Got a question that isn't answered here?
Ask the elders (help elder) or mail me (mail adress on first page)

Most of these can also be found explained in the help files of burning, the "help"-command is your friend.
Q: Where is the X guild located?
Q: Where is the auction/reception/item storage located?
A: Please look at the map of Karandras

Q: Where can I buy a water container/food/etc?
A: All shops in Karandras is shown on this map together with a brief description
of what they are selling. I sugguest you take a look at the map.

Q: I'm lost, how do I get home?
A: You can "recall", this will take you home to Karandras (or whatever city you've chosen as hometown)
There are several ways to recall, one of them is to use the always available "recall" command. Altho
this has the drawback of draining movement. Some classes gets a spell called "word of recall" or
"teleport without error" that will do the same thing but it only costs a small portion of mana so it
might be the prefered method if you've got it available. There's also recall scrolls and potions, the
scrolls can be bought in Karandras while recall potions (I.e. Silver potions)
often can be bought in Player shops.

Q: What does Strength/Intelligence/Wisdom/Dexterity/Constitution do?
A: Here's a short description of each stat and what it affects:
Strength    : Will improve carrying capacity, dr and hr.
Intelligence: Increases mana and mana regeneration rate for magicans, warlocks and nightblades. 
              Decreases chance of Lost concentration?
Wisdom      : Increases mana and mana regeneration rate for priest, templars and animists.
Dexterity   : Increases moves. Improves backstab and murder/assasinate. Improves armor-class.
Constitution: Increases health. Improves health-regeneration.

Q: What does DR/HR/Thac0/AC do?
A: Here's a short description of each term:
AC   : Armor-class, improving makes it harder to land a hit on you. Negative value is good
DR   : Damage roll, the greater value the harder you will hit.
HR   : Hit roll, defeats ac, the greater value the bigger the chance of you landing the hit.
Thac0: Much like hitroll, but cannot be improved with eq, only by level. Negative value is good.

Q: What does saving throws do?
A: They decide if you will be "hit" by a spell or not, sort of like ac
against magic. The higher level you are, the lower your saving throws will
be, the lower the better. They are shown in the Following order in "stats":
Paralyzation : This is spells that paralyzes you, that stops you from moving.
Rod          : This is spells from staffs and wands.
Petrification: Spells that turns the player into stone.
Breath       : This is dragon-type of spells, fire, gas and acid breath.
Spell        : Attack or "Passive" spells.
When saving from a Spell (Attack or passive) the following will happen:
If it's a damage spell, then damage will be reduced.
If it's a passive spell (blind, charm, confusion, curse, feeblemind, poison, wither)
or a Paralyzation/Petrification spell, then you will resist it totaly.

Q: How do I know what an item does?
A: By identing it you will be shown the stats of the object.
If the item is in a shop, then just type "ident [oject|object #]". If its a item you found
on a mob/the ground, you can use identify scrolls (which can be bought in Karandras),
you can deposit it in the item-storage and use "ident" just like in a shop, or if you're a mage,
use the ident spell.
Q: What race should I pick if I'm a [some class]?
A: Please see Niobiums report on races. (Unavailable atm)

Q: Can you describe [some combo/class]?
A: Please take a look at Niobiums great report on this.

