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The home pages for the
Usenet newsgroup soc.culture.nordic
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*Sweden* *Denmark*
|######## ###############|
*Norway* |######## ###############|
|######## ###############| *Finland*
| |
*Iceland* | | *Åland*
|######## ###############|
|######## ###############|
|######## ###############|
+---------------------------+ *Greenland*
*Faroe Islands*
And *much* more!
| Table of Contents |
NOTE: A "!" signifies that no entry has been written yet.
A "@" means that the entry isn't finished yet.
(...well, none of them are, really).
Part 1: Introduction to the group
* all new readers are advised to
read through at least this Part *
1.1 An ASCII map of Scandinavia
1.2 So what's this FAQ thing anyway?
1.2.1 A notice to spaghetti publishers
1.2.2 What are FAQs?
1.2.3 The scope
of this FAQ
1.2.4 The
history of the s.c.nordic FAQ
1.2.5 The
future of this FAQ
1.2.6 Where to
obtain the s.c.nordic FAQ
1.2.7 Who are the net.gods and goddesses of s.c.n?
1.2.8 Why are all the names and
stuff garbled? - about the Nordic alphabets
1.2.9 What should I know about copyright laws and the Usenet?
1.3 Welcome to soc.culture.nordic!
1.3.1 What sort of a group is s.c.n?
1.3.2 What's all this flaming about?
1.3.3 Well, are there any positive things about this group?
1.3.4 Whatever you say. So, what sort of postings are o.k. in here?
1.3.5 What about cross-posting?
1.3.6 What languages are welcome in soc.culture.nordic?
1.3.7 What should I do when someone posts a flamebait?
1.3.8 I have this bridge in Stavanger that I'd like to sell...
1.4 Looking for a Nordic
girl-friend? - How do I say [ ... ]
in your language ?
1.4.1 Contacts through the Net
1.5 Complaining to a
person's postmaster - how, when and why?
1.6 The soc.culture.nordic drinking game!
1.7 Which are the related newsgrops? ...
1.7.1 ... in international hierarchies?
1.7.2 ... in Nordic hierarchies?
1.7.3 @ What about mailing lists?
1.9 About measures and figures
1.9.1 Why is it advisable to use the metric system in s.c.n?
1.9.2 How long is a Nordic mile?
1.9.3 A warning about decimal commas and delimiters
1.9.4 From this
discussion in s.c.nordic it's obvious the Scandinavians are...
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Part 2: Miscellaneous Nordic topics
