The Charlatans Digest Vol.2 Issue #16 [Q] [The Charlatans]


Vol.2 Issue #16

July 28th, 1996

There are 61 messages totalling 1317 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. The internat'l Charlies! (4)
  2. Charlies innit? (3)
  3. Would you like an egg?
  4. sort it mate! (4)
  5. The Third World
  6. Charlatans (3)
  7. quickie (2)
  8. revised quickie, oops (2)
  9. rob (5)
 10. up for discussion (3)
 11. ken?
 12. Tim in Sweden!
 13. rob Collins:  the details so far. (6)
 14. Cheers Rob.
 15. Good Bye Rob (3)
 16. Feeling holy (4)
 17. what tim said (5)
 18. PS: Today - No blur, but pls forgive me.
 19. In Memorium (2)
 20. Opinions Please (3)
 21. the article (2)
 22. today's activities
 23. Rob Collins (3)


Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 15:09:58 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: The internat'l Charlies!

Woof! This is getting  a little bit out of control...

No pienso hablar Espanol en este lista en el futuro porque no tengo un
diccionario de Espanol y Ingles.  No se Espanol muy bien, y no quiero aparecer
I didn't realize that there was someone from Spain on this list.  How 
stupid I must have sounded...

Oh well.  Back to the Charlies, once again my blind ignorance asks a 
question:  Did they/are they touring the good old US of A?
	Thank you, 


Date: Wed, 17 Jul 96 14:58:48 PDT
Subject: RE: Re[2]: Charlies innit?

Ain't gota problem with you, just yer ken. Honma ni nihongo o gambaro to
shiyorun yattara yurushite yaru. ware wa nihongo wo tsukau to nihongo wo
omoikiri namettoru mitai jaken nanya koitu wa to omottota. Aho yatta
yurushite kureya. Jishin wo motte gambatte na.


Date: Wed, 17 Jul 96 16:40:03 PDT
Subject: Re: Charlies innit?

I guess I got taken on the bluetones deal. I bought the import for $25!
I think its pretty good. 
Does anyone know when the new Stone Roses video comes out? I heard it was out
already, but I can't find it anywhere. Speaking of videos, what have
the Charlatans done on video? I have the Some Friendly video, but have
they doneanything since?


Date: Wed, 17 Jul 96 16:55:09 PDT
Subject: Re: Would you like an egg?

Nani yutton nen!? Ware wa nanbo no mono ja kora! Nihongo o nameru na
Kenka wo urun yattara Ore wa kau de! 
Just kidding, I didn't realize how many people out there could speak 
Kando shite shimatta. Hiroko igai ni omaera minna wa Wai ni makeru de!
Wai wa jishin wo mottoru ke! Tada romaji wo naka naka kakehen.


Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 11:23:00 -0500
From: "Travis Saunders-R3278C" 
Subject: Re[2]: The internat'l Charlies!

Message authorized by:

It doesn't matter how stupid yer sound mate (I can't even speak spanish).  Yer 
tryin an tha's the important thing, ken?  Does anyone on the list ken of any 
boot cd's from the last tour?  Anyone go to t in the park?  How were the 
Charlies?  God give us the Charlies an soon!  This is worse than wantin a
fag an not havin enough money to buy any, an no one'll give yer one, ken?

mess up my mind


Date: Thu, 18 Jul 96 09:45:45 PDT
Subject: RE: Re[2]: The internat'l Charlies!

lose the ken, ken. eraso ni nihongo wo tsukau na boke.


Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 18:44:43 -0400
Subject: Reply to: Re: Charlies innit?

i have the weirdo promo video.........w/ weirdo and i dont wanna see the it in a sale bin in dallas just after 10 and 11


Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 11:40:00 -0500
From: "Travis Saunders-R3278C" 
Subject: sort it mate!

Message authorized by: at #EMAIL

Listen mate.  I'm not going to do something cos some fuckin cunt tells us to do 
it, KEN?  If yer don't like it then fuckin erase me mails!  Tis not difficult, 
ken? Sort it ya cunt.

MAke it snappy


Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 07:43:10 +0000
From: Cassandra Frankos 
Subject: Re: Re[2]: The internat'l Charlies!

At least EVERYONE can understand the "ken" postings.


Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 00:25:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: sort it mate!

Okay gentlemen, I want a clean fight: no rabbit punches, no kidney
punches, no puches below the belt. When you hear the bell, come out with your
hands up...

There are more fights on this list than information!

Can't we get some sort of mutual respect thing going...(or at least
tolerance?) a mere suggestion (and please don't tell me where I can shove my
suggestion, as I am not very flexible and would have trouble reaching said

May the best man win,


Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 17:01:45 +1200
Subject: Re: The Third World

The new guitarist being recuted for the roses is the former gutairist 
from the verve. Will.


Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 08:03:00 +0200
Subject: Charlatans

>I'm with you guys...the Charlatans are one thing, and the Roses
>are something else.  I love both bands.

Hello, My name is Robert and I'm a new subscriber on this list,
seems to be an interesting one.
   I do agree with you that the bands are two different things.
While the Roses spent six years making an album that's OK, The
Charlatans has come out on top of every difficulty they have had
and made great albums. I just wonder, am I the only one to think
that Your skies are mine by the Charlatans is VERY similar to
Your star will shine by the Stone roses?
   Sorry if I keep this discussion alive, seems like most of you
don't want it.

Robert (


Date: Fri, 19 Jul 96 07:22:32 PDT
Subject: RE: Charlatans

Hey I think its a great discussion, man. The Stone Roses and Charlatans have
so much in common. I mean the whole reason the Charlatans recruited Tim from
the Electric Crayons is 'cos they wanted a singer like Ian Brown.

I'm a leaf on the vine of time,


Date: Fri, 19 Jul 96 07:37:02 PDT
Subject: RE: sort it mate!

Hey ken,
You live in Tokyo right ken? I lived in ken Japan ken for a ken long ken
time ken. I ken had some run ins with these guys and ken eventually became
friends with 'em ken. They're called the Yamaguchi Gumi. You ever heard of it
ken?  "'cos I don't take no shit from anyone" especially no loser english 
teacher living in Japan 'cos he can't get nothing at home.
Ware to attara buchi dotsuitaru. Ore o nameru na to itteru noni. Ware wa
sude ni o shimai ja kora. Dare ga manko nanya? Kasu wa shinjimae!


Date: 	Sun, 21 Jul 1996 22:06:20 -0400
From: Anne Wong 
Subject: quickie

hey everybody

just wondering,
is there anything in Kent near the Dover passing?
I'm going to be passing by soon and I would like to know if I could buy
charlatans stuff or any other music in that particular area.
or is it countryside and mainly a tourist stopover?
Am I going to be ripped off?


stay tuned to the olympics...


Date: Sun, 21 Jul 1996 14:24:27 -0400
Subject: Reply to: quickie

has anybodt checked out the NME web is pretty is at it is free


Date: 	Mon, 22 Jul 1996 03:12:11 -0400
From: Anne Wong 
Subject: revised quickie, oops

i read the wrong brochure...

are there any music stores in london right near the famous wax museum?
madame tro.....
in walking distance?

thanks again


Date: Mon, 22 Jul 96 12:19:30 JST
From: r_smith@Koyosha.CO.JP (hiroko takeda)
Subject: RE: Charlatans

At  7:22 AM 96.7.19 -0700, CHRIS WALTON, SHIFT 7 DIFFUSION, PG:932-3802 wrote:

>I mean the whole reason the Charlatans recruited Tim from
>the Electric Crayons is 'cos they wanted a singer like Ian Brown.

Tim does NOT like Ian

---- hiro -----


Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 08:04:53 GMT
From: Graham Cawsey 
Subject: Re: revised quickie, oops

>i read the wrong brochure...
>are there any music stores in london right near the famous wax museum?
>madame tro.....
>in walking distance?
>thanks again

There is a HMV and Tower records about 5 2 minutes walk away in either

If you go up Carnaby Street. turn left at McDonalds, go through Rupert
Street, under the walkway, pas the sex bars, you will be in Berwick Street.
This street is a fruit market.

In Berwick Street, there is Sister Ray, Reckless Records, Rockin' Sarah,
Mister CD etc.

This is where I buy the majority of my records.

I hope I helped.



Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 10:09:00 -0500
From: "Travis Saunders-R3278C" 
Subject: Re[2]: sort it mate!

Message authorized by: at #EMAIL

Did I say I wos a fuckin english teacher, yer cunt?  Fuckin give us yer email 
address an we'll take this to private mail, ken?  No fuckin point in fuckin 
havin a get go an fillin up everyone elses mail yer cunt!  An about the 
yamaguchi gumi I could give fuck all some fuckin cunts like tha, ken?  An did I 
say I could no get any at home?  No, thanks fer assuming with nothing to
back it up on, ken?  It only makes yer look more like some fuckin skaggy
cunt, ken?  

P.S. I luv you :)


Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 16:06:07 +0100 (BST)
From: loz the great 
Subject: rob

we'll miss ya mate


Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 16:47:00 -0700
From: (Ryan Butt)
Subject: Re: rob

> we'll miss ya mate

They were without him before, now they're without him forever. This is a
truly sad day.

Thanks for the music Rob.



Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 12:38:29 -0400
From: (deborah evans)
Subject: RE: up for discussion

Okay rather than this stupid conversation and insults back and forth we've
been having how about someone confirming this for me?  Did one of the
Charlatans die in a car crash? and was it Rob Collins?  that is what i've
been hearing this morning but I've yet to hear it confirmed.  If it is true
i'll be so sad, not only was he my favourite member but I went to
comprehensive school with his girlfriend years ago and I'd feel really bad
for Rachell too.  


Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 13:43:49 -0500
From: "Shane and Kari Winn" 
Subject: Re: rob

Someone please fill me in on the details of Rob Collins...I havn't heard

If it is as bad as I think, this is a very sad day.

Keep on keepin' on,


Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 20:02:21 GMT
From: *suedette* 
Subject: RE: up for discussion

Yes, i'm afraid Rob Collins died in a car crash last night.  One of my
friends from England mailed me this morning with the news.  I don't know any
of the details.
This is a sad day indeed. fuck.



Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 15:37:06 -0500 
Subject: ken?

> Ain't gota problem with you, just yer ken. Honma ni nihongo o gambaro to

Am I the only person on the list that is wondering what the fuck this
"ken" thing is, or are there others?

Amanda D.


Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 16:37:13 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: rob

I'll have to agree:
	If you fuckers would stop fighting for 30 seconds you would realize
that Rob Collins of the Charlatans did, in fact, die in a car crash this
morning.  It's pretty sad that this was all over the Blur list before any
of us even knew.  If anyone hears what the rest of the band is planning to
do, I'm sure the rest of us would like to know as soon as possible.
	Ella Fitzgerald, Rob Collins...   Jesus Christ!  Who's next???

"I just wanna say Thank You for being you..."


Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 23:39:42 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Tim in Sweden!

Hurray! Our own _Tim Burgess_ will attend the Lollipop Festival this
weekend in Stockholm (Sweden)! (he will be DJ'ing on saturday night
as a part of the Heavenly Lollipop Social event).

Interestingly enough, both S:t Etienne and the Chemical Brothers are
playing there as well, so hopefully, Tim will not just mingle with
the crowd...

Keeping my fingers crossed!

 //Erik (


Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 18:29:58 -0400
From: (deborah evans)
Subject: Re: rob Collins:  the details so far.

>Someone please fill me in on the details of Rob Collins...I havn't heard

Okay after hours of trying to find out what went on I gave in and contacted
a friend in Wales that might give me some insight.  My friend lives in
Monmouth (Gwent) which is where the band were recording the new album
(Rockfield Studios).  So, apparently the news reports are that Rob Collins
and and unidentified, other person were in a car accident late last night
early this morning.  Rob was driving and killed on the way to hospital and
the passenger was fine.  According to the news reports, Beggar's Banquet
have also stopped plans to release a single this month.  But, what will
happen with the new album is anyone's guess since they hadn't finished
mixing etc.  

Nothing else has been reported, ie:  how the accident happened and who the
other person is.  I have another source of information that I can track down
information (a friend of rob collins) but I've tried and tried today and am
unable to contact him - for obvious reasons of course.



Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 19:20:07 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: rob

I thought that the crash was Tuesday morning...
Your source was probably more reliable...


Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 19:07:14 -0400
Subject: Reply to: RE: up for discussion



Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 9:58:00 -0500
From: "Travis Saunders-R3278C" 
Subject: Cheers Rob.

Loved ya Rob. Cheers.

I once was lost, but now I'm found


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 00:06:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Reichert 
Subject: Good Bye Rob

This is definitely a very sad day. What really irks me is that when Kurt
Cobain killed himself (as thoguh I gave a damn about that), it was all over
the news here in Canada, but I had to find out about Rob Collins on this
list. For shame.

Since they`re in the mixng stage, do youse think that they`ll release the
final album? I hope so, they should, at least in tribute to the finest
musician to ever lay hand on the old Hammond.

As for a break up? I sure hope not. Even if they don`t replace Rob and
remain a quartet.

Well, I`m going to go a listen to every bit of Charlies that I own now, with
a twixer of C.C. for company.

So long Rob, and thanks.


In memory of Rob Collins, R.I.P.
=E0 la m=E9moire de Rob Collins, R.E.P.


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 01:26:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Good Bye Rob

Jesus H. Christ, Dave, you read my mind!  Your message was almost identical to
mine and arrived just as I sent mine!


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 01:23:37 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: rob Collins:  the details so far.

I'm sorry that I've posted about one million times today but this whole 
situation is hitting me a lot harder than I ever thought it would.
	Deborah(?) said something about the recording of a new album that
was in the mixing stages. Does ANYONE know how to get in contact with Beggar's 
Banquet about the fate of this material?
	It's kind of funny, Kurt Cobain, the alleged spokesperson of our 
generation, died and I couldn't give a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut(I'm
to drink) and I can't help but get a bit sentimental about this whole
incident..    I remember the first time I heard the Chaarlatans about
six years ago:
I was about 15...anyway, I'll shut the hell up now...
	There's no way in hell they could replace him; he is what seperated the
Charlies from the rest of the Manchester bands that were big at the time...
	oh well, fuck it all, at least we still have 4 great albums to fall
back on...

	" said to me today, you're safe but you're so far away..."


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 00:59:42 -0500
From: (shane brown)
Subject: Re: rob Collins:  the details so far.

>	Deborah(?) said something about the recording of a new album that
>was in the mixing stages. Does ANYONE know how to get in contact with Beggar's 
>Banquet about the fate of this material?

Beggar's has a web site that's in the developmental stages right now.  I
don't remember the address, but it's something easy like ""
or "" or something.  The site is little more than one page
long, but it DOES have a link to Beggar's Banquet e-mail addresses.  I sent
a letter out, hoping to get full word on the status of Rob, the band, and
the album.  Thus far, no response.

This entire fiasco has left me aghast.  I CANNOT BELIEVE that not ONE SINGLE
WEB SITE has ANY info on this at all.  Not even NME Online mentions it, let
alone ATN Music News of the World or anything.  I spent 3 hours surfing for
answers tonight.  I came up with nothing.  Rob deserves so so so much more
than that.

Perhaps we could jointly create some sort of memorial letter/donation for
the services or something.  I have no idea how to contact ANYONE about any
of this, though.  

Rob once took time out before a soundcheck in Chicago to stop and sign an
autograph and chat a bit with me and my mates.  I'd like to pay him back for
that gesture, any way I can.    


P.S. perhaps this is all part of a "Rob is Dead" scenario, and we can go
back and listen to backwards messages on "Indian Rope" and somehow make
sense of the whole thing...  if it were only that easy...


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 16:03:00 -0500
From: "Travis Saunders-R3278C" 
Subject: Feeling holy

> Does ANYONE know how to get in contact with Beggar's Banquet

I've posted to Beggars in America and in Britian, ken?  Wondering about the 
details and sending me condolences.  I'll let everyone ken when and if I get a 

> It's kind of funny, Kurt Cobain, the alleged spokesperson of our
> generation, died 

To quote someone else on this:  "Cobain was a sorry cunt who could not handle 

Rob, on the other hand, had no say in this, ken?  I feel his loss, as do we
all, les just hope he's happy wherever he is now.

> (I'm to drink)

I wish I could get cunted, but I'm at work now and the day is just dragging on 
by, ken?

> and I can't help but get a bit sentimental about this whole incident..
>   I remember the first time I heard the Chaarlatans about six years ago:
> I was about 15...anyway, 

As do a lot of us .......was it that long ago?  Seems like yesterday.  My, time 

If yer happen to die......
I once was lost but now I'm found
Thank you jes wanted to say thank you oooh ooooh

Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 02:16:49 -0500
From: (shane brown)
Subject: Re: Feeling holy

>I've posted to Beggars in America and in Britian, ken?  Wondering about the 
>details and sending me condolences.  I'll let everyone ken when and if I get a 

I just now posted to both Beggar's as well, just prior to reading this
message.  I said I was writing on behalf of this list, and stressed our
collective concern and prayers.  If I get a reply, I will also naturally
forward it to the entire list.  Hopefully, when they get inundated with
letters this morning, they will take action and release some kind of
statement to one of us who has written.
Let's just hope they check their e-mail more than once per decade...



Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 09:27:15 +0200 (MET DST)
From: (Ander Velasco)
Subject: Re: Good Bye Rob

This is one of the things you wish never to hear. Please forgive me if I
write the following in Spanish, but it is the only way I can express exactly
what I feel.

Es curioso, nunca pense que me pudiese afectar tanto la muerte de un musico.
Pero asi es, y mas aun en el caso de alguien que a lo largo de su corta vida
todo lo que nos ha ofrecido a los que le queremos ha sido alegria, amor y un
estremecedor sonido con el Hammond. Me siento como si me hubiesen quitado
algo interior, especial, y que llevaba conmigo desde que un grupo de locos
ingleses empezaron a acompa=F1arme a finales de los 80.

Rob, NADIE hara gritar a un Hammond como tu lo conseguiste. Haz que te oigan
ahi arriba y dedicales la mejor de tus canciones.


Rob is dead. Long live The Charlatans.

