Crash Report

Well, what's this page for? It exists 'cause some people know me through my car,
and then mainly through my car "accidents".

Winter 1998, late december:

I were driving from Knoppe to Bergsjö. The road was covered in ice, but I didn't
think about that. I were to meet some friends and for some reason felt anxious to get
there fast. Too fast. In a downhill curve, the car started to skid. First to the left then to
the right and then to the left again. At this stage, I were having fun, skidding from
side to side ( there are hardly any traffic any time at this particular road ), and didn't
at all worry.

Finally the car turned to the right again and hit a pretty step ice bank at the right side
of the road, and as the car's speed was quite great, it just flipped right up in the air.
Aaaaaaghh!!! All I remember is that I tried to hold on as hard as I could to the
steering wheel.

Ok, it was winter after all, and the field at the right side of the road had a layer of
snow on it, maybe 10 centimeters or so. That was good. My car hit the ground flat
on it's right side with a loud bang, but it did not stop there. It continued to "roll" out
on the field, and I can tell you that I were totally terrified! I have no idea how many
times the car turned, but it ended up on the roof with me hanging in the seat belt.

Well, I weren't hurt, but I could smell gasoline and the ignition was still on ( but the
engine had stopped though ), so I tried to untangle myself from the seat belt and tried
to reach the keys in the ignition lock... those seconds were very frightening as I the
whole time pictured a burning car in my head......

Lucky as I seem to be, I reached the keys and crawled out of the car. The car was
on it's roof and about a 100 meters from the road in a field......

Well, I walked to the nearest house and got some help. A tractor pulled me up on
the road, and after some tinkering with the throttle linkage and some air pumped into
the right side tyre, I was on my way home!

The whole thing were over in less than an hour, and I can't believe how lucky I were.
I'm very grateful for the help I got, and also for my lucky star.....

You know, I had lots of stuff in my car. There were a toolbox in the back of the car,
and I had a gas can on the floor at the passenger seat, and I didn't get hurt!
Lucky me....


The right mirror was totally crushed.

Heavy corrosion damage to the interior in the engine compartment due to all the battery
acid that leaked while the car was on it's roof.

The right rear wheel was out of shape... really.. had to get a new one.

Yeah.. and numerous dents and HEAVY bodywork damage...  but I don't care about that,
I only painted where the paint had been peeled of. ;-)

The moral of the story?


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