Based in King's Yard, London. It was run by Clement Chambers and Ian
Ellery. CRL actually stands for Computer Rentals Ltd.
The address of St. Bride's School is St. Bride's School,
Burtonport, Co. Donegal, Ireland.
They distribute Delta 4 Software.
Type: Bitmap graphics/Music
Written 1986 by Rod Pike in The Quill.
Runs on:
Comments: Written in the first person. This was the first adventure game to
be awarded a film censorship rating (15 years) in Britain.
Divided into three parts: the first contains the journey to the
castle, the second Jonathan Harker's experiences in the castle,
and the third the killing of the count after his journey to England.
The Very Big Cave Adventure
Type: Bitmap graphics
Written 1986 by St. Bride's School in The Quill and The Illustrator.
Runs on:
Notes: Divided into two parts.
Jack the Ripper
Type: Bitmap graphics
Written 1988 by St. Bride's School.
Runs on:
Notes: In three parts.
Comments: CRL tries to outdo Rod Pike's Dracula (released by themselves!)
in gory details. 3 parts follows a man on the run, because people
think he is Jack the Ripper, who is on the loose killing prostitutes
in London.
Murder off Miami
Type: Bitmap graphics
Written 1987 by Fergus McNeill and Jason Somerville.
Runs on:
Causes of Chaos
Type: Text only
Written by Mike Taylor in Compiled Basic.
Runs on:
Comments: "I believe it was the first multi-player adventure for the
Commodore 64, though this had to be achieved by the players taking
turns. In all honesty, I doubt anyone really played it like that,
but it was a good single-player adventure anyway."
Type: Text only
Written 1986 by Rod Pike in The Quill.
Runs on:
Comments: Post-nuclear war setting has player trying to reach the end, where
he discovers something called Earth.
Type: Text only
Written 1988 by Rod Pike in The Quill.
Runs on:
Comments: Man wakes up to discover that he has just slaughtered a young girl
- he is the Wolfman! He must make his way to a faraway temple where
he can be cured. In sections of the 3 parts, you control his
newfound love interest instead of him.
Type: Text only
Written 1987 by Rod Pike in GAC.
Runs on:
Notes: In three parts.
Comments: Based on the book (with Pike's usual high gore quotient!) In three
parts, of which the last (very fascinating) part takes the monsters
viewpoint, from creation till death.
The Secret of St. Brides
Type: Text only/Drawn graphics/Music
Written 1985 by Priscilla Langridge in The Quill & The Illustrator.
Runs on:
Comments: A girl is taken back in time to a 1920's girl school and must
escape across the countryside. Strange game, this one (elephants
in the basement etc.)
Type: Drawn graphics
Written 1986 by Priscilla Langridge in Quill.
Runs on:
Comments: Humorous 2-parter follows the adventures of Bugsy, a small-time
mobster rabbit (!) trying to bribe, steal and blackmail his way
to the top of the "Public Enemy"-list in 1920's Chicago.
Package blurb: [outer side of the inlay:]
Hi kid. I hear ya got a computer at home. Real nice computer.
Shame if anything should happen to it.
Stop staring, kid. I don't like bein' stared at. Aintcha
never talked to a three-foot-high blue rabbit before?
Anyway, like I wuz sayin' -- ain't nuthin' gonna happen ta
dat nice computer of yours. Not if ya take advantage of my
offer. First of all I wantcha ta buy dis game. Den I wantcha
ta load it up. Den I wantcha ta help me ta take over all da
mobs in Chicago.
Don't worry, it don't involve nuthin' illegal. Not unless ya
count the odd bit of theft, extortion, murder, robbery,
bribery an' corruption an' that sorta thing.
Right now I got nuthin'. No cash. Not even a gun. I wanna run
da biggest gang in town. I wanna drive fancy cars an' live in
plush hotels. I wanna be Public Enemy No. 1 in place of dat
fat wimp Capone.
It ain't much to ask. Not if ya wanna keep dat computer healthy.
[inner side of the inlay:]
BUGSY INTRODUCES DA GAME (The girls wanted to do this bit,
but how can you refuse a cute little rabbit with a machine
Okay youse joiks! Lissen up an' lissen good.
My name's Bugsy. Bugsy Maroon. I'm a pale blue rabbit some
three feet in height wit' a cute little powder-puff tail. But
that don't mean I ain't as tough as pickled walnuts 'cuz I
I live in Chicago in 1922 and my aim in life is to take over
the mobs an' become Public Enemy No. 1 in place of that fat
wimp Capone.
I ain't averse ta takin' some advice frum keyboard-bashin'
computer buffs providin' they watch their lip wit' me. But
I'm gonna warn ya right off -- it ain't gonna be easy.
Ya gotta help me woik my way up from a penniless street bunny
ta the dizzy heights of a crimelord. Startin' wit' petty
theft an' small-time protection rackets I gotta make the
money ta buy guns, hire boys an' build up a serious mob. An'
if ya t'ink the other mobs is just gonna sit around an' let
me do it you're a sucker. The cops might be a minor problem
Dere's also da problem of -- uh -- gettin' anyone ta take me
Da game feechers a great new menu-driven conversation system
which means ya can get me inta smart-mouth conversations wit'
any of the various characters in da game. You'll believe a
rabbit can shoot his mouth off.
In order ta succeed in da game I gotta not only build da
gang, pull off da jobs an' get my paws on da big money -- I
also gotta acquire da status symbols of da successful
crimeboss. Big cars, a swell place ta live, ya know da sorta
Da racket business is just like da software business. If ya
wanna be successful, ya gotta get in da charts. It's gonna be
a big day when I foist make it ta Public Enemy No. 10, but I
ain't gonna be happy, 'till I'm right up dere at No. 1,
knockin' fatso off his perch.
Okay, I guess I flapped my mouth long enough. Now let's get
in dere an' start doin' business.
The Book of the Dead
Written 1987.
Runs on:
Notes: In two parts.
Loads of Midnight
Type: Drawn graphics
Written 1987 by Penna Productions (Keith Hughes).
Runs on:
Notes: In three parts.
The Tomb of Dracula
Written 1983.
Runs on:
The Woods of Winter
Type: Bitmap graphics
Written 1984 by Andrew Patrick.
Runs on:
Here is a review of The Woods of Winter
Type: Text only
Written 1988 by Smart Egg Software (Michael White).
Runs on:
The Great Detective
Written by P. Rolfe.
Runs on:
Incredible Adventure
Written 1984 by A. Trenker.
Runs on:
The War of the Worlds
Type: Bitmap graphics/BG/CHOISE/SOUND/Sound
Written 1984 by Nigel Taylor.
Runs on:
Here is a review of The War of the Worlds