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The Work

Il Primo Libro di Canzone, Sinfonie, Fantasie, Capricci, Brandi, Correnti Gagliarde, Alemane, Volte by Andrea Falconieri consists of 57 pieces for 1-3 instruments and basso continuo. It was printed in Napoli in 1650.

This Edition

I have always tried to be as close to the original as possible. Editorial changes have been put above the staffs, or within parenthesis. Slashed figures in the continuo have been replaced with their flat/natural or sharp equivalents. All accidentals, both in continuo and staffs, have been converted to modern standard. Beams have been introduced.

The Files

This edition is so far very incomplete. Published so far:
Midi files
Johan Tufvesson tuben@lysator.liu.se: Modified , accesses.