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local-to-global [103] (10) Recommended

        local-to-global [103] (( conf-no              : Conf-No;
                                 first-local-no       : Local-Text-No;
                                 no-of-existing-texts : INT32 ))
                -> ( Text-Mapping );

This call retrieves information that makes it possible to convert no-of-existing-texts existing local text numbers starting at first-local-no to global text numbers, provided that there are that many local texts.

The conf-no parameter specifies which conference to look up local numbers in. first-local-no is the first number that the client is interested in. no-of-existing-texts is the maximum number of texts the client wants information about. Legal values for no-of-existing-texts are 1-255 (inclusive).

The server will return a sparse or dense Text-Mapping depending on the how many deleted texts there are after first-local-no.


        1 103 93 1 5
        =1 1 7 1 1 1 6 { 1003 1005 1009 1029 0 1034 }
        2 103 93 1 6
        =2 1 63 1 0 6 {
            1 1003
            2 1005
            3 1009
            4 1029
            6 1034
            62 1302 }
        3 103 93 50 10
        =3 50 70 0 0 2 {
            62 1302
            69 1006 }

The above example shows three calls to local-to-global. (Extra newlines have been inserted in the result of the two final calls to make the result more readable.)

The first call requests information about the first five existing texts in conference 93. The result contains information about texts in the range 1-7 (including the lower limit, but not the upper), and there are more texts. The server uses the dense form of the Text-Mapping. As can be seen from the result, they have local text numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. The global text number corresponding to local text number 5 is sent as 0, indicating that it doesn't exist.

In the second call, the client requests the same information, but one additional text. The result looks dramatically different, since the next existing text in this example has local text number 62. The result contains information about texts in the range 1-63 (including the lower limit, and excluding the upper), and there are more texts. The server of course uses the sparse form of the Text-Mapping.

The final call shows what happens when first-local-no doesn't exist. The result contains information about texts in the range 50-70 (including the lower limit and excluding the upper); only local text number 62 and 69 actually exists in that range. 69 is the highest local text number.

(Note that local text number 69 corresponds to global text number 1006, which is lower than 1302. Situations like this often occurs when add-recipient is used.)

Error codes

Login required before issuing this call.
no-of-existing-texts was larger than 255.
conf-no was set to 0.
first-local-no was set to 0.
The conference does not exist, or the client is not allowed to know that it exists.
The conference exists, but the client is not allowed to retrieve information about the texts in the conference.
first-local-no is greater than the highest local text number that ever existed in the conference.