2.1 How does one define "Scandinavia" and "Nordic Countries"?
2.1.1 Background
2.1.2 What is "Nordic"?
2.1.3 What is "Scandinavia"?
2.1.4 What is "Baltic"?
2.2 What makes the Nordic countries a unity?
2.2.1 Culture
2.2.2 Religion
2.2.3 Geography
2.2.4 Language
2.3 The Sámi people (not Lapps!)
2.3.1 Who they are?
2.3.2 Sámi history
2.3.3 Sámi cultures
2.3.4 Sámi mythology
2.3.5 Sámi languages
2.3.6 The Sámi as citizens
2.3.7 The Sámi today
2.3.8 SANA - The North American Sámi Association
2.3.9 @ The Sámi
in Internet - a linklist
2.4 What do we know about Scandinavian mythology?
2.4.1 Short introduction to the sources
2.4.2 The World Tree Yggdrasill
2.4.3 The Creation of the world
2.4.4 Asgard, the realm of the Gods
2.4.5 The Gods
2.4.6 The Goddesses
2.4.7 @ Trolls and other beings
2.5 Introduction to the History of Norden etcetera, etcetera...
2.5.1 Norden in prehistoric times
2.5.2 Iron Age
2.5.3 Where did the Vikings travel?
2.5.3b Place names in Old Norse
2.5.4 What about those horns in Viking helmets?
2.5.5 Medieval times
2.5.6 Christian and pre-Christian laws
2.5.7 Modern Nordic History in a Nutshell
2.5.8 Political history & co-operation
2.6 The essence of Nordishness
2.6.1 What is Janteloven (the Jante Law)?
2.6.2 A Nordic national character?
2.7 @ Sex, drugs and censorship
2.7.2 Domestic partnership
2.7.3 Pornography
2.7.4 Censorship in the Nordic countries
2.7.5 Drugs in the Nordic countries
2.8 Nordic socialism and welfare
2.8.1 Wouldn't the Nordic economies gain from abolishing the Socialism?
2.8.2 Don't the Nordic states have huge welfare expenditures?
2.8.3 But you do pay terrible taxes, don't you?
2.8.4 Now, when the Soviet Union has fallen...
2.8.5 What are the differences of the economies?
2.9 @ Valborg, Midsummer and other festivals
2.9.1 @ Valborg
2.9.2 @ Midsummer
2.9.3 ! Lucia
2.9.4 ! Christmas
2.10 Nordic alcohol customs
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Part 3: Denmark
3.1 Fact Sheet
3.2 General information
3.2.1 Geography, climate, vegetation
3.2.2 Economy
3.2.3 Government
3.2.4 Population & culture
3.2.5 The Danish language
3.2.6 The Danish alphabet
3.3 History
3.3.1 A chronology of important dates
3.3.2 A list of Danish monarchs
3.3.3 @ Denmark during world war II
3.3.4 @ Sønderjylland - The Duchy of Slesvig
3.4 Main tourist attractions
3.4.1 Getting there and getting around
3.4.2 Zealand and surrounding islands
3.4.3 Copenhagen
3.4.4 Bornholm
3.4.5 Fyn and surrounding islands
3.4.6 Jutland
3.5 Danish literature
3.6 Faroe Islands
3.6.1 Fact sheet
3.6.2 General information
3.6.3 History
3.6.4 Main tourist attractions
3.6.5 Faroese language and literature
3.7 Books for learning Danish
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Part 4: Finland
4.1 Fact Sheet
4.2 General information
4.2.1 Geography, climate, vegetation
4.2.2 Economy
4.2.3 Population
4.2.4 Who is a Finn?
4.2.5 The Finnish language
4.2.6 Culture
4.2.7 Government
4.2.8 School system
4.3 History
4.3.1 A chronology of important dates
4.3.2 A list of Grand Dukes and presidents of Finland
4.3.3 @ Viking times and before that
4.3.4 @ Finland in the Swedish realm
4.3.5 @ Finland as a Russian Grand Duchy
4.3.6 @ The independence of Finland
4.3.7 ! Wars with the Soviet Union
4.3.8 ! Finland after the wars
4.4 The Finnish parliament, government and political parties
4.4.1 The political parties
4.4.2 The 1995 general elections
4.4.3 The present cabinet
4.5 Main tourist attractions
4.5.1 Helsinki
4.5.2 Turku
4.5.3 Tampere
4.5.4 Jyväskylä
4.5.5 Porvoo
4.5.6 Other places of interest
4.6 The Finnish sauna
4.7 Finnish literature
4.8 Books for learning Finnish
4.8.1 Grammars, Primers, Phrase Books.
4.8.2 Dictionaries
4.8.3 Readers
4.8.4 Materials for Teaching Finnish
4.8.5 Miscellaneous
4.8.6 Course Details
4.8.7 Acknowledgements
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Part 5: Iceland
5.1 Fact Sheet
5.2 General information
5.2.1 Geography, climate, vegetation
5.2.2 Economy
5.2.3 Government
5.2.4 Population and language
5.3 History
5.3.1 A chronology of important dates
5.3.2 Icelanders discover Greenland
5.3.3 Icelanders discover America (Vinland); L'Anse aux Meadows
5.4 Main tourist attractions
5.4.1 Reykjavik
5.4.2 Einar Indridason's travel tips
5.4.3 More Iceland tips
5.4.4 Accommodation in Iceland
5.5 The sagas, Eddas, and subsequent Icelandic literature.
5.5.1 The sagas
5.5.2 The Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda
5.5.3 Later Icelandic literature
Part 6: Norway
6.1 Fact Sheet
6.2 General information
6.2.1 Geography, climate, vegetation
6.2.2 Economy
6.2.3 Population, language, culture
6.2.4 Government
6.3 History
6.3.2 ! Kings & Queens
6.3.3 Olof Skøtkonung and
his friends
6.4 Main tourist attractions
6.4.1 Bergen
6.4.2 Oslo
6.4.3 Trondheim
6.4.4 Hurtigruta
6.5 Norwegian literature
6.6 Sons of Norway
6.7 Dictionaries and other study material
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Part 7: Sweden
7.1 Fact Sheet
7.2 General information
7.2.1 Economy
7.2.2 Geography, climate, vegetation
7.2.3 Government & its spendings
7.2.4 Population
7.2.5 the Swedish language
7.2.6 Culture
7.2.7 Democratic traditions
7.2.8 Free access to official documents
7.2.9 The school system
7.3 History
7.3.1 A chronology of important dates
7.3.2 A list of Swedish monarchs
7.3.3 the medieval time
7.3.4 the consolidation of the state
7.3.5 toward democracy
7.3.6 War all around Sweden
7.3.7 social security
7.3.8 history of the Sweden-Finns
7.3.9 the native minorities
7.4 Main tourist attractions
7.4.1 Stockholm
7.4.2 Uppsala
7.4.3 Malmö
7.4.4 Göteborg
7.4.5 Gotland
7.4.6 The rest of Sweden
7.5 @ Swedish literature
7.5.3 @ Romanticism and Modernism
7.6 Scania
7.6.1 Skåne and Skåneland
7.6.2 Miscellaneous facts
7.6.3 Some marks in Scania's history
7.6.4 The Scanian flag
7.6.5 ! Scanian literature
7.6.6 Scanian Culture
7.6.7 Scanian Language
7.6.8 Membership in the European Union
7.6.9 Cooperation with Sjælland and the bridge over Öresund
7.6.10 A politically united region
7.6.11 International status
7.7 Books for learning Swedish
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Related pages
(available only via www at <http://www.lysator.liu.se/nordic/scn/extra.html >)
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index - the soc.culture.Nordic FAQ
© Copyright 1994-2001
by Antti Lahelma and Johan Olofsson .
You are free to quote this page as long as you mention the URL.
The line of flags is modified after a picture at
det Åländska skoldatanätet .
This page was last updated March the 16th in the year of 1999.
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