Begin3 Title: Thrust - the game. Version: 0.73 Entered-date: 14JAN97 Description: The object of the game is to pick up some heavy piece of foobar (I don't know what it is) from the bottom of a cave. See for more info. Keywords: linux, svgalib, X11, game, space, gravity, mechanics Author: (Peter Ekberg) Primary-site: /pub/games 893 thrust-0.73.lsm 92k thrust-0.73-src.tar.gz 96k thrust-0.73-ELF.tar.gz Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/games/video Platforms: Linux/svgalib Linux/X Solaris 2.5/X X server must be capable of MIT shared memory. Only supports 8 bits per pixel pseudocolor visuals. Copying-policy: GPL End