
2. QKG versus courier

A QKG system produces two identical secret key streams in two different places. A very old and reliable method to do the same thing is to simply have Alice generate a random secret in two copies and let a courier transfer one of them to Bob. Alice and Bob can then continuously read a secret key stream from their two copies while erasing whatever they read from their copies to minimize the risk of someone extracting their key streams later.

A QKG system can theoretically create key streams forever, but the whole courier carried secret will eventually be used and erased. If a never-ending key stream is required, a new courier will need to be sent whenever the last parts of the last secret is about to be used. How often that needs to be done depends on the required bit rate and how much each courier can carry. A famous quote from [5] goes Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway, often updated to more modern conditions as Never underestimate the bandwidth of a 747 filled with DVDs. However, with the limited range and bit rate of QKG systems, a courier carrying a hard disk by foot is enough to provide serious competition.

A courier is also needed for both the initial key and the QKG device in the QKG case. The difference in the pure courier method is that the initial key is made much larger and the device is neither transferred nor used. This chapter provides a comparison between a QKG system and a courier system.

2.1 Manufacturing and transferring

In both a QKG system and a courier system Alice needs to generate a random key to be copied and transferred to Bob. The courier system needs a larger key initially, which is a disadvantage. On the other hand, no QKG device needs to be manufactured and transferred. In addition, the amount of random data a QKG system needs when running is many times greater than the key it can produce, so the total amount of random data needed is much smaller in the courier case, but it needs to be available earlier.

The company IdQuantique which sells QKG systems also offers PCI card quantum random number generators capable of providing a 16 Mbit/s stream of random data to a normal computer, but much faster alternatives will surely surface if there is a high demand for them. An alternative to buying a random number generator is to buy the random numbers themselves. Companies may specialize in continuously manufacturing random secrets and selling them to customers. These companies would need to be trusted to not store copies of the secrets they generate and sell them to Eve, but even random number generators can, in theory, be manufactured to return a predictable number sequence so their manufacturers would also need to be trusted. When buying random numbers instead of random number generators, needing the random numbers early is no disadvantage since the sellers can be expected to have pregenerated numbers available. In any case, XORing the secrets from two or more companies makes the result secret even if only one of them is honest.

To transfer the initial key and device for the QKG system and the whole key in the courier system a trusted courier is needed. There is not much difference between a QKG system and a pure courier system in this step. In both cases, if Eve persuades or bribes the courier to show her or let her modify the key, Eve has won. The fact that the courier key is larger makes little difference. Eve will also win if she manages to rebuild the device, e.g. to include a backdoor accessible via radio or one of the channels, without Bob noticing. In both cases the trust in the courier can be enhanced with physical seals. The keys can also be made more safe by sending several different keys with different couriers and XORing the keys with each other to produce the real key. Eve will have to succeed in bribing every courier to get the key. However, they can't XOR physical devices, so Alice and Bob will have to set up and maintain as many QKG systems as they want couriers.

2.2 Unconditional security

QKG is often said to provide unconditional security. The security of most conventional cryptography is conditioned on the assumption that Eve's computational power and algorithms are limited. The security of QKG is not, hence the use of the term unconditional. This does not mean that the security of QKG is absolute or perfect. There exists many threats to a QKG system but, just as with a courier system, Eve having access to fast computers isn't one of them.

If the quantum channel is an optical fibre, Eve might be able to send light into the fibre to Alice's or Bob's device and gain information about the random settings from the reflected light. This attack is called a Trojan horse attack2.1 and QKG manufacturers do their best to protect their devices. Unfortunately, a perfect protection seems unlikely.

The classical channel is not without hazards either. In a typical scenario it is a network cable connecting two computers. The possibilities of cracking a computer if having access to a network cable are quite a few. Bugs in the computer software or in the network card might allow Eve to sneak by just sending the right information. By altering voltage levels she might be able to trigger just the right hardware failure that allows her full access. Even though the channel is built to be as secure as possible, perfect security is unattainable.

There are many other things that Eve can do that have a small but non-zero chance of succeeding. She can make many measurements on the quantum communication. If she is very lucky she will go undetected. She can also try to guess the authentication tags. The probability of her succeeding can be made very small, but it will always be there.

These examples have no counterpart in the courier system. There just is no communication necessary between Alice and Bob when their keys have been distributed. Lots of other attacks are still possible of course, such as infiltrating the building or bribing personnel, but those attacks are similar no matter what system is used.

2.3 Denial of Service attacks

The strength of QKG is that Alice and Bob can detect that Eve is attempting to intercept the key they are growing and allows them to abort. It does not guarantee that they can grow their key, and Eve can stop the key growing process at will. She might just cut the cables or she might deliberately make failed attempts to intercept, but Alice and Bob will not be able to grow their key when Eve won't let them. In reality, complicated systems tend to break even without deliberate sabotage so the key may stop growing even without Eve. The courier-only system does not have the problem of these kinds of deliberate Denial of Service attacks, and spontaneous failures should be far more rare due to the simplicity of the system. Other kinds of Denial of Service attacks are still possible, such as anything that physically destroys Alice's or Bob's device, but those attacks work on both the QKG system and the courier system.

2.4 Mobility

In the courier-only system Alice and Bob may move around freely and bring their keys. The QKG system is more stationary. It is hard to move devices connected through an underground cable. They must also be very close together, typically less than 100 km, and the bit rate decreases exponentially with the distance.

2.5 Time and price

A courier transmitted key can be used all at once or a little bit at a time, but when the whole key is used a new courier needs to be sent. A QKG generated key can not be used faster than it is generated, but it will in theory continue forever.

A 400 GB hard disk can today (2005) be bought for around 250 Euro. We can use one of those to store the courier key. If we use the high key rate of 1000 bits/s from [1], a QKG system can be replaced with this courier-delivered key and run for over 100 years before another courier needs to be sent. The prices of commercial QKG systems are unknown but are probably several hundred times more expensive than the hard disk. One would think that with such a saving and knowing that it provides better security, a courier delivering a new key once every century can be afforded. Especially since the distance is less than 100 km.

However, if the bit rates of the QKG systems grow faster than the sizes of cheap storage devices the couriers would have to run often enough that the QKG systems are cheaper when the limitations in stability, mobility and distance can be tolerated.

2.6 Limited lifetime

A QKG system with a limited lifetime will during that time produce a key as big as its key rate times its lifetime. Any such system can always be replaced by a courier system with a pregenerated key that big. Depending on what the future holds it might not necessarily be more cost effective, but the security is only affected positively. In practice everything can be expected to have a limited lifetime, but in Chapter 7 a weakness is identified that limits the lifetime of a QKG system even in theory. Fortunately, easy solutions to the problem exist and two of them are presented in the same chapter.