>In memory of Rob Collins, R.I.P.
>=E0 la m=E9moire de Rob Collins, R.E.P.
A la memoria de Rob Collins, Q.D.E.P.

Ander. I don't wanna see the sights.


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 09:36:46 +0100
Subject: what tim said

Living in egland as i do I'm probably in the best position to give you news.
Tim said last night that the band would not break up and the best thing that
fans could do at the moment is buy their records. I've kinda got a jinx on
bands or something - my favourite band were Nirvana for a while until kurt
topped himself. Then it was the Stone Roses until john left and now its this. 

I'm also probably the youngest on this list at 16 and the first song I ever
heard was can't get out of bed. I was hooked from that moment. I've seen
them live 3 times and they seem to get better all the time. You seem to
think that they will break up - I doubt that - they've been with out him
before when he was in Jail and some of their finest songs came out of that
ie. Tremelo Song and weirdo.

              "  Everybody knows the pain "

                                Robert H


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 96 17:43:21 JST
From: r_smith@Koyosha.CO.JP (hiroko takeda)
Subject: Re: rob Collins:  the details so far.

At  1:23 AM 96.7.24 -0400, DANIEL MCNELIS wrote:

>    There's no way in hell they could replace him; he is what seperated the
>Charlies from the rest of the Manchester bands that were big at the time...

that's right. I think so too. still can't believe Rob dead.
a bad midsummer nightmare.

---- hiro -----


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 11:25:23 +0200 (MET DST)
From: (Ander Velasco)
Subject: Re: rob Collins:  the details so far.

>Perhaps we could jointly create some sort of memorial letter/donation for
>the services or something.  I have no idea how to contact ANYONE about any
>of this, though.  

It would be nice if any member of this list who's got Beggars Banquet e-mail
address could make a big condolence e-mail putting all our messages together
and send it to them. They will know how to make it get to the Charlies.

>Rob once took time out before a soundcheck in Chicago to stop and sign an
>autograph and chat a bit with me and my mates.  I'd like to pay him back for
>that gesture, any way I can.    

He also offered the best years of his fucking short life to make us all
dream with the great distinctive sound from his soul.



Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 20:06:17 +0000
From: Miyuki Kuronuma 
Subject: RE:  PS:  Today - No blur, but pls forgive me.

First of all, please allow my selfishness to post this mail both on to blur
& the Charlatans lists.  For those of you who don't know me, I'm from Japan
and frequently posting to the blur list.  However, I have also been a
subscriber of The Charlatans list as well.


I've just known that saddest news.  Although I love blur quite a bit, The 
Charlatans have always been another important band for me.

I just knew Rob Collins, The Charlatans' organist, died.  I have that
experience several times.  I do love the Beatles, I love Echo & The Bunnymen,
and I love The Charlies.

To blur:  If any member of blur is reading this mail, please think about the
          fact that happily or sadly, none of you have been, and will not be,
          allowed to die young.  You are given a long time to live, suffer,
          and consider. Please do your best at your new album.

To the Charlatans:  Please moan as much as you like, if you feel like so.
                    And please think as much as you can.  You can continue as
                    the Charlatans, or you can break up.  Please follow your
                    own decision.  I think no one will blame you.  
                    And Tim, thank you for saying that the Charlatans will not 
                    break up, and telling us to buy the records.  I think you
                    did that line of "Happen to Die" yourself.  I like you.

I hope this selfish act of mine will be allowed only today.

Lastly, please allow me another few words.

Rob, thank you for every good thing you gave.  Sleep well.  And please wake up 
pleasantly after a while and make our children smile.



Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 08:26:22 -0500
From: "Shane and Kari Winn" 
Subject: In Memorium

I know we're all mourning the loss of Rob Collins...and it's helping me to
cope by reading what all of you have to say about it.  Please allow me to
throw my two cents in.....

I have been hit much harder by this than I thought I would have.  I feel as
though I'm in a state of shock; that this is all some sort of bad dream. 
Rob was one of the finest musicians I've ever heard or watched live, and he
also gave the Charlatans the sound I fell in love with years ago.  He
played from the deepest part of his soul, something which many musicians
lack.  He was truly a fine man, and he will be missed.
> He also offered the best years of his fucking short life to make us all
> dream with the great distinctive sound from his soul.
> Ander.

I really couldn't have said it better myself.  This whole situation reminds
me of a line from John Lennon's "Instant Karma":

We all shine on,
Like the Moon and the stars and the Sun....

Thank you for the music, Rob.

Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 09:45:58 EST5EDT
From: "jim lowe"  
Subject: Re: rob Collins:  the details so far.

