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map-created-texts [104] (10) Recommended

    map-created-texts [104] (( author               : Pers-No;
                               first-local-no       : Local-Text-No;
                               no-of-existing-texts : INT32 ))
            -> ( Text-Mapping );

Return text numbers for existing texts that author has written.

Just as each conference has a mapping from local text numbers to global text numbers, each person has a mapping from the N:th text written by him to the global text number. This function can be used to retrieve part of that mapping.

More information and examples may be found in local-to-global.

Error codes

Login required before issuing this call.
no-of-existing-texts was larger than 255.
author was set to 0.
first-local-no was set to 0.
The conference does not exist, or the client is not allowed to know that it exists.
first-local-no is greater than the highest local text number that ever existed in the conference.
The conference exists, but the client is not allowed to retrieve information about the texts in the conference.