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Server Information

        Info ::=
              ( version             :   INT32;
                conf-pres-conf      :   Conf-No;
                pers-pres-conf      :   Conf-No;
                motd-conf           :   Conf-No;
                kom-news-conf       :   Conf-No;
                motd-of-lyskom      :   Text-No;
                aux-item-list       :   ARRAY Aux-Item;

        Info-Old ::=
              ( version             :   INT32;
                conf-pres-conf      :   Conf-No;
                pers-pres-conf      :   Conf-No;
                motd-conf           :   Conf-No;
                kom-news-conf       :   Conf-No;
                motd-of-lyskom      :   Text-No;

        Version-Info ::=
              ( protocol-version    :   INT32;
                server-software     :   HOLLERITH;
                software-version    :   HOLLERITH;

        Static-Server-Info ::=
              ( boot-time           :   Time;
                save-time           :   Time;
                db-status           :   HOLLERITH;
                existing-texts      :   INT32;
                highest-text-no     :   Text-No;
                existing-confs      :   INT32;
                existing-persons    :   INT32;
                highest-conf-no     :   Conf-No;

These data types contain information about the LysKOM server. The fields of Info and Info-Old are:

The server version encoded as a number aabbcc where aa is the major version number, bb the minor number and cc the secondary minor version. For instance, 10607 is version 1.6.7 of the server. If greater than 10699 the get-version-info should be used instead.
The conference that contains conference presentations.
The conference that contains person presentations.
The conference that contains conference and person notices.
The conference that contains news about LysKOM.
The number of an article to display when LysKOM is entered or zero if there is none.
(Not present in Info-Old.) A list of aux-items that belong to the server.

The fields of Version-Info are:

The version of protocol A the server is using. This may be used to ascertain which calls are available.
Human-readable name of the server software.
Human-readable name of the server software version.

The Static-Server-Info contains information about the state of the server when it started. It contains the following fields:

When did the server start?
When the server starts, it examines the database to see when it was saved. That information is available here.
The status of the database that the server found on startup. The value is implementation-defined. lyskomd reports clean (if the previous invocation of the server was shut down cleanly) or backup (which means that some information may have been lost in the last restart). Clients should be prepared to find other values here.
Number of texts that existed on startup. (To find out how many texts exists right now, you can use the get-stats call with what set to texts.)
The highest text number that existed on startup. (To find the highest text number that exists right now, use the first-unused-text-no and find-previous-text-no calls.)
Number of conferences (including letterboxes) that existed on startup. (To find out how many conferences exists right now, you can use the get-stats call with what set to confs.)
Number of persons that existed on startup. (To find out how many persons exists right now, you can use the get-stats call with what set to persons.)
The highest conference number that existed on startup. (To find the highest conference number that exists right now, use the first-unused-conf-no and find-previous-conf-no calls.)