The Making of the Real-life Quest

The first planning

For the Mud conference I though it would be fun to have two quests, one RL and one computerized. Fortunatly the live roleplayers Karin Rappe and Henrikt XXXXX volunteered to do the RL quest so we computer nerds could concentrate on the computerized quest. My idea was to make the quest in a 3d world system, with time and everything. To make it easier the world would be diveded into 5m*5m*5m cubes. Since the world should not be displayed graphically, but in text I didn't think that the players would notice these rather large "coordinates". The quest would take place in a city, and we desided to make it of 100*100*10 cubes. To make it impossible to escape the city it was located on an iland. To make the quest more interesting we were going to have GMs (game masters) playing all NPCs (non player characters). Thus we didn't have to worry about making intelligent NPCs. And after the conference attendants had played the quest we were planning on letting them play GMs for players across the Internet.

The (first) plot

When the quest first