5959538 2001-01-12 18:06 -0500  /97 rader/ Noel A. Davis <noeld@TFN.NET>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2001-01-15  20:56  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: noeld@TFN.NET
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <14813>
Ärende: exmh security vulnerability
From: "Noel A. Davis" <noeld@TFN.NET>
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.4.31.0101121805010.31172-100000@fn3.freenet.tlh.fl.us>

Brent Welch <brent.welch@interwoven.com> asked that this message
about the exmh symlink problem be forwarded to Bugtraq.



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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 11:24:38 -0800
From: Brent Welch <brent.welch@interwoven.com>
To: Albert White - SUN Ireland <albert.white@ireland.sun.com>
Cc: exmh-users@redhat.com, sans@sans.org, noeld@rootprompt.org
Subject: Re: exmh security vulnