Scandinavian Indie - Mailing List Information [Q] [Mailing List Information]

This mailing list is dedicated to the discussion of independent music coming from any Scandinavian or Nordic country (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Sweden) and the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania).

The reason behind the creation of the mailing list, back in february 1994, were some discussions on other indie mailing lists about interest of other countries' independent and alternative scenes. Even though there were lists for independent music, they were mostly UK, US or label-specific, and as the independent scene was (and still is) growing rapidly in the Scandinavian, Nordic and Baltic countries, we wanted to be able to talk about it and we hoped others would too. Which today we're glad to say proved to be a correct judgement :).

Today, there are subscribers from more than 20 countries world wide. Bands, journalists, radio stations, record companies, booking agencies and a lot of fans are subscribing to the list, and we're pretty sure that it creates a good base to stand on when discussing independent and alternative music from these countries. This has already proven to be true in many cases when subscribers have submitted interviews, reviews and articles you probably would not see in a regular magazine or paper.

The instructions for this list are the same as any other list:

a) All administrative requests such as "subscribe", "unsubscribe" or "help" should be addressed to:
b) To submit an article to the Scandinavian Indie mailing list, email:

FTP Sites
On there are discographies, lyrics etc. for scandinavian music as well, but we've got some of our own: -or- (when the admins there are lazy :)) -or-

WWW Site
We've also got a World Wide Web site with interviews, pictures, discographies, lyrics, scandinavian festival info and more. -or-

Digest Version
There is also a Digest version of the mailing list. Digests will be sent to the subscribers of the Digest version of the list either when 40k worth of posts has passed through the "normal" mailing list or when one week has passed, which ever comes first.

a) All administrative requests such as "subscribe", "unsubscribe" or "help" should be addressed to:
b) To submit an article to the list, use the same email-address as the normal list, ie.:

Thanks for taking an interest in the Scandinavian Indie mailing list!

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Last updated Nov 23, 1997 by Erik Söderström
You are Sin's Mailing List Info visitor 1329 since November 2019 .