page. Replaced the old Radioaktiva Räker group picture on the Radioaktiva Räker page, as well as on the Beat Butchers page 2 page, with a new one. Added latest information about Upcoming Record Releases, and moved old releases to the Released Records page. Additional information regarding the Popsicle and Pineforest Crunch gig at Herrgår'n was added. Also added Selected News up to 11-Feb-96.

February 7th, 1996

New pages: The latest lists of Upcoming Music on the Radio: 12-Feb-96 and 19-Feb-96. A page for the Beat Butchers band Svart Snö has been added.
Updated pages: The All Music on the Radio page was updated with the latest lists. Information about the new releases from Radioaktiva Räker, Coca Carola and Svart Snö was added to each band's respective page and the Beat Butchers Label Discography together with the 1996 Promo CD.

February 6th, 1996

Updated pages: Added a link to the group Drain's homepage to the Links Links page. Updated the Motor and Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides to 06-Feb-96 with a massive amount of new dates/bands. Added more info about the Hultsfred Festival and new info about the Trästocksfestivalen to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Upcoming and Old Record releases lists were updated with loads of information. The A West Side Fabrication Label Discography was updated with the latest and forthcoming releases. Also added a lot of Selected News up to 06-Feb-96.

February 5th, 1996

New pages: Latest issue of the Scandinavian Indie Digest (Volume 3 Issue #09) was added, with a link from the SID Archive page. The latest Upcoming Music on the Television list from 02-Feb-96, with link from the Upcoming page.
Updated pages: Completed information on "where and when" to the Upcoming Music On The Radio 05-Feb-96. Added Westgothafestivalen to the Swedish Festivals 1996. Updated the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides. Added link to Tangerine Records on the Links Links page. Updated the Upcoming Record Releases list to 03-Feb-96. Added Scandinavian Records with sub-labels to the Swedish Record Labels list. Also added Selected News up to 03-Feb-96.

January 31st, 1996

New pages: The Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3, Issues #07 and #08. The Charlatans Digest Vol.2, Issue #02. The Energy Tour List page from a link from the Gig Guides page.
Updated pages: The Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides as well as the Motor Gig List have been updated to 31-Jan-96. A link to the Uppsala Kalmar Nation's Gig Guide was added to the very same page as well. New link to the Finnish Indie Index was added to the Links Links page. Information about the Arvikafestivalen was added to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. New Upcoming Record Releases have been added and the old ones were moved to the Released Records page. Added the Cookie Nose Tower Records label, e-mail address to Energy Rekords and the new WWW addresses to MNW and MVG to the Swedish Record Labels. Also added Selected News up to 31-Jan-96.

January 28th, 1996

New pages: Beat Butchers 1996 Promo Contest is now Open! Check out the pages right Here!, including a page with sound samples and information from the Promo CD that you can win! A hint in case you have no idea what to answer on the questions is to check out the Beat Butchers pages. Upcoming music on the swedish TV 26-Jan-96.
Updated pages: Added a link to some Finnish music pages to the Miscellaneous page. Upcoming music on the swedish Radio 29-Jan-96 was updated with information on place and date of recordings, and with that the All music on the Radio list as well. Added date in London for Drain to the Swedish Bands Non-Scandinavian Gig Guide. The news up to 28-Jan-96.

January 27, 1996

New pages: Added the latest interview with Melony made on January 25th. Replaced the Upcoming Record Releases lists with two lists. One for Old Releases and one for New Releases. Added Vol.3 Issue #06 of the Scandinavian Indie Digest.
Updated pages: The Motor Tour List, the Swedish Bands Gig Guide, the Non-Swedish Bands Gig Guide and the Swedish Bands Non-Scandinavian Gig Guide. Added release date for Naked's CD to the New Record Releases list. Added pre-Beat Butchers releases to Köttgrottorna's page. Added Mite, Chester Copperpot and A Shrine to Herrgår'n's Upcoming Gigs page. Also added news up to 27-Jan-96.

