Old news |
January 16th: More screenshots of GS-Panel 2.0.
Sorry for not updating for a while, but I've been busy with GS-Panel and school.
GS-Panel 2.0
has made great progess since last time. Everything is done except saving, loading and
exporting of MIDI settings, master tuning, partial reserve and advanced reverb and chorus settings.
And of course a lot of debugging... ;-) I hope I will be able to release it some time in February.
There are some more GS-Panel 2.0 screenshots on the screenshots page. They show some of the different modes of GS-Panel.
December 18th: Version 2.0 about 80% completed.
Almost all the main features of GS-Panel version 2.0 are now working. The new MultiMidi overlay
driver for NT 4.0 is 100% done, but the Windows 95 version still needs some work. With the new
MIDI driver GS-Panel can process outgoing MIDI messages in realtime. So if a song changes the
master reverb, channel volume or whatever, GS-Panel reflects these changes immediatly. And it shows
when each MIDI channel is playing. These are really unique features!
Expect a release in late January or early February. A lot of people have asked me to
notify them when it's ready for release. If you want to know too, send me a mail with "Notify me about
GS-Panel 2.0" as subject. Click here to send the mail.
December 3rd: First screenshot of GS-Panel 2.0.
I have added a screenshot from an early alpha of GS-Panel 2.0 to the bottom of the screenshots page. There are also some really nice christmas songs on the MIDI page.
November 14th: GS-Panel 2.0.
I'm working on GS-Panel version 2.0. I have made some progress, but there is a lot more to do. The
new version will add master chorus setting and individual reverb, chorus, volume and pan settings
for each of the 16 MIDI channels. Screenshots and more information later.
November 1st: 9000 hits passed!
There has now been more than 9000 visitors to this page. Cool! I estimated there would be a couple of
hundred hits at most when I released GS-Panel. What can I say? I was wrong... ;-)
October 28th: Incompatibility problems with the supplied driver.
A few people have reported incompatibility problems with the supplied MultiMidi driver. I can not solve
this problem right now, but two completely new drivers are in developement. One for Windows 95 and
one for Windows NT 4.0. These will be overlay drivers that stays on top of your old driver. Therefore
they should work fine regardless of your computer setup. The drivers will be posted here as soon as I have
finished them.
October 25th: New web pages.
The web pages for GS-Panel have been totally rewritten. I hope you will find these more attractive. The pages will be updated frequently now.