The Charlatans Digest Vol.2 Issue #01 [Q] [The Charlatans]


Vol.2 Issue #01

January 17th, 1996

There are 41 messages totalling 1091 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. hot licks bootleg cd (3)
  2. Verve news
  3. Tour End
  4. please, resubmit member info (3)
  5. list of members
  6. tape trade (fwd) (2)
  7. Time 4 Livin'
  8. Melting Pot? (2)
  9. hey, hey, hey (3)
 10. Merry Christmas! (5)
 11. First U.S. show - tape trad (2)
 12. Charlatans tape swap
 13. Happy newyear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (3)
 14. Blow-up III! (3)
 15. northern soul... (5)
 16. more Northern Soul, + bonus track question (4)
 17. northern soul / Blow-Up III


Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 18:03:13 -0500
From: lwminton@COLBY.EDU (Lee W. Minton)
Subject: Re: hot licks bootleg cd

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Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 18:11:57 -0500
From: lwminton@COLBY.EDU (Lee W. Minton)
Subject: Re: hot licks bootleg cd

How can I get a copy???????? How about a Christmas present from from nice
soul on the list??


Date: Fri, 15 Dec 1995 04:18:07 +0100
Subject: Verve news

Here's the latest news on Verve, as it seems:

>Date: Tue, 12 Dec 95 10:35:28 GMT +1
>From: septula 
>Subject: None

>***************THE VERVE UPDATE**************
>Rumours have been flying around for some time now as to what The Verve are up
>to. But now it is time to put the record straight. This is the official line.
>Straight from the horse's mouth.
>The name The Verve has been dropped but the band continues with the
>exception of
>guitarist Nick McCabe.
>Singer Richard Ashcroft will continue to work with bass guitarist Simon Jones
>and drummer Peter Salisbury. The name of the new band has not yet been decided
>but the boys are currently in the studio with producer John Leckie working
>on a new album to be released some time next year.
>From the ashes a phoenix shall arise.
>The Raft will be powered down on friday 8th 9.00pm GMT
>Powered up again on Sunday 10th 12 noon GMT
>Keep on The Raft....Adam.



Date: Fri, 15 Dec 1995 04:18:31 +0100
Subject: Re: Tour End

Om Wed, 13 Dec 1995, MERRILEE WOLSEY  wrote:

> now that the uk tour is over, does anyone know if they are planning to tour
> in n. america again. they didn't make it to the vancouver date back in
> summer 1993, which was quite upsetting. any info would be greatly
> appreciated.

Hey, stop that! They have already covered the US on this tour.
Then it was Japan. Now they have covered the UK, and that only
leaves the rest of Europe (ie. Sweden thank you very much, which
Tim himself promised they would be back to play at Gino in Stockholm
in _November_ 1995, when they played here at the Stockholm Water
Festival this summer), Australia, South America, the Middle East,
Russia or Africa. Not North America _again_.

 //Erik, who just can't wait any longer.


Date: Fri, 15 Dec 1995 14:12:38 +0100 (MET)
From: Eirik Gudmundsen 
Subject: Re: Tour End

Tell me about it! I've been waiting for The Charlatans to come to Norway, 
which was rumoured, since they stardted talking about the tour last 
spring. Stockholm wouldn't be too bad either, but no....

> > now that the uk tour is over, does anyone know if they are planning to tour
> > in n. america again. they didn't make it to the vancouver date back in
> > summer 1993, which was quite upsetting. any info would be greatly
> > appreciated.
> Hey, stop that! They have already covered the US on this tour.
> Then it was Japan. Now they have covered the UK, and that only
> leaves the rest of Europe (ie. Sweden thank you very much, which
> Tim himself promised they would be back to play at Gino in Stockholm
> in _November_ 1995, when they played here at the Stockholm Water
> Festival this summer), Australia, South America, the Middle East,
> Russia or Africa. Not North America _again_.
>  //Erik, who just can't wait any longer.


