User Interface Reference

Table of Contents

7. Introduction
7.1. Overview of the Window
7.2. General Mouse Behavior in ArgoUML
7.2.1. Mouse Button Terminology
7.2.2. Button 1 Click
7.2.3. Button 1 Double Click
7.2.4. Button 1 Motion
7.2.5. Shift and Control with Button 1
7.2.6. Alt with Button 1: Panning
7.2.7. Button 2 Actions
7.2.8. Button 2 Double Click
7.2.9. Button 2 Motion
7.3. General Information About Panes
7.3.1. Re-sizing Panes
7.4. The status bar
8. The Toolbar
8.1. File operations
8.2. Edit operations
8.3. View operations
8.4. Create operations
9. The Menu bar
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Mouse Behavior in the Menu Bar
9.3. The File Menu
9.3.1. New
9.3.2. Open Project...
9.3.3. Save Project
9.3.4. Save Project As...
9.3.5. Revert to Saved
9.3.6. Import XMI...
9.3.7. Export XMI...
9.3.8. Import Sources...
9.3.9. Page Setup...
9.3.10. Print...
9.3.11. Export Graphics...
9.3.12. Export All Graphics...
9.3.13. Save Configuration
9.3.14. Most Recent Used Files
9.3.15. Exit
9.4. The Edit Menu
9.4.1. Select
9.4.2. Remove From Diagram
9.4.3. Delete From Model
9.4.4. Settings...
9.5. The View Menu
9.5.1. Goto Diagram...
9.5.2. Find...
9.5.3. Zoom
9.5.4. Adjust Grid
9.5.5. Adjust Grid Snap
9.5.6. Page Breaks
9.5.7. Notation
9.6. The Create Menu
9.6.1. New Use Case Diagram
9.6.2. New Class Diagram
9.6.3. New Sequence Diagram
9.6.4. New Collaboration Diagram
9.6.5. New Statechart Diagram
9.6.6. New Activity Diagram
9.6.7. New Deployment Diagram
9.7. The Arrange Menu
9.7.1. Align
9.7.2. Distribute
9.7.3. Reorder
9.7.4. Nudge
9.7.5. Set Preferred Size
9.7.6. Toggle Auto Resizing
9.7.7. Layout
9.8. The Generation Menu
9.8.1. Generate Selected Classes ...
9.8.2. Generate All Classes...
9.8.3. Generate Code for Project... (To be Written)
9.8.4. Settings for Generate for Project... (To be Written)
9.9. The Critique Menu
9.9.1. Toggle Auto-Critique
9.9.2. Design Issues...
9.9.3. Design Goals...
9.9.4. Browse Critics...
9.10. The Tools Menu
9.11. The Help Menu
9.11.1. System Information
9.11.2. About ArgoUML
10. The Explorer
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Mouse Behavior in the Explorer
10.2.1. Button 1 Click
10.2.2. Button 1 Double Click
10.2.3. Button 1 Motion
10.2.4. Button 2 Actions
10.2.5. Button 2 Double Click
10.3. Keyboard Behavior in the Explorer
10.4. Perspective Selection
10.5. Configuring Perspectives
10.5.1. The Configure Perspectives dialog
10.6. Context Sensitive Menu
10.6.1. Add to Diagram
10.6.2. Delete From Model
10.6.3. Set Source Path... (To be written)
10.6.4. Add Package
10.6.5. Add All Classes in Namespace
11. The Editing Pane
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Mouse Behavior in the Editing Pane
11.2.1. Button 1 Click
11.2.2. Button 1 Double Click
11.2.3. Button 1 Motion
11.2.4. Shift and Control with Button 1
11.2.5. Alt with Button 1 motion
11.2.6. Button 2 Actions
11.2.7. Button 2 Double Click
11.2.8. Button 2 Motion
11.3. The tool bar
11.3.1. Layout Tools
11.3.2. Annotation Tools
11.3.3. Drawing Tools
11.3.4. Use Case Diagram Specific Tools
11.3.5. Class Diagram Specific Tools
11.3.6. Sequence Diagram Specific Tools
11.3.7. Collaboration Diagram Specific Tools
11.3.8. Statechart Diagram Specific Tools
11.3.9. Activity Diagram Specific Tools
11.3.10. Deployment Diagram Specific Tools
11.4. The Broom
11.5. Selection Action Buttons
11.6. Clarifiers
11.7. The Drawing Grid
11.8. The Diagram Tab
11.9. Pop-Up Menus
11.9.1. Critiques
11.9.2. Ordering
11.9.3. Add
11.9.4. Show
11.9.5. Modifiers
11.9.6. Multiplicity
11.9.7. Aggregation
11.9.8. Navigability
12. The Details Pane
12.1. Introduction
12.2. To Do Item Tab
12.2.1. Wizards
12.2.2. The Help Button
12.3. Properties Tab
12.4. Documentation Tab
12.5. Presentation Tab
12.6. Source Tab
12.7. Constraints Tab
12.7.1. The Constraint Editor
12.8. Stereotype Tab
12.9. Tagged Values Tab
12.10. Checklist Tab
13. The To-Do Pane
13.1. Introduction
13.2. Mouse Behavior in the To-Do Pane
13.2.1. Button 1 Click
13.2.2. Button 1 Double Click
13.2.3. Button 2 Actions
13.2.4. Button 2 Double Click
13.3. Presentation Selection
