Sokoban))applNSOKMBAR^TaltTaltQTalt{TaltTaltTaltTbmp lTbmp Tbmp Tbmp Tbmp Tbmp  Tbmp &Tbmp @Tbmp !ZTbmp "tTbmp Tbmp codecodedata-pref-rloc-tAIB-tFRM.+tver/Q RBWeInfoAbout SokobanAbout levelsSokobanYou need to install at least one set of levels, for example the Standard.pdb file distributed with this game.OKRestart?Restart level?OKCancelAbout^1OKWarning^1OKLevelsNumber of levels: ^1. ^2OKCongratulations!You have solved all the levels!But it's not all over; if you are lucky, there are more sets of levelsout there for you can try.OKU+U+U+>"xHHxxhXx  p P  (| ?<NVHHnHnHnNOO J@g<NO4p`j n<*(8(6Cga%?/?a%PJCga&v?a&?/?a*.O JCga&?/?a&/././.NO LN^NuA free Palm Sokoban game. Version 0.9 by Niels Mller, . Distributed under the GNU General Public License. / n P"n n hn`B@` n Pn n hn`C I0C IC `C I0C IC C IE"J$n20<A2ta4vjB2A0C IE"J$n20<A2ta4vj2B0@2A0p`&$_N^NuNV/ C I0R@?aNT -@JgZ/.aXJ@g>A"HRQC IE"J0PdA"HRQC I/aXC I `/.aXB . @`$nN^NuNV/ p. " A"H Q-pC IE"J02@=AC IE"J0 2@=AJg./.NO!X-H?.?./.NO&P/.NO"X`,=n=nC I0=@=@BgpЎ/NO\$nN^NuNV. n4. 0H"HA? n2. H H@?a\N^NuNV< n?(/.aPN^NuNV/ .0n $@C0?. /.aP$nN^NuLevel: %dNV0.R@?A/A/NOO 20`N^NuNV-L(M|?.aT=@Jg nC n ?( n ??.A/NO O (nN^NuNVNOs -@?</.NO\?/.NO\-H?</.NO\?/.NO\-HC I0R@=@?.B/.NOO C I?/.NO\C I?/.NO\A//.NOPC I?aTA//.NOPN^NuNVNOs -@?</.NO\?/.NO\-HC I?C I//.NOO N^NuNVNOs -@?</.NO\?/.NO\-H?</.NO\?/.NO\-H?./.NO\?./.NO\C Ir(0."Ґ \//.NOPN^NuNV/ Bn=|=|=|BgpЎ/NO\BnBn n0(nn`JBn n0nn`. .0n$@C0?.?.a*\RnRn`Rn`C I/aX$nN^NuNVNqBn no`b0.@ ?/?.?.aX -@Jg/./.aP/.NO"X . @`N^Nu-NSOKNV/.NOX=@ nc2A/p0.Ю"[/a:PJ@f2.[Ap0 nB0N^NuNV/ ?</. ?.NOIP C I C IJf NON20`0A$HC I/NOOX4C IJPf0<`B@`$nN^NuState-NSOKNVC IB?</