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get-membership-old [46] (1) Obsolete (10)

        get-membership-old [46] (( person          : Pers-No;
                                   first           : INT16;
                                   no-of-confs     : INT16;
                                   want-read-texts : BOOL ))
                    -> ( ARRAY Membership-Old );

This call retrieves the membership record for a list of conferences for a single person. person is the person whose memberships are to be retrieved. first is the first position in the membership list to retrieve, numbered from 0 and up. no-of-confs is the number of membership records to retrieve. If want-read-texts is 0 the server will not send the contents of the read-texts array of the memberships. (The size will be transmitted, but a single asterisk (*) will be sent instead of the array itself.)

The server will return a membership list that is shorter than no-of-confs if no-of-confs + first is larger than the number of conferences the person is a member of.

Servers that support protocol version 10 will return a priority of zero if the passive bit in the membership record has been set (either by a set-membership-type or by setting the priority of the conference to zero.)


        1 46 5 0 3 1
        =1 2 { 49 14 17 13 8 91 5 255 1 5 255 0 0 * 
           20 14 22 17 6 97 4 197 1 6 100 2 0 * }
        1 46 5 0 1 1
        =1 1 { 49 14 17 13 8 91 5 255 1 5 255 0 0 * }
        1 46 5 1 4 1
        =1 1 { 20 14 22 17 6 97 4 197 1 6 100 2 0 * }

In this example we retrieve the memberships of person 5. The first call asks for three memberships, starting with number 0. Since this person is only a member of two conferences, the list returned only contains two memberships. (An extra newline has been inserted in the result of the first call to make the result more readable.) The next two calls retrieve a single membership each, the first by asking for only one, and the second by asking for four memberships, starting with number 1.

Error codes

Login required before issuing this call.
The person person does not exist.
The conference person does not exist or is secret.
first is higher than the index of the last conference in the person's membership list.