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accept-async [80] (9) Recommended

        accept-async [80] ( request-list : ARRAY INT32 )
                -> ( );

This call advises the server that the client wants to receive the asynchronous messages listed in request-list. The server must send these messages to the client when applicable, but may also send other types of messages if it so desires. The list of currently requested asynchronous messages may be retrieved using the query-async call.

Don't forget that message type 12 is personal, group and global text messages. Most users will not want these turned off.


        1 80 2 { 7 9 }

This example tells the server that the client wants to receive asynchronous messages when the database is being synched (message 7) and when someone logs in (message 9).

Error codes

If the client requests a message that the server does not send, the server will reply with an error message saying which message number it does not support. The call will succeed anyway. This mechanism is useful for clients that want new versions of some messages, but need to be compatible with older servers.

At least one of the numbers in request-list is not the number of an async message the server knows about. The error-status indicates the first offending number.

Please note that a bug in lyskomd 1.9.0 prevented the server from sending this error message (frankly, we simply forgot about it.)

The request-list was too long. Servers should always accept a request-list that contains a lot more asynchronous messages than the server sends, so that it can deal with newer clients. This error message should only be returned if the client tries to trigger a buffer overrun.