Nizze's PhotoAlbum: Forsmark pictures 2

Meddlesome Lingon in action
Slem and Nizze (under the pillow) in a hotelroom in Prauge
Martin finally succeeds to take a photo of Nizze in a hotelroom in Prauge
Lots of people singing on "Karlsbron"
More people singing on "Karlsbron" in Prauge
Roos taking a not to well tasting cup of coffe
Slem, Jesper, Roos, Shaggy and Lingon in an old bar in Prauge
Shaggy, Slem, Roos, Jesper and Lingon on a old statue
Jesper, Shaggy, Slem, Roos and Lingon with a Policeman
Slem, Shaggy, Roos, Jesper and Lingon are sleeping (they are tired after moving small cars on the streets of Prauge)




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