A sphere becomes a reflection in 1 step, no fuss, inside 3DS MAX
For a more detailed description see the examples/tutorial, which also shows examples of using non-chrome sphere samples too create a fully lit materials from nothing. ChromeMap Lite is FREE for individual use, and $20 per user (rendering node licences are free) for professional, commercial or for-profit use. To use ChromeMap Lite download ChromeMap.dlt (Max 4 & 5) or ChromeMap.dlt (Max 6) and save it to your 3DSMAXn/plugins directory. Thats all there is to it!!
NOTE that there is currently no codes or any activation, this is stricly on a honor basis - I expect those of you using this in commercial production to be honorable and pay the fee. Be nice, I have three small children to feed.... :-) Also, registered users who paid, will automatically receive ChromeMap Pro when it is available. It will contain such features as mapping from a 2nd camera, and a few other tricks.
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