- Revision 1.25 2004-08-31
Continuous bar numbering. Midi file.
- Revision 1.22 2001-07-07
Small internal change.
- Revision 1.21 2000-11-13
Changed bass figure (6->b) mov1, bar 8.
Different suggestion (unclear original) in mov1, bar9, violin 1.
Modernised bass figure in mov2, bar5
Suggested correction mov3, bar11.
Editorial accidentals in mov3, bar22, bc and viola.
- Revision 1.20 2000-04-22
Correction mov. 3, bar 21, vla1: f->e
Editorial accidentals in mov. 3, bar 6 and 14.
- Revision 1.19 2000-03-02
First official release.
The complete scores/parts are always built by the latest versions
of the sonatas above.