Chaga (1995)

Cover of Gollancz edition.
Cover of Bantam Spectra edition.
Cover of Heyne edition (Germany).
Cover of Fanucci Editore edition (Italy).

Gaby McAslan's heart is set on a career in network journalism, but when the brightside of Iapetus starts diminishing, and Hyerion disappears completely, her destiny is truly set. As the mysterious fate of Saturn's moons draws her to London and fires her ambitions, so a meteor drags her even further, across whole continents, to Kenya, the site of the Kilimanjaro Event. Where the meteor landed, the striking African landscape has given way to something equally beautiful - and indescribably alien.

A little like a multi-coloured rain forest, a little like a drained coral reef, but mostly like nothing anyone has ever seen before, the alien flora deposited on Earth from the stars is spreading a a phenomenal rate.

It's dubbed the Chaga, in memory of the first of the African tribes to be engulfed and swallowed by the unceasing expansion. It destroys all plastics and man-made materials - and it moulds human flesh, bone and spirit to its own designs, as varied and as insomprehensible as the Chaga's own multitude of forms.

And when Gaby McAlsan finds the first man to survive the Chaga's changes, she realizes the Chaga has its own plans for humankind - and the face of the future is both terrifying and awesome...

Cover blurb of Gollancz edition

Chaga is an expanded version of the short story "Toward Kilimanjaro" in Speaking in Tongues. The American edition of Chaga, Evolution's Shore, is slightly longer due to different editing. There is also a short story, Recording Angel, which is an outtake from the novel. Also see Kirinya and Tendeléo's Story.


  • Gollancz (hardcover)
    413 pages. £16.99. Cover by Mark Harrison.
    ISBN 0-575-06052-2.
  • Bantam Spectra (as Evolution's Shore; trade paperback)
    357 pages. $12.95. Cover by John Jude Palencar.
    ISBN 0-553-37435-4.
  • Easton Press (as Evolution's Shore; hardcover)
    357 pages. No price.
    No ISBN.
  • SFBC (as Evolution's Shore; hardcover)
    357 pages. $9.98. Cover by John Jude Palencar.
  • Vista (paperback)
    413 pages. £5.99. Cover by Mark Harrison.
    ISBN 0-575-60022-5.
  • Bantam Spectra (paperback)
    401 pages. $5.99. Cover by John Jude Palencar.
    ISBN 0-553-57309-8.
  • Millennium (paperback)
    413 pages. £6.99.
    ISBN 1-85798-875-2.


  • German Chaga oder Das Ufer der Revolution, translated by Irene Bonhurst.
    Heyne SF & F, 5660. 653 pages, 3-453-12634-3. Cover art by doMANSKI.
  • Italian I confini dell'evoluzione, translated by Anna Polo.
    Fanucci Editore.


I'm very interested in cover scans of the Easton Press and SFBC editions.

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