Ian McDonald föddes 1960 i Manchester men flyttade redan 1965 till Nordirland. Han bor nu i Belfast med sin fru Patricia. 1982 publicerades hans novell "The Island of the Dead" i det brittiska magazinet Extro. Han har därefter givit ut romanerna Desolation Road (1988), Out on Blue Six (1990), King of Morning, Queen of Day (1991) och Hearts, Hands and Voices (1992) samt novellsamlingen Empire Dreams (1988). Hans noveller har publicerats främst i Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine och ingått i flera antologier, bland annat Other Edens II och Zenith. Trots sin relativt korta och inte särskilt omfattande författarkarriär har McDonald blivit uppmärksammad med nomineringar till priser och med goda recensioner. Desolation Road vann Locuspollen som bästa förstaroman 1988 och nominerades också till The Arthur C. Clarke Award. McDonald har varit nominerad till The John W. Campbell Award 1985 och långnovellen "Unfinished Portrait of the King of Pain, by van Gogh" var Nebulafinalist 1989. King of Morning, Queen of Day vann nyligen Philip K. Dick-priset 1992 för bästa original-sf-pocket under 1991. Bland annat så här recenseras två av hans böcker i Locus: (Out on Blue Six) "With the same kaleidescopic play of shifting scenes and viewpoint characters that he manipulated so well in his debut, Desolation Road, McDonald shows Great Yu in all its complexity." "Unlike the protagonists of other recent urban visions such as Pat Murphy's The City, Not Long After and Elisabeth Vonarburg's The Silent City, these outsiders must contend with a living society, not a place where the old order is essentially dead, Can they survive in Great Yu, let alone do something to change it? Come into McDonald's kaleidoscope for a dizzying experience that will answer that question, if you don't emerge too dazzled to remember what it was." (King of Morning, Queen of Day) "This book pays ironic homage to the High Fantasy party line, for it consists of three long novellas dealing with three generations of women, and yes, the [Wild] Hunt makes its due appearance. But McDonald has not the least intention of providing his readers with another rehash of Tolkien. His madly, gloriously ambitious "trilogy" of linked tales turns to other models: early sf writers and Yeats in Part One; Beckett, Flann O'Brian, and (above all) the James Joyce of Ulysses in Part Two; and a more diverse, contemporary media mix in Part Three." "King of Morning, Queen of Day may have its uneven moments (Part One is more unwieldy than the original novella, and Part Three's atemporal structure doesn't entirely work), but overall this one-book trilogy (with Wild Hunt) represents an astonishing triumph of eloquence and ambition over the supposed constraints of genre. It's a stunner." "McDonald's compelling and varied style defies description. He's the first writer I've encountered who can make fascinating readin simply by listing things -- an echo of those interminable lists in the old Celtic epics." "It's a major work, difficult and complex at times but definitely worth the effort." Recensenterna understryker McDonalds varierade och sammansatta stil, något som märks också vid en jämförelse mellan hans böcker. Medan Desolation Road och Out on Blue Six är sf-böcker och framtidsskildringar är King of Morning, Queen of Day en berättelse om förgången tid och nutid, om myt, magiska krafter och kontakter med the Faery. Kanske är denna mångsidighet en avspegling av författarens personlighet. Så här beskrivs McDonalds intressen i King of Morning, Queen of Day: "He lives (...) in Belfast, exploring odd and diverse interests that range from cats (he has two) and contemplative religion to bonsai and bicycles." Källor: Uppgifter om författaren i Out on Blue Six och King of Morning, Queen of Day samt i novellsamlingen Digital Dreams, redigerad av David V. Barrett. Locus Maj 1989 samt Mars och Juni 1991.