Date: Fri, 15 Dec 1995 14:08:27 +0100 (MET)
From: Eirik Gudmundsen 
Subject: Re: hot licks bootleg cd

I've got the Hot Licks CD, and you've seem to have got what all the 
others have. Flaws! Mine too!


Date: Fri, 15 Dec 1995 10:50:05 -0500 (EST)
From: Sujay Jhaveri 
Subject: Re: please, resubmit member info

Sujay Jhaveri
New York


Date: Fri, 15 Dec 1995 16:14:24 -0800
From: (Lyakov) (Krassi Lyakov)
Subject: list of members

Hi everyone!

Here is a listing of people on the list who felt like submitting
a bit of a personal info so far...

name: Dave Gardin 
location: San Jose, California
country: USA

additional info: Male, age 35, Inventory Control Planner
name: Martin Fawley 
e-mail: "(What's the story...) Martin Fawley"
location: Malvern
country: England

additional info: Occupation: Student at Bath University, but 
                         currently on a years placement in Malvern 
                         (nr. Worcester); Originally from Leeds.
name: Lisa Boshuizen
location: Amsterdam
country: Netherlands.

additional info: b-day: December 15, 1974 
name: Erik Soderstrom
location: Linkoping
country: Sweden
name: Jim Lowe
e-mail: "James D. Lowe" 
location: Barrie, Ontario
country: Canada

additional info: Research Director & College Instructor
name: Justin Beck
e-mail: Justin Beck 
location: Irvine, California
country: USA
name: Arthur Rehak 
e-mail: Rehak 
location: Kearny(NJ)
country: USA
name: Douglas VanWieren 
e-mail: (
location: Victoria, BC
country: Canada
name: Tats
location: Edinburgh
country: Scotland

additional info: Soccer Club : Heart of Midlothian; Age: 22; 
                         Sex : Male; Top5: Stone Roses, Charlatans, 
                         Happy Mondays, Oasis, Inspiral Carpets
name: Krassi Lyakov
location: San Diego, California
country: USA

additional info: Bulgarian; b-day: September 22, 1973; hobbies:
                         songwriting, listening to and playing music, 
                         painting, writing, reading, soccer, badminton, 
                         skiing; phone #: (619) 452 - 0461 (just in case
                         someone ends up visiting San Diego - please 
                         feel free to give me a buzz and will go out for 
                         a coffee or whatever...)
name: Sujay Jhaveri
e-mail: Sujay Jhaveri 
location: New York
country: USA
name: Greg Ipp 
e-mail: "Greg Ipp" 
location: Vancouver, BC
country:  Canada

If anyone wants to be added to this list, please e-mail me
at with your info...



Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 22:33:51 +0100 (MET)
From: Eirik Gudmundsen 
Subject: tape trade (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 95 19:47 MST
Subject: tape trade

I've got the radio 1 sessions from the jesus hairdo UK single and the '95
glastonbury broadcast both on cd and am looking for other people with live
charlatans shows to trade some tapes with.  Please e*m me privately as I'm
not on your list.



Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 22:58:19 +0100 (MET)
From: Eirik Gudmundsen 
Subject: Re: tape trade (fwd)


When I took a closer look at this, I found out that the address to this 
Jared guy isn't included, so I'll have to find that out before you 
contact this person . The address which stands from tha forwarded 
message, is the address to the person who forwarded Jared's mail to me 
again, so please don't try to send anything to tha address. thanks


Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 18:12:55 -0500
Subject: Time 4 Livin'

I'm not sure if anyone is getting this, it seems like everyone is signing off
the list for the holidays.  I was just wondering if anyone who has seen the
Charlies perform "Time 4 Livin" live can answer this question for me.  Who is
playing the funky part in the middle of the song when, in the studio version,
Tim stops singing for a minute and a different drum beat program starts
playing?  I can't tell if it's Martin on a base with a wah pedal, Rob on
keyboards or if it's just programmed into the song.  It's after the 2nd
chorus, approximately 2 minutes into the song. 



