5421877 2000-08-31  22:21  /107 rader/ Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <12481>
Ärende: [TL-Security-Announce] netscape TLSA2000020-1


                        TurboLinux Security Announcement

        Package: netscape-communicator 4.74 and earlier
        Date: Thursday August 31 11:45 PDT 2000

        Affected TurboLinux versions: 6.0.5 and earlier
        TurboLinux Advisory ID#:  TLSA2000020-1


A security hole was discovered in the package mentioned above.
Please update the package in your installation as soon as possible.

1. Problem Summary

   There is a serious problem in netscape's java libraries that allows
   an applet to act as a web server on the client machine, exposing
   all files on the machine to the world.

   The exploit of this vulnerability is widely published under the
   name "Brown Orifice".

   This update also contains fixes a buffer overrun condition while
   processing JPEG files.  This bug could also be exploited by 
   malicious web servers to obtain access to the client machine.

2. Impact

   It is possible for the browser to act as a web server for the
   client's entire machine and can also allow access into the client
   machine via a buffer overrun condition.

3. Solution

  Update the package from our ftp server by running the following
  command for then package:

  rpm -Uvh --nodeps --Force ftp_path_to_filename

  Where ftp_path_to_filename is the following:


  The source RPM can be downloaded here:


  **Note: You must rebuild and install the RPM if you choose to
  download and install the SRPM.  Simply installing the SRPM alone

 Please verify the MD5 checksum of the update before you install:

  MD5 sum                               Package Name
c99bfe042efb64bac1e9838d57ef7bd5  netscape-communicator-4.75-1.i386

These packages are GPG signed by Turbolinux for security. Our key
is available here:


To verify a package, use the following command:

 rpm --checksig name_of_rpm

To examine only the md5sum, use the following command:

 rpm --checksig --nogpg name_of_rpm 

**Note: Checking GPG keys requires RPM 3.0 or higher.

You can find more updates on our ftp server:

   ftp://ftp.turbolinux.com/pub/updates/6.0/security/ for TL6.0
   Workstation and Server security updates
   ftp://ftp.turbolinux.com/pub/updates/4.0/security/ for TL4.0
   Workstation and Server security updates

Our webpage for security announcements:


If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact:


Subscribe to the TurboLinux Security Mailing lists:

  TL-security - A moderated list for discussing security issues in
  TurboLinux products.  Subscribe at

  TL-security-announce - An announce-only mailing list for security
  updates and alerts.  Subscribe at
(5421877) ------------------------------------------(Ombruten)
Kommentar i text 5421878 av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python

5421878 2000-08-31  22:21  /10 rader/ Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <12482>
Kommentar till text 5421877 av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Ärende: Bilaga till: [TL-Security-Announce] netscape TLSA2000020-1
Version: GnuPG v1.0.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

(5421878) ------------------------------------------