> This entire fiasco has left me aghast.  I CANNOT BELIEVE that not ONE SINGLE
> WEB SITE has ANY info on this at all.  Not even NME Online mentions it, let
> alone ATN Music News of the World or anything.  I spent 3 hours surfing for
> answers tonight.  I came up with nothing.  Rob deserves so so so much more
> than that.

There is a short article on the Jam Music page.

Go to and follow the links to music.

jim lowe -

In memory of Rob Collins, 1964-1996, Rest in Peace


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 09:47:27 EST5EDT
From: "jim lowe"  
Subject: Re: Feeling holy

>>I've posted to Beggars in America and in Britian, ken?  Wondering about the 
>>details and sending me condolences.  I'll let everyone ken when and if I get a 
> I just now posted to both Beggar's as well, just prior to reading this
> message.  I said I was writing on behalf of this list, and stressed our

The Charlatans are actually on Atlantic Records in the United States, 
so writing to the American Beggar's probably won't get you very far.

jim lowe -

In memory of Rob Collins, 1964-1996, Rest in Peace


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 11:30:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Reichert 
Subject: Re: what tim said

> - they've been with out him
>before when he was in Jail and some of their finest songs came out of that
>ie. Tremelo Song and weirdo.

Actually, Rob was in jail when they recorded Up to our Hips, not Between
10th and 11th.

Yer point however, remains true.


In memory of Rob Collins, R.I.P.
a la memoire de Rob Collins, R.E.P.


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 11:48:01 EST5EDT
From: "jim lowe"  
Subject: Re: what tim said

> > - they've been with out him
> >before when he was in Jail and some of their finest songs came out of that
> >ie. Tremelo Song and weirdo.
> >
> Actually, Rob was in jail when they recorded Up to our Hips, not Between
> 10th and 11th.

Sorry to be a jerk...but Rob wasn't in jail for either of these albums.

"Up To Our Hips" was recorded (quickly) between Rob's sentencing 
and his actual jail term.

The album was in the can by the time he actually went to jail.

jim lowe -

In memory of Rob Collins, 1964-1996, Rest in Peace


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 13:27:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Reichert 
Subject: Opinions Please

Up until now, my band has never covered a Charlies tune due to a lack of a
keyboard player.

However, in light of Rob Collins' passing, I've decided that we should. I
was thinking of Tremolo Song since my guitarist could do a decent job of
faking the boards.

Does this sound like a sacrelige to anyone because we won't have a keyboard
or would most of you figure this to be a bona fide tribute to a great man.
Opinions would be greatly appreciated.


In memory of Rob Collins, R.I.P.
a la memoire de Rob Collins, R.E.P.


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 15:03:47 -0400
From: (deborah evans)
Subject: Re: what tim said

>> - they've been with out him
>>before when he was in Jail and some of their finest songs came out of that
>>ie. Tremelo Song and weirdo.
>Actually, Rob was in jail when they recorded Up to our Hips, not Between
>10th and 11th.
>Yer point however, remains true.

Actually, I think you will find that Rob Collins was involved in the
recording of "Up to Our Hips"  he shares writing credits for the album plus
he hadn't quite gone to jail yet so he recorded his bits for the album.  The
album was finished quickly prior to him actually going to jail.  If anything
at all he just missed out on the final mixing but all his bits were already


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 15:18:53 EST5EDT
From: "jim lowe"  
Subject: Re: what tim said

> Actually, I think you will find that Rob Collins was involved in the
> recording of "Up to Our Hips"  he shares writing credits for the album plus
> he hadn't quite gone to jail yet so he recorded his bits for the album. The
> album was finished quickly prior to him actually going to jail.  If anything
> at all he just missed out on the final mixing but all his bits were already
> recorded.

Deb is 100% correct.

The only thing that Rob missed was a UK & Europe tour.  He was out 
by the time they came to Canada (Spring, 1994) but didn't play.  I forget 
who the replacement keyboardist was, but he was okay.

Its actually making sad thinking about that show.  It was the second 
time that I had met Rob, although the first time doesn't really count (it 
was just at an autograph session).

When I saw Rob & the band that time, I scrambled to find something for 
them to sign...all that I had was a newspaper article...about his legal 
troubles!  He was really good natured about it, even though Tim kind of 
teased him about it.  Anyway, I was invited back for their soundcheck, 
and beers with the band...I know it sounds lame, but it was one of the 
most exciting things that's ever happened to me (no, I don't live a 
sheltered life...I'm just a really huge fan).

Anyway, the second time that I met Rob was this past October, at 
MuchMusic.  He actually remembered me, which totally blew my mind 
(well, actually, he thought that my name was Tim, but it was close 
enough), and we had a few beers and talked about James Bond.

Everyone on this list is aware of Rob's incredible talent...I just wanted 
to contribute a bit about the man himself.  For a rock star, he was 
incredibly down to earth.  He was part of a band who's music was 
incredibly important in my life, and I will always appreciate that he 
genuinely cared about his fans and that I was somehow lucky enough 
to spend a very short time with Rob Collins the person, rather than just 
watching Rob Collins the rock star from afar.

Anyway, sorry to sound so corny or friends keep on telling 
me to get over it, he was just a guy in a band...I have a picture of Rob & 
I, as well as one of Rob, Tim & I, and I can't help but look at them and 
feel that someone very special is gone.

God bless you, were a soul saver to all of us.

jim lowe -

In memory of Rob Collins, 1964-1996, Rest in Peace


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 20:57:45 +0100 (BST)
From: Mr M P Donnelly 
Subject: Re: Feeling holy

RIP Rob, we'll miss you


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 21:18:33 GMT
From: *suedette* 
Subject: Re: Opinions Please

At 13:27 24/07/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Up until now, my band has never covered a Charlies tune due to a lack of a
>keyboard player.
>However, in light of Rob Collins' passing, I've decided that we should. I
>was thinking of Tremolo Song since my guitarist could do a decent job of
>faking the boards.
>Does this sound like a sacrelige to anyone because we won't have a keyboard
>or would most of you figure this to be a bona fide tribute to a great man.
>Opinions would be greatly appreciated.
>In memory of Rob Collins, R.I.P.
>a la memoire de Rob Collins, R.E.P.

I say that would be a lovely thing to do.  But really, it is up to you and
your band and how you feel about it.  I don't see anything but good in doing
this as a tribute to Rob......



Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 16:42:32 -0500 
Subject: the article

Below is that article from, for those who don't have
internet access.

You know, this whole scenerio is really weird for me. Being only 15, I
haven't been around long enough to see many of these musical icons die
(except for Kurt Blowbrain, of course, and when he kicked the bucket we
had a party). It just seems strange to me. Has the news of the crash
been on the news programs or in the papers in the UK? Here in the
states, not a word has been said about it. I probably wouldn't have
even found out if it weren't for the list. Oh well. Enough of my
incessant blathering. On with the article.

July 24, 1996 

Charlatans's keyboardist dead at 32
 Rob Collins, the keyboardist of UK indie group the Charlatans
reportedly died in a car accident early yesterday morning. He was 32
years old. Collins had previously served four months in prison as an
unintentional accomplice to robbery in 1993 during the recording of the
band's hit album Up to Our Hips. 
He was driving down a country road in Monmouth in Kent when the
accident happened. He was thrown 50 ft from his BMW and pronounced dead
at the hospital, reports Scottish newspaper The Sunday Mail. The rest
of the band are currently in a Monmouith area recording studio
recording the follow up to
their eponymously titled 1995 release.


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 17:16:01 -0500
From: "Shane and Kari Winn" 
Subject: Re: Opinions Please

> At 13:27 24/07/96 -0400, you wrote:
> >Up until now, my band has never covered a Charlies tune due to a lack of a
> >keyboard player.
> >
> >However, in light of Rob Collins' passing, I've decided that we should. I
> >was thinking of Tremolo Song since my guitarist could do a decent job of
> >faking the boards.
> >
> >Does this sound like a sacrelige to anyone because we won't have a keyboard
> >or would most of you figure this to be a bona fide tribute to a great man.
> >Opinions would be greatly appreciated.


I think this is a great idea.  What harm can there be in paying tribute to
a great musician who inspired you?  

If you ever get it recorded, send a tape my way.

Keep on keepin' on,


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 20:03:30 -0400
From: (deborah evans)
Subject: Re: the article

>Below is that article from, for those who don't have
>internet access.
>He was driving down a country road in Monmouth in Kent when the
>accident happened. 

newsflash for whoever wrote this article for the web site but monmouth is
not in Kent.  It is in the county of Gwent, Wales, whereas, Kent is in
England.  I see someone failed geography.  And bloody hell Monmouthian
eisn't even a word.  Should it not have read "in a Monmouth area recording
studio?"  Damn I love the philosophy of "create a word" by today's


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 19:55:37 -0500
From: (shane brown)
Subject: today's activities

Just got home from work and did some immediate surfing to find out any
details I could.  Here's what's come up today:

(1) First off, I think it was a GRAND GESTURE on the part of Beggar's
Banquet to post the press release to the list as they did.  I had sent
letters to both the US and UK Beggar's e-mail addresses last night, and I
had personal responses to both this morning.  I would have forwarded them to
the list, but by then, the press release was already posted and the messages
I received contained no additional information.  The message from the UK
label did add, however, that they appreciated the concern and outpouring of
letters from our list, and that those messages WOULD BE FORWARDED in a group
envelope to the band.