Date: Wed, 20 Dec 95 11:36:48 GMT
From: (Lee Talbot XL/DF x4883)
Subject: Melting Pot?

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone knows anything about a promo
cd called "Melting Pot"? I've seen it advertised but have
got no idea what tracks are on it. It says it's got 11
tracks, my guess is they are singles and b-sides.

Help me make up my mind :)



Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 19:38:23 +0100 (MET)
From: Eirik Gudmundsen 
Subject: Re: Melting Pot?


I know about that CD. It's only a compilation album which contains a 
couple of their hit songs, and that Chemical Risk song. I think it was 11 
songs, but I can't remember right now. The cover is a black-white version 
of the cover on their last album. I guess it would be cool to have it, 
but there isn't anything there you haven't heard before. Mostly songs 
from all their albums. If you have a www-browser, it is listed at my 
Charlatans discography at



Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 00:02:35 GMT
From: (Shane M Brown)
Subject: hey, hey, hey

Just got on the list.  Thought I'd see who was out there and say hey.
Anybody who's bored, feel free to write back. (And hear my stories of
meeting Tim & Co. this fall in Chitown....


Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 22:08:17 -0800
From: (Lyakov) (Krassi Lyakov)
Subject: Re: hey, hey, hey

>Just got on the list.  Thought I'd see who was out there and say hey.

Well, welcome!
There isn't much going on with this list because of the holidays and because
most of the people subscribed are students who are out of school till early

>Anybody who's bored, feel free to write back. (And hear my stories of
>meeting Tim & Co. this fall in Chitown....

I'd love to hear about your experiences with Tim & Co.



Date: Fri, 22 Dec 95 08:23 PST
From: (Christine Jack)
Subject: Re: hey, hey, hey

>>Just got on the list.  Thought I'd see who was out there and say hey.

..............hey there yourself,

>There isn't much going on with this list because of the holidays and because
>most of the people subscribed are students who are out of school till early
>January... is pretty quiet, isn't it.......

>I'd love to hear about your experiences with Tim & Co.

................ i'm up for it..... entertain me!!............. either of
you wouldn't be able to tell me how to print from netscape would you? i
bought a printer the other day ( fed up of having to drag my arse up to the
college all the time!), managed to print a few things just to see if it
worked, but i don't know what exactly what i did, and i can't do it
now................. anyways no worries if you don't know either, as i have
a friend coming home after xmas......... i'm wondering if i've screwed up my
settings, anyways........ :)

well off to work.............




Date: Sun, 24 Dec 1995 17:13:42 +0100 (MET)
From: Eirik Gudmundsen 
Subject: Merry Christmas!

There doesn't seem to be too many at the list, but merry Christmas to all 
of you. I'm going to have the christmas dinner now, and that will bw 
wonderful. Tell us about that Tim story as well, when you've got the time.



Date: Sun, 24 Dec 1995 10:11:42 -0800
From: (Lyakov) (Krassi Lyakov)
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas!

>merry Christmas to all of you.

Merry it be, indeed!
Happy New Charlatans Year from me!!!


Date: Sun, 24 Dec 1995 22:11:19 -0500 (EST)
From: Bez 
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas!

just thought i would let evreyone know that i too
am enjoying my christmas dinner right now!  but
although i am on break rfom school i will be here
to answer any mail!  merry christmas all you
charlatans fans!  happy hanakah as well!



Date: Mon, 25 Dec 1995 19:15:06 -0800
From: saori 
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from Japan!
It is snowing here and trees and houses are very beautiful.
I hope The Charlatans and all of you have a wonderful christmas
and great new year!


Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 22:09:40 -0500
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas!