Q:What does [whatever] mean?
A: Here's a short list of common abbreviations/terms and their true meaing:
AC      : Armor-class.
AFK     : Away from keyboard.
AFK     : Away from window.
Buffer  : See Tank.
Cake    : Easy. Often used when talking about mobs being easy to kill, i.e. Cakemob.
Caster  : A spellcaster, a character that does damage(or heals) by casting spells.
Combo   : A class-combination, from level 30 to 50 (singleclassed) you can multiclass.
          Most of the time a "combo" is when you combine 2 diffrent classes, if you 
          pick the same class again, then you're a "pure combo", or just "pure".
Cop     : Circle of Protection, prevents mobs from wandering in.
Cos     : Circle of stones, boosts mana regen in the room.
CR      : Corpse Retrieval.
DD      : Dimension Door, a mage spell.
DR      : Damage roll (or Damroll).
Dropping: When entering the oasis of Milo'Rai you will be transported to level 1-10 
          in the well. This can often be dangerous since you never know what might be
          waiting for you in the room you come to.
DT      : Deathtrap, upon entering such a room you will lose some exp and end up
          in your hometown. You wont lose your eq.
DTFF    : Dont Tell, Find Follow. Find the group and follow, no need to ask first.
Eq      : Equipment.
Exp     : Experience, needed to level and to buy metas.
Hitter  : Opposite of Caster, a character that does damage thru hitting.
HP      : Health-points, if you go below 1 you die.
HR      : Hit roll (or Hitroll).
IMMO    : Immortal.
IRV     : Immunity Resistance Vulnerability. Modifies the damage done according to the damagetype.
          A mob that is: 
               Immune to fire will not take damage from a fire spell or a weapon with fire-damage.
               Resistant to ice will take less damage from an ice spell or a weapon with ice-damage.
               Vulnerable to water will take more damage from a water spell or a weapon with water-damage.
          All races has diffrent vulnerabilities.
Lag     : There's two diffrent types of lag, machine-lag and net-lag.
          Machine-lag is a slowdown of the game due to the server load.
          Net-lag is a slowdown of the network.
Load    : When a mob/item loads into game. If an area pops all mobs within it will be restored.
NC      : New Continent, real name is Continent Ashinara.
Nomag   : No magic, you can't cast any spells.
Major   : Major sphere of regeneration, boosts hp regen in the room.
Meta    : You can, at level 50/50 buy stats (up to your class/race max), this is called 
          metas and can be bought from the Meta-shop.
Mob     : Mobile, a non-player character.
OC      : Old Continent, real name is unknown at this point.
Pets    : Priests and Animists got spells to create mobs that follows them and obeys
          their every command. These are often called Pets.
PG      : Power Group, often scheduled a couple of days ahead, alot of people gather 
          in huge groups collecting eq from the biggest baddest mobs around.
Pop     : See Load.
Pure    : See Combo.
QP      : Quest points, can be used at Halvdan, a shopkeeper that wanders around the realm.
          See Halvdan explained below...
Rep     : Reputation, the higher reputation, the cheaper levels/metas, lower ferry cost, 
          and you get some discount in certain shops.
Round   : Another word for combatpulse, the period where your character hits the target.
Safe    : Or Safe area, no summons or dd's allowed to/from this room.
SFS     : South Foutain Square, one south from Recall Point, most people go here after recalling.
Stabber : A rogue or nightblade, these does most their damage thru landing special attacks, called
          stabs. These generally does alot of damage but can only be used every 2nd combatpulse.
Tank    : The person in the group who rescues other groupmembers and takes the damage.
Thac0   : To hit Armor-Class 0 (zero).
TNM     : To next meta, how much experience that is needed to buy the next meta.
TNL     : To next level, how much experience that is needed to the next level.

Q: What is the well?
A: A huge area, randomly generated on each boot. This is where you get soul crystals and gather
fragments of elemental essence. The well is divided into 20 levels, and each level is harder then
the one above. The elemental essence can be found on different depths, earth essance on level 1-20,
water 6-20, air 11-20 and fire on 16-20. Most mobs in the well has alot of cash and is worth killing
just for the exp. Altho this is not for everyone to try, you probably need to be level 51 or better
and have a top-notch set of eq. Safe to say, the well is an awesome zone.
Also, the entrance to the well doesn't have a fixed position but moves every 6th hour (to any room of
the mud, excluding DT's). The entrance looks like this:
A large Well adorns the ground here. You'd swear it's not normally here.

Q: What does a Compass do?
A: A compass always points towards the well entrace. Since the well is moved every 6th hour you will
probably need a compass to pinpoint its location. Just "look compass" to see in what direction the well-entrance
is located. There is more to say about the compasses, but I leave that to the reader to discover.
Q: Who is Gond?
A: A mob found in the well. He spawns on level 6 but might walk down to lower levels. He's the one
who can transform you to a K'ta'viir or let you trade full soul crystalls for an increasement of a stat.
Q: What does a soul crystal do?
A: A soul crystal allows you to collect fragments of elemental essence, but for it to work you need
to fuse it to your soul. This is done by giving the crystal to Gond, he will then fuse you.

Q: What is K'ta'viir?
A: When having collected a whole Soul Crystal full of essance you can go to Gond and "transform" into
this special and superior race. (help ktv)

Q: What is this orb I cannot pick up?
Q: How come other players can be surrounded by auras?
A: An orb is just an uninvoked aura, and auras is only usuable by KTV's, thus you cannot even pick up
one of these orbs from the ground. Auras can only be invoked by KTV's and is unremovable, every
aura has its own specialty, so I wont explain them all here. Most orbs is found in the well, but some
"simpler" ones can be bought in Milo'Rai.

Q: What is Milo'Rai?
A: A town that only KTV persons can enter. This is done by finding a guide that wanders around
in the desert, if you ask him "home" then he will transport you to Milo'Rai. In there you can
find some special shops, some sells auras, some sells special ktv-only eq.
There's also a fountain filled with well-water.

Q: Is there diffrent kinds of quests?
A: Yes. There are two kinds of quests:
1: The autoquests, those can be joined at a QM. Note, each QM has his/her own
   unique collection of quests, so finding the right QM is essential. QM's can be found
   a litte here and there, and its up to you to locate them.
   Common rewards in autoquests is reputation, gold and/or exp.

2: God quests, these are manually held by the gods and the reward here (most of the time) is QP.
   Somewhat unusual and uncommon, since most gods tend to be too busy to lead quests. Too bad. :(

Q: Who's this Halvdan?
A: He's a shopkeeper that wanders around the realm, selling special quest-eq and also a special
race called "Divine".
Q: What is a playershop?
A: A shop owned and run by a player, the owner puts items in for sale at whatever cost he/she wants.