13.4. Item Count
14. The Critics
14.1. Introduction
14.1.1. Terminology
14.1.2. Design Issues
14.2. Uncategorized
14.3. Class Selection
14.3.1. Wrap DataType
14.3.2. Reduce Classes in diagram <diagram>
14.3.3. Clean Up Diagram
14.4. Naming
14.4.1. Resolve Association Name Conflict
14.4.2. Revise Attribute Names to Avoid Conflict
14.4.3. Change Names or Signatures in an Artifact
14.4.4. Duplicate End (Role) Names for an Association
14.4.5. Role name conflicts with member
14.4.6. Choose a Name (Classes and Interfaces)
14.4.7. Choose a Unique Name for an Artifact (Classes and Interfaces)
14.4.8. Choose a Name (Attributes)
14.4.9. Choose a Name (Operations)
14.4.10. Choose a Name (States)
14.4.11. Choose a Unique Name for a (State related) Artifact
14.4.12. Revise Name to Avoid Confusion
14.4.13. Choose a Legal Name
14.4.14. Change an Artifact to a Non-Reserved Word
14.4.15. Choose a Better Operation Name
14.4.16. Choose a Better Attribute Name
14.4.17. Capitalize Class Name
14.4.18. Revise Package Name
14.5. Storage
14.5.1. Revise Attribute Names to Avoid Conflict
14.5.2. Add Instance Variables to a Class
14.5.3. Add a Constructor to a Class
14.5.4. Reduce Attributes on a Class
14.6. Planned Extensions
14.6.1. Operations in Interfaces must be public
14.6.2. Interfaces may only have operations
14.6.3. Remove Reference to Specific Subclass
14.7. State Machines
14.7.1. Reduce Transitions on <state>
14.7.2. Reduce States in machine <machine>
14.7.3. Add Transitions to <state>
14.7.4. Add Incoming Transitions to <artifact>
14.7.5. Add Outgoing Transitions from <artifact>
14.7.6. Remove Extra Initial States
14.7.7. Place an Initial State
14.7.8. Add Trigger or Guard to Transition
14.7.9. Change Join Transitions
14.7.10. Change Fork Transitions
14.7.11. Add Choice/Junction Transitions
14.7.12. Add Guard to Transition
14.7.13. Clean Up Diagram
14.7.14. Make Edge More Visible
14.7.15. Composite Association End with Multiplicity > 1
14.8. Design Patterns
14.8.1. Consider using Singleton Pattern for <class>
14.8.2. Singleton Stereotype Violated in <class>
14.8.3. Nodes normally have no enclosers
14.8.4. NodeInstances normally have no enclosers
14.8.5. Components normally are inside nodes
14.8.6. ComponentInstances normally are inside nodes
14.8.7. Classes normally are inside components
14.8.8. Interfaces normally are inside components
14.8.9. Objects normally are inside components
14.8.10. LinkEnds have not the same locations
14.8.11. Set classifier (Deployment Diagram)
14.8.12. Missing return-actions
14.8.13. Missing call(send)-action
14.8.14. No Stimuli on these links
14.8.15. Set Classifier (Sequence Diagram)
14.8.16. Wrong position of these stimuli
14.9. Relationships
14.9.1. Circular Association
14.9.2. Make <association> Navigable
14.9.3. Remove Navigation from Interface via <association>
14.9.4. Add Associations to <artifact>
14.9.5. Remove Reference to Specific Subclass
14.9.6. Reduce Associations on <artifact>
14.9.7. Make Edge More Visible
14.10. Instantiation
14.11. Modularity
14.11.1. Classifier not in Namespace of its Association
14.11.2. Add Elements to Package <package>
14.12. Expected Usage
14.12.1. Clean Up Diagram
14.13. Methods
14.13.1. Change Names or Signatures in <artifact>
14.13.2. Class Must be Abstract
14.13.3. Add Operations to <class>
14.13.4. Reduce Operations on <artifact>
14.14. Code Generation
14.14.1. Change Multiple Inheritance to interfaces
14.15. Stereotypes
14.16. Inheritance
14.16.1. Revise Attribute Names to Avoid Conflict
14.16.2. Remove <class>'s Circular Inheritance
14.16.3. Class Must be Abstract
14.16.4. Remove final keyword or remove subclasses
14.16.5. Illegal Generalization
14.16.6. Remove Unneeded Realizes from <class>
14.16.7. Define Concrete (Sub)Class
14.16.8. Define Class to Implement <interface>
14.16.9. Change Multiple Inheritance to interfaces
14.16.10. Make Edge More Visible
14.17. Containment
14.17.1. Remove Circular Composition
14.17.2. Duplicate Parameter Name
14.17.3. Two Aggregate Ends (Roles) in Binary Association
14.17.4. Aggregate End (Role) in 3-way (or More) Association
14.17.5. Wrap DataType