I'm new to the WWW and also to the Charlatans mailing list, however, not to
the Charlatans, having seen them in New York, New Jersey, Boston, Brighton
and Blackpool.  Is there any way to tell how many people are on the mailing


Date: 8 Jan 1996 16:58:34 +0100
From: "Eugene Unger" 
Subject: First U.S. show - tape trad


Anyone interested in arranging a tape trade of bootlegs? 
I recently acquired the first Charlatans U.S. show from 10/4/90. Here's
the info:

Charlatans, the Marquee (located 'between 10 & 11') , NYC , 10/4/90
60 mins, audience recording, good quality

109 pt 2
only one i know
you're not very well
you can talk to me
can't even be bothered
over rising
believe you me
indian rope
sproston green
you changed everything

i also have a 1992 show from chicago, the hot licks CD and 
the recent september show from atlanta.



Date: Tue, 9 Jan 96 03:15:48 -0500 (EST)
From: (chris steinmetz)
Subject: Charlatans tape swap


Interested in the Atlanta gig from 95.  Length? Quality?  I've got some rare
import B-sides/extra CD tracks which are live that I can tape to trade, but
otherwise, Hot Licks is the only live Charlies I've got.  Any other live
stuff you need?


Date: Tue, 9 Jan 1996 18:16:59 -0500
Subject: Re: First U.S. show - tape trad


i'd be more than happy to trade charlie tapes with you. two shows I have,
which you may not, are spring 94 from norwich u. in the uk and winter 92 from
the palace in hollywood. both are excellent recordings.

i'm interested in both the atlanta 9/95 show and the new york 10/90 shows.

let me know.


Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 13:43:17 +0000
Subject: Happy newyear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everybody,

A happy newyear to you all.
I was wondering if there are already people back on the list since
I don't get any more mail.
I have had a brilliant break and a great newyear.
How about you all?


Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 13:29:33 +0000
From: James D McAllister 
Subject: Re: Happy newyear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes hello folks
and a heppy haw happy noo year too you too



Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 12:00:21 -0500
From: lwminton@COLBY.EDU (Lee W. Minton)
Subject: Re: Happy newyear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeh, people are back on the list, and be patient, mail will come.


Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 22:02:59 -0500
Subject: Blow-up III! 

Greetings Torontonians & surrounding areas
It's happening again. Blow-up is back and 
happening January 27th at the Gallery Loft 
Pub, 291 Dundas Street (at McCaul). The cost 
is $5 at the door. To freshen your memory:

            a night of UK indie/
         Motown/60's & Nothern Soul
sounds of oasis,the jam,supergrass,james brown
 the la's,elastica,cast,heavy stereo,stereolab
  stranglers,stone roses,verve,the who,blur

to be on an e-mailing list for blow-up so you can
 be informed of the next event, send a message to
         Tim at
               Republic Records

   @@              No Way !             @@ 
  @@          Music Chronicles           @@
 @@            @@
 @ @
 @@           Teresinha Costa             @@


Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 00:35:07 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: Blow-Up III!

On Thu, 11 Jan 1996, wrote:
Re: Blow-Up III

> a night of UK indie/Motown/60's & Nothern Soul
> cardigans... 

Not bad! Our own Swedish The Cardigans included! Are they
in the "Northern Soul" genre?



Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 23:40:54 -0500 (EST)
From: (Kristina  Clair)
Subject: Re: Blow-Up III! wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jan 1996, wrote:
> Re: Blow-Up III
> > a night of UK indie/Motown/60's & Nothern Soul
> [snip]
> > cardigans... 
> Not bad! Our own Swedish The Cardigans included! Are they
> in the "Northern Soul" genre?

Pardon my ignorance, but what is the "Northern Soul" genre?  Does this 
have anything to do with the Verve?


Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 18:59:35 -0500
Subject: northern soul...

>Pardon my ignorance, but what is the "Northern Soul" genre?  Does this 
>have anything to do with the Verve?

the verve has something to do with it. "Northern Soul" is 
music coming particularly from the Uk and are bands who are
influenced by 60's american r&b, soul music. They include
bands that come mainly from northern england, the verve
included...but they have some psychadelia included in their
sound. Any brit-pop band out now could be described as 
"northern soul" because they all have r&b and soul infused
in their music.


Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 02:49:00 -0500
From: (Niklas Hultin)
Subject: Re: please, resubmit member info

Niklas Hultin
Sewanee, TN

>I'm sorry to ask those of you who thought that it would be nice to have  a
>listing of the members of the list and their home place to resubmit their
>entries, but my system went down and I lost almost everything... : (
>Please e-mail me PERSONALLY with just your name, town, and country...Thanks!
>Sorry for the inconvenience!
>"I can't even be bothered, energy breaks me down..."
>P.S. The new album was reviewed at ATN (Addicted To Noise) It's short, but
>you might want to check it out...


Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 13:11:22 -0500
Subject: Re: northern soul...

In a message dated 96-01-14 19:02:12 EST, wrote:

>> wrote:
>>Pardon my ignorance, but what is the "Northern Soul" genre?  Does this 
>>have anything to do with the Verve?
>the verve has something to do with it. "Northern Soul" is 
>music coming particularly from the Uk and are bands who are
>influenced by 60's american r&b, soul music. They include
>bands that come mainly from northern england, the verve
>included...but they have some psychadelia included in their
>sound. Any brit-pop band out now could be described as 
>"northern soul" because they all have r&b and soul infused
>in their music.

OK, pardon MY ignorance, and I hope that some northern soulies will write in
and really set the record straight, but it's my understanding that Northern
Soul pre-dates britpop quite considerably, being in fact an outgrowth of the
'60's mod movement, developing as a branch of modernism in the north of
England and centered around popular and more obscure American soul music of
the time.  (I'd give you some titles but all my Northern Soul compilations
are back in the States and I'm in Japan right now..., think Motown, and also
more obscure like Kent, etc.)  So to my way of thinking the term refers first
of all to the Northern Soul scene, and secondly to the very specific tunes
which were played at 'allnighters' (I think one of the key venues was the
Wigan Casino or something like that, dunno, I might be wrong), one of the
ways the mod scene was kept alive during the seventies and eighties, becoming
an important part of the scootering scene, and through which it survived to
the present day to influence current British bands.  (The line 'Keep on
keeping on' in The Stone Roses' song Daybreak is in fact reminiscent of the
motto of the Northern Soul Scene 'Keep the Faith', often seen on t-shirts,
patches, etc., next to a raised clenched fist.)  Pick up any copy of
Scootering Magazine and you will find references to Northern Soul and
probably ads for events, or 'do's'.  OK, relevance to The Charlatans:  the
song 'Chewing Gum Weekend,' which was a term developed to describe weekends
of all night dances (can you say 'pre-rave'?), the idea being that the kids,
amped up on blues or whatever the fashionable mod drug of choice was at the
time would chew gum furiously because they had so much energy.  Also, the
references to 'soul cats', etc. right?  Oh yeah, and wasn't Rob Collins or
someone in The Prisoners, an eighties mod revival band?  So there's no doubt
that many Britpop bands, coming as they do from the North of England, and
from mod and scooterist backgrounds, have been influenced by Northern Soul,
but I wouldn't really say that they're part of the scene, since Northern Soul
as a musical genre isn't really contemporary, and I think you'd be hard
pressed to find any dedicated followers of the scene who would stand for
britpop at an allnighter, although I have heard of some crossover events,
since there may be philosophical similarities between the scenes, if indeed
youth subcultures can be said to have philosophies.  Anyway, that's what I
think, but please correct any errors or add to the above information if you
feel like it.  Hope that helps, peace for now.

---> hiram piskitel (
     Sumidaku Kyojima, Tokyo JAPAN


Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 19:39:04 -0500 (EST)
From: (Kristina  Clair)
Subject: Re: northern soul...

Okay, I'm trying to get this northern soul idea here...So is the Verve's 
album a direct reference to them coming from that scene and/or a 
reference  to the atmosphere of that scene in general?

What other bands other than the Stone Roses and the Charlatans are 
considered to be a part of it?  What about Ride and others?


Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 21:31:36 -0500
Subject: Re: northern soul...