(2) The Beggars web site,, which was NOT EVEN SCHEDULED to
be up and running until a couple weeks from now, has gone on-line with the
press release that we all received.  Thus far, there's nothing more on there
other than that, but there IS a link attached to the press release which
says "e-mail the band." The link goes to the Beggar's Banquet USA e-mail
address, however, so I don't know how effective a letter there would
actually be.

(3) Music News of the World ( features an article on
Rob as their lead-off story today.  It has a couple of recurring press
photos attached to the article, and provides a brief history with Rob's
legal scrapes.  It also says that Rob was driving his BMW and was thrown
over 50 feet from the car.

(4) I just sent a letter to the Beggar's UK & US addresses to find out if
and how we could individually or as a group make a memorial somehow for the
band or Rob's family.  I'll let everybody know if something comes up.

(5) All of these rumours about Tim saying that the band is not splitting.
What is the source for these quotes?  Did he appear on TV/radio today?  Just
wondering and trying to authenticate them...

(6) Last night as I was going to bed, I put all 4 albums and the Over Rising
EP into my CD changer and hit "random play" to go to sleep to.  My CD
player, in a cruel sense of irony, decided the first track it would play was
"Happen to Die."  I was very creeped out.



Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 21:07:20 -0400
Subject: Rob Collins

In case anyone was wondering, the second individual in the car was an sound
engineer who was wearing a seat belt and survived the crash with only bumps
and bruises.  While I'm feeling grief for Rob, the band, his family and
especially for his daughter, I also get angry at him.  If anyone doesn't
know, he was drunk and was not wearing a seat belt.  He has cheated us out of
hearing his brilliance live for ever more. He has also affected the other
members of the band, some of which  have to support families.  Enough of my

I converse with a member of the band and other relatives.  By this weekend, I
hope to have information on what will be done in his memory.  If anyone knows
of anything being done in the US please contact me.  It's been a long time
since I've cried, but I can't think of a better time.

Rob, thank you for many years of joy.  You were loved and will be missed. You
are gone but not forgotten.  LONG LIVE ROCK  


Date: Thu, 25 Jul 96 01:29:59 UT
From: "Kenneth Johnson" 
Subject: RE: In Memorium

What an incredibly ugly past two days this has been.  Reports of the death of 
one of my favourite musical performers ever slowly trickled into my 
consciousness last night (phone call from a mutual mourning friend).  I am in 
the stage now of "this can't be happening".  I haven't listened to a damn 
thing but the Charlatans (silly maybe, but I bet the majority of the people on 
this list have done similar) since I heard.  I will not except the band 
without him.  They should keep it together, but not as the Charlies.  The 
Charlatans died with Rob.  I once, after a gig in Chicago, shook his hand, 
expressed my deep appreciation for his existence in the music world, and 
thanked him for the show.  I would now like to echo that sentiment (and that 
of others who have said likewise).  I just want to say thank you, Rob.  You 
will live forever as far as I'm concerned.  Peace Brother....



Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 11:16:00 -0500
From: "Travis Saunders-R3278C" 
Subject: Re:Rob collins

---------------------------- Forwarded with Changes ---------------------------
From: at #EMAIL
Date: 7/24/96 9:59AM
To: Saunders Travis R3278C at ZJA03CC2
*To: Travis_Saunders-R3278C@INTERNET at #EMAIL

Thank you for your lovely note it is unfortantly all too true about Rob. As
far as we know The Charlatans are going to carry on as a band.

To all here is the reply from Beggars banquet in America. 

Yer say yer found heaven
I once was lost, but now I'm found
In memory to Rob Collins may his soul rest in peace


Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 00:50:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Rob Collins

I've posted about six times in the last two days.  I am currently listening
to "Between 10th and 11th" and I just read a message that states that Rob was
drunk when he crashed.  It was almost iroinc that as I was telling my roomate
(also a big Charlatans fan) about this that he turned down the volume of the cd
to near-silence...
			I don't know how to feel about this.  I am very much
against drunk driving ( I guess another irony is that this is the second night
in a row that I've gotten drunk about this whole situation).  
	It seems as though I am now really pissed off about this.  Christ, why
don't people realize how dangerous this is?  I don't want to sound like a 
goody two-shoes about this, but this is fucking madness!
	In addition to the great loss that I know we all feel, I think this can
also serve as a wake-up call.  

       I feel so fucking cheated.


End of The Charlatans Digest #2.16
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This page was last updated Jul 28, 1996 by Erik Söderström