Imaginary Amiga ad #2

     Take Babylon 5.  Court one of the castmembers with a free machine  and
 then do an ad with them.  Start the add with some of the effects and  then
 have Bruce Boxleitner start walking off the set and heading home.

     "Working on Babylon 5 has got to be the most exciting job I've ever
 had in this business.  And part of that magic is seeing the technology
 open up a whole new world of possibilities for science fiction television.
 Effects brought to life by the talented animators of Foundation Imaging
 using Lightwave 3D with the Amiga, assisted by other expensive
 workstations.  I was given an Amiga to try out for myself by my good
 friend Ron Thornton, to see what all the hubbub was about.  I mean,
 afterall, <typical BB chuckle>, it's not the type of computer you see at
 your local store." 

     Walks in to his home and boots the A4000/060.

     "It's kinda like a MAC" (you see him moving the mouse around the

     "But it's also kinda like DOS, or the unix shells you deal with on the

 Internet: (you see him open an AmigaDOS shell)

     "But forget about that, the cool thing is, this baby's built for 

     (he runs a script which loads up like 15 different programs, as much
 as Chip RAM will allow)

     "I'm a guy on the go, so I don't like having to wasting time waiting
 like an idiot for the system to let me do some more work." 

     (show him using some DOS/Windows apps and waiting for disks to format
 or other stuff.  Exasperated look on Bruce's face)

     (then cut to a dizzying montage of him switching windows and screens
 and printing and doing terminal stuff, downloads, etc... simultaneously).

     "With the Microsoft garbage, I do, but not with the Amiga."

     <now for the spin control>

     (Bruce turns around to the camera.  In the background is a still of
 the B5 station loaded into Final Writer or Pagestream or something)

     "The Amiga doesn't have some of the popular programs you may know
 about, but by working with the Amiga operating system, its own unique
 programs can pull tricks you'll probably never do on your basic clone

     (Runs arexx script that takes the B5 image and does a gamma correction

 with Imagemaster and then sends it back and then it speaks "conversion 

     "And what if you want something, a bit more mainstream?"

     (clicks on Shapeshifter)

     "You can _step down_ I mean over-- to the inferior but more well known
 Macintosh via emulation, and it's pretty fast, and you can even (switches
 back to workbench) have your cake and eat it to.  Yep, multitask it.  You
 could emulate the clones too, but it would be slow and who'd want to
 you'll have so much fun as it is." 

     <plays DCTV animation back of a B5 scene which is being recorded to 

     "Well, I've got to get back.  I told Foundation Imaging I'd show them
 I was good enough to animate a scene for the show, and I've got the proof
 right here.  This baby's been rendering in the background for a week, I
 just let it go and forgot about it 'til it was done.  Hasn't slowed me
 down any.  Maybe I can do a little moonlighting with this." 

     (takes out videotape and gives the trademark BB toothy smile).

     "I'm glad I was introduced to the Amiga.  It's doing wonders for the 
 show, and for my own productivity--"

     (also pulls out a page from his laser printer and gives trademark
 chuckle again and starts heading for the door.)

     "I better get back to the set.  I mainly just came back here to get
 the tape, my letter for Foundation, and--"

     (goes into the kitchenette and gets a piece of toast from a toaster
 which has been rigged up with IRmaster)

     "My lunch.  Uh, I'm on a diet"  (Pats stomach)  "Yeah, it did that

     (opens door and pauses, looks back at the camera)

     "So why be some kind of..  slave to Bill Gates and that piece of
 garbage they call an OS?  Dare to be different.  Check out the Amiga
 today.  Once you see what you've been missing, you'll never want to go

     (takes a bite out of his toast, smiles, waves, and closes the door).

     Amiga logo dissolves in ontop of the door (with Amy the Squirrel on 
 top--well, it's a fantasy so I want it that way).

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