WOW! I was just taking a musically educated guess but never knew 
the full story. I'm sorry if it was an insult to your life research. 
Sorry you assumed I connected Britpop to the "northern soul" genre. 
I was trying to say they were influenced and there are very apparent 
connections, sound-wise, to the original movement, not specific to 
the 90's bands. Do you know if there is any film documentary on the 
movement specifically, since you know so much? I have seen clips 
within other decade documentaries but nothing full length. 

Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 23:09:30 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: please, resubmit member info

Steven Linderman
Western Michigan University


Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 23:55:24 -0500
Subject: more Northern Soul, + bonus track question

In a message dated 96-01-15 21:34:01 EST, Teresinha wrote:

>WOW! I was just taking a musically educated guess but never knew 
>the full story. I'm sorry if it was an insult to your life research. 
>Sorry you assumed I connected Britpop to the "northern soul" genre. 
>I was trying to say they were influenced and there are very apparent 
>connections, sound-wise, to the original movement, not specific to 
>the 90's bands. Do you know if there is any film documentary on the 
>movement specifically, since you know so much? I have seen clips 
>within other decade documentaries but nothing full length. 

Right on... not really my life research, I just had some peripheral contact
with people who were really into it and picked up a few things.  Yeah, sorry if
that last one was kind of long, I was kind of bored, plus I tend to ramble
when I get the opportunity to communicate in my native language...
Anyway, I'm not aware of any documentaries or films which cover the Northern
Soul scene (aside from something like 'Quadrophenia'), but then again I
wouldn't really know.  Anyone?  Depending on how burning an interest you have
in it you might want to check for info at scootering related sites on the
Web; a good place to start might be the 'Scooter Scene Web Page' which is
probably at .  Haven't been there myself so I
don't know how helpful it will be, although I did hear that they had some
movie related info.  Other sources would be phone numbers of Northern Soul
clubs which are listed in 'Scootering Magazine'.  (OK, I'm not trying to be
pedantic, but we all know that by scooter we mean classic Vespas and
Lambrettas and not the more disposable Japanese plastic scooters, right?)
Right on.

OK, before I get too tangential, here's some Charlatans relevance:
On the Japanese release (oh yes! lyrics to 'Your Skies Are Mine' included!)
of 'Just When You're Thinking Things Over' there seems to be an extra b-side
called 'Nine Acre Dust' which is a Chemical Brothers remix of the first album
track 'Nine Acre Court'.  It really rocks, which begs the question: is this
available elsewhere or can I feel happy and special every time I listen to
Also, does anyone else think that 'Your Skies Are Mine' sounds a lot like the
Stone Roses 'Your Star Will Shine'?

New topic (I warned you I was bored):  What's the weirdest song The
Charlatans have played live?  Example:  at the end of the live fan-club disc
'Isolation' (Chicago, I forget the date) there's a track actually called
'Between 10th and 11th' (or maybe it was just '10th and 11th', I can't
remember if it was the same as the album or not)  which I've never heard
anywhere else.  Anything else like that in anyone's memory or on live tapes?
Or even just different versions, like the way the first live version of
'Can't Even Be Bothered' has a really heavy piano sound, totally different
from the spacier album version.

BTW, I just got here, so sorry if you guys already covered this one.  Just
trying to stir it up.
peace again...   

 ---> hiram 'What does Frinck mean?' piskitel (  
      Sumidaku Kyojima, Tokyo JAPAN


Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 23:56:27 EST
From: "R" 
Subject: Re: more Northern Soul, + bonus track question

Sorry! - Nine Acre Dust was the 4th extra track on the 12" "Just 
When...." - but I agree, it's top!

Also, I too think that "Your Skies..." and "Your Star..."  
sound the same, but the Roses released theirs first, right?

Cheers for all that Northern Soul info - it was dead interesting.  
The Verve link is definitly there if what you said about the Wigan 
Casino was right, b/c they're from Wigan.....