January 25, 1996

New pages: The Scandinavian Indie Swedish Indie Bands Non-Scandinavian Gig Guide, for swedish bands touring outside Scandinavia. A page for Other Festivals 1996 was added, for festivals in Scandinavia but not in Sweden.
Updated pages: The Upcoming Record Releases page: updated with new release dates and changed a record label that was wrong. Added full MVG label information to the Swedish Record Labels list. Also added news up to 25-Jan-96.

January 23, 1996

Updated pages: Changed e-mail address to MVG in the Swedish Record Labels list. Added a couple of Swervedriver tour dates to the Non-swedish gig guide. Also added a small picture of the Beat Butchers band Svart Snö to the Beat Butchers page 2.

January 22, 1996

Updated pages: Upcoming Record Releases 22-Jan-96 page: added title of Tuk Tuk Rally's latest CD. Added a link to the Official Popsicle discography to the Discographies page. Added the new address to the Burning Heart Records label and the e-mail address to the Rosa Honung label to the Swedish Record Labels page. Updated the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides and added Selected News up to 22-Jan-96.

January 19, 1996

New pages: Upcoming music on the swedish TV 19-Jan-96. Upcoming Record Releases 20-Jan-96.
Updated pages: Upcoming music on the swedish Radio 22-Jan-96 was updated with information on place and date of recordings, and with that the All music on the Radio list as well. The Swedish Record Labels list. Updated the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides and added Selected News up to 19-Jan-96.

January 18, 1996

New pages: The Mojave 3 Discography v0.1 page was added. The Charlatans Digest vol.2 Issue #01 has been added as well as The Scandinavian Indie Digest vol.3 Issue #05.
Updated pages: The Slowdive Discography was updated to version 1.9. Swedish Record Labels page: added information about Planet Of Noise and MVG phone & fax numbers. Added Olle Ljungström date to the Scandinavian Indie Swedish Indie Band Gig Guide. The Upcoming Record Releases list was updated with new Naked information. Added a link to the latest issue of The Charlatans Digest to the The Charlatans Digest page, a link to the latest issue of the Scandinavian Indie Digest to the SID Archive page and a link to the Mojave 3 Discography to the Discographies page. Also added news up to 18-Jan-96.

January 17, 1996

Updated pages: The Scandinavian Indie Swedish Indie Bands Gig Guide, Non-Swedish Indie Bands Gig Guide lists and the Motor Tour List up to 17-Jan-96. Added a link to the Planet Sound's European Tour List on the Gig Guides page. Also added news up to 17-Jan-96.

January 15, 1996

New pages: The Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3 Issue #04.
Updated pages: All volume 3 issues of the Scandinavian Indie digest have received a small face-lift. Added information for Planet Of Noise to the Swedish Record Labels list. Also added news up to 15-Jan-96.

January 14, 1996

New pages: The Charlatans Digest Archive page (and five digests), containing links to digests made from the Live version of the Charlatans mailing list and catering to the Digest mailing list. The Slowdive & Mojave 3 Digest Archive page, containing links to digests made from the Live version of the Slowdive & Mojave 3 mailing list and catering to both mailing lists. The Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3 Issue #03.
Updated pages: The SID Archive page: added link to volume 3, Issue #03. Added news to the Beat Butchers News page as well as Latest News sections to some of the bands on Beat Butchers. The Swedish Festivals 1996 page: added the Karlshamn Rock Festival. The Aquadays page: added the latest news about the band and updated the History section. Added Daystar Records and Dorian Records to the Swedish Record Labels list. The Herrgår'n Upcoming Gigs page: added more information about the bands and ticket prices for the Popsicle gig. Added links to the Charlatans Digest Archive and the Slowdive & Mojave 3 Digest Archive pages to the Miscellaneous page. Also added a couple of Upcoming Record Releases and News up to 14-Jan-96.

