==Phrack Inc.==
           Volume One, Issue Two, Phile 1 of 9

Phrack Index

This issue of Phrack Inc. is rather lengthy file-wise compared to issue one. Phrack Inc. can be found on the following boards regularly:

     Broadway Show                      718-615-0580
     Newsweek Elite                     617-341-2535
     Kleptic Palace AE/Catfur           314-527-5551
     Metal Shop Private                 Request only
     Metal Shop AE                      Request only
...as well as many other BBS's and AE's around the country. Be on the lookout for issue three. If you wish to submit an article, get in touch with any member of Metal Shop Private and have a message transmitted to me. Later on.


This issue of Phrack Inc. includes the following philes:

  1. Phrack Inc. Index - Taran King
  2. Prevention of the Billing Office Blues - Forest Ranger
  3. Homemade Guns - Man-Tooth
  4. Blowguns - The Pyro
  5. Tac Dialups taken from Arpanet - Phantom Phreaker
  6. Universal Informational Services via ISDN - Taran King
  7. MCI Overview - Knight Lightning
  8. Hacking RSTS - Data Line
  9. Phreak World News - Knight Lightning