Robyn :)


Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 01:46:43 -0600
From: (shane brown)
Subject: Re: more Northern Soul, + bonus track question

>On the Japanese release (oh yes! lyrics to 'Your Skies Are Mine' included!)
>of 'Just When You're Thinking Things Over' there seems to be an extra b-side
>called 'Nine Acre Dust' which is a Chemical Brothers remix of the first album
>track 'Nine Acre Court'.  It really rocks, which begs the question: is this
>available elsewhere or can I feel happy and special every time I listen to

Isn't that track also on the Charlatans vs. the Chemical Brothers CD single?

>at the end of the live fan-club disc
>'Isolation' (Chicago, I forget the date) there's a track actually called
>'Between 10th and 11th' (or maybe it was just '10th and 11th', I can't
>remember if it was the same as the album or not)  which I've never heard
>anywhere else.  Anything else like that in anyone's memory or on live tapes?

Umm... digging my brain for the knowledge... the Charlatans were going to
release that track as the first single off the second album, I read in an
interview once.  But then, at the last minute, they scrapped the song
completely for some reason or another and now say it's one of the worst
songs they've ever written.  I swear I read that.  Don't know where, though.
_I_ think it's a great track!!!

>Or even just different versions, like the way the first live version of
>'Can't Even Be Bothered' has a really heavy piano sound, totally different
>from the spacier album version.

I REALLY like the cute little swing piano feel that they originally gave
that song.  :)

Oh, here's one for everybody... anyone got the Best of Mark Goodier Radio
One Sessions CD that came out in '92?  It has an early, and WAAAAAAY
different version of "No One (Not Even the Rain)" on it.  It's like a
totally different song, for the most part.  Different chorus and everything.
I prefer the album version, but it's still a VERY COOL rarity.

That's about all I can contribute to the weird live stuff dialogue... 

NO WAIT actually here's a question for ya: How many OTHER SONGS & PHRASES
have the Charlies sampled from in concert? They tend to be very prone to
sampling snippets of lyrics from other bands and Tim just kind of drops them
in when he wants.  For instance, on their most recent tour, Tim tended to
use (and I sure can't remember what song he did this on) but anyway he kept
singing lines from an old Echo and the Bunnymen song "c-c-c-cabbage,
cu-cu-cucumber."  He even did it at Glasto.... anyway, just random musings....



Date: Tue, 16 Jan 96 08:43:53 UT
From: "Kenneth Johnson" 
Subject: RE: more Northern Soul, + bonus track question

Sorry tp say but Nine Acre Dust is available Stateside on the Toothache 
(Charlatans v. Chemical Brothers Single in addition to the Chemical Risk remix 
of Toothache found on UK Just When You're Thinking....single


Date: Tue, 16 Jan 96 05:46:55 UT
From: "Kenneth Johnson" 
Subject: RE: northern soul...

CHarlatans ..and typically all pf manchester is NS
Verve is just touting the scene they are a part of


Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 11:40:36 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: northern soul / Blow-Up III

On Sun, 14 Jan 1996, wrote:
Re: Subject: northern soul...

> "Northern Soul" is music coming particularly from the Uk and are bands
> who are influenced by 60's american r&b, soul music. They include
> bands that come mainly from northern england, the verve included...
> but they have some psychadelia included in their sound. Any brit-pop
> band out now could be described as "northern soul" because they all have
> r&b and soul infused in their music.

Well, as Cardigans aren't from the UK, but from Sweden, you'd better
change that "announcement" pretty fast or they'll get mad at you. :-)

That is:
          a night of UK and Swedish              <--- note the addition
      indie/Motown/60's & Nothern Soul
sounds of oasis,the jam,supergrass,james brown
 the la's,elastica,cast,heavy stereo,stereolab
  stranglers,stone roses,verve,the who,blur
 supremes,byrds,adorable,specials,cardigans...    <--- ie. the last group

   nit-picking into the night,


End of The Charlatans Digest #2.01
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This page was last updated Jan 18, 1996 by Erik Söderström