January 13, 1996

Updated pages: The Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides and the Motor Tour List have been updated (available from the Gig List page. Added Slask label information to the Swedish Record Labels list. News up to 12-Jan-96 has been added.

Announcing the Scandinavian Indie WWW Contest
Just for fun, I was thinking about giving away some newly made Scandinavian Indie t-shirts (they're really good looking if I may say so myself :-)). They're in one size (Large) only, but I hope that won't be a problem. The contest is available to the subscribers to the Scandinavian Indie mailing list only (to make it a bit easier to win).

What you need to do: Easy. Find the "hidden" WWW page on the Scandinavian Indie pages and do what that page tells you to. That means, on one of the pages, there's a link to the hidden page. It can be a character in a word, a line, a picture, whatever. Anything but a "normal" link to a page or address. You need to find that "hidden" link and click on it to access the "hidden" page. There you will find additional information. Easy? The link is pretty obvious when you've found it, though if no-one finds it, I'll make it easier. You have until March 28th, 1996, to find the page. If you don't win this time (very few will this time, due to lack of funds unfortunately), don't worry. Other and bigger contests will follow throughout the year.

Good Luck!

January 12, 1996

New pages: Upcoming music on the TV 12-Jan-96 page added.
Updated pages: Swedish Record Labels, added new Virgin WWW address and a couple of sub-labels to different companies, plus phone and fax numbers to Sony. A West Side Fabrication label discography, updated with the latest Popundret release. All TV Lists updated with the latest list.

January 11, 1996

New pages: What's New Today? page added, containing only the latest information on changes/updates to the pages, for those who are in a hurry. This page is only available from the Quick Bar by the way. Pages for the Linköping venue Herrgår'n have finally been made and added. One page with information and one with upcoming gigs with information on each band. The Upcoming lists have been split up into one list for Record Releases, one for music on the Radio and one for music on TV, due to the major difference in planning from the different sources. This also means that upcoming music on the Radio-lists for the next month, a new All Radio Lists page containing all music on the Radio lists in one and a new All TV Lists page containing all music on the TV lists in one, have been added. In that manner, a new All Selected News page was also added.
Updated pages: Swedish Record Labels page: updated and added some information. Info page: updated with information about the Record Labels button, and a link to the Herrgår'n pages was added. Gig Guides page: added a link to the Herrgår'n pages. Selected Latest News page: added news for 11-Jan-96. Selected News January 1996 page: was also updated of course, as well as the All Selected News page. This is the last time I will write that all three have been updated. From now on it'll only say News up to dd-mm-yy has been added. Also added a reminder about the What's New Today? page to the Home page.

January 10, 1996

New pages: Selcted News: a page from which news from each month, as well as the latest news are available. Selected Latest News: for those who are only looking for the latest added news. Swedish Festivals 1996 page with the scarce information that exists (yet). The QuickBar button was also introduced, the link to the new Quick Bar for those who want to speed through the pages. Also added the latest issues of the Digest.
Updated pages: Selected News January 1996: added news up to January 10th, 1996. SID Archive page: changed layout and added the latest issues to the list. Festivals page: added link to the Swedish Festivals 1996 page. Swedish Record Labels page: added clickable index at the top of the list.

January 09, 1996

New pages: Record Labels, a page made to contain lists of record labels in the Scandinavian and Baltic countries. Swedish Record Labels: the Swedish Record Labels list. Upcoming Record Releases 09-Jan-96 page with the latest information on upcoming releases.
Updated pages: Home page: added new button for Record Labels, fixed the ASCII link to the Indie Index. Selected News page: added news up to January 09th, 1996. Most of the Scandinavian Indie graphics has been changed, and extra information has been added on those pages with whatever work that created.

January 06, 1996

Updated pages: Upcoming Music on the swedish Radio & TV 05-Jan-96 page: added Popsicle appearence on TV and Leslies & Riff Raff live on the Radio. Selected News page: corrected mistake about Ola Hermansson and added news up to January 6th, 1996.

