C/C++ CGI-scripts
These are the some of the scripts I've written. They aren't much for the world, I just thought I'd might have some use for them...

Name/Link 1x1 black Description 1x1 black Source Code
Finger 1x1 black You can finger a user (email address) to see if mail is unread, his/hers plan and a few other things.
You can also finger a UNIX-machine/server to see who's currently logged in.
1x1 black finger.c
1x1 black
Ping 1x1 black Ping an IP-address or a IP number to see if the machine is online (reachable). 1x1 black ping.c
If you intend to use the code, don't forget to download the HTML-files so you know how to call the compiled cgi's. As usual(?), this code is free for all non-commerical usage...

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