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The Work

The staged work Les fontaines de Versailles was performed at Versailles, April 5, 1683. It has the number S133 in the catalog of de Lalande's music, and the source used for this publication is a manuscript with the number F-537 from the Philidor collection now preserved in the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris.

This Edition

The music published here will probably never contain the complete work, just small excerpts. I have always tried to be as close to the original as possible. Editorial changes have been put above the staffs, or within parenthesis. Slashed figures in the continuo have been replaced with their flat/natural or sharp equivalents. All accidentals and clefs have been converted to modern standard. The original clefs for the chaconne was (bottom-up) Bass, Alto, Mezzo-soprano, Soprano and two parts with french violin clef.

The Files

Johan Tufvesson tuben@lysator.liu.se: Modified , accesses.