January 05, 1996

New pages: Honey Is Cool Interview. Upcoming Music on the swedish Radio & TV 05-Jan-96. New Gig List page: Motor Tour List.
Updated pages: Selcted News page: added news up to January 5th, 1996. Info page: added link to the Uwp archive through HTTP and email address to Uwp archive maintainer Dave Datta.Mailing List Info page: added link to Uwp archive through HTTP. Interviews page: added Honey Is Cool interview link. Gig Lists page: updated the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides and added a link to the new Motor Tour List page. Upcoming page: added a link to the latest music & swedish radio & TV list.

December 30, 1995

Updated pages: Links Links page: added a bunch of links and corrected a couple that were wrong or had moved. Indie Index page: added a band called Cark from Gothenburg to the list with a link to their home page. Gig Lists page: corrected a couple of links and updated the Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides.

December 29, 1995

New pages: Upcoming page: this page contains lists of upcoming interesting record releases and music on the swedish radio and TV (updated every thursday).
Updated pages: Home page: a new button has been added for the Upcoming page. Info page: the new button with information what it's for has been added. Beat Butchers Home page: added line of text about the contest (see below) and made some small layout changes. Beat Butchers News page: added information about the contest and made some layout changes.

Update on the Beat Butchers contest!

Jojo at Beat Butchers revealed today that the prizes you can win in the contest include promo CDs presenting the label, not available anywhere else. The CD contains new and unreleased material from Tuk Tuk Rally, The Solar Lodge, Åka Bil, Radioaktiva Räker, Coca Carola and Brandgul. The contest will start in January 1996. More information will be posted on this page and on the Beat Butchers News page.

December 27, 1995

All pages have been updated or completely re-made from scratch. And when I say all pages, I mean All pages :-). That means that there are a couple of new pages. The Info page is a good example, and at the same time a good place to start. To mention a few improvements, all Interviews have been transfered to HTML, the Favourite Links page now contains links only to scandinavian independent-related pages (the other links have been moved to the Miscellaneous page), the Festivals page now has a front page, with sections for old festivals and new festivals, festivals in Sweden and festivals not in Sweden, the Discographies page has two sections, one for scandinavian-indie related ones and one for non-related, the Gig Guides page has two sections, on for the Gig Guides and one for selected Clubs/Venues. And finally, the Scandinavian Indie Mailing List Information page has been transfered to HTML and somewhat re-vamped at the same time. You have to find the rest for yourselves. :-)

What's left to do includes a complete re-make of the Indie Index and related pages, transfer all SID issues and Discographies into HTML format and make them searchable, finally finish the Tango, Happy Nation and Herrgår'n pages, type in those interviews (Fireside, Leslies, Honey Is Cool, Candysuck, Cardigans, 2 x The Bear Quartet, Cloudberry Jam and Shreadhead) which frankly, there hasn't been enough time for (I know.. it's unforgivable), add new links to the links pages and type in some selected news. Oh, and mention the contests. :-)

Scandinavian Indie Contests! - Prizes to be won!

Yeah, we're starting 1996 with two contests! The first one is held by us. Information about it & rules will be posted to the mailing list on January 12th, 1996. This contest is only available to the subscribers of the Scandinavian Indie mailing list though, so if you're not a subscriber - Subscribe now!. You might just win one of our special limited edition Scandinavian Indie t-shirts!

The second contest is held by the Beat Butchers label together with us. This contest is available for everyone. Information about it & rules will be posted to the Scandinavian Indie mailing list as well as on the Beat Butchers home page pretty soon. Stay tuned for more information about that one. Prizes include limited edition merchandise, not for sale, only available through this contest!

December 23, 1995

Most of the pages are being updated during this time (christmas - new year), and this page is no exception. Expect to find what's happened here pretty soon.

Scandinavian Indie Homepage Scandinavian Indie Homepage Email Information
Last updated Jan 17, 1998 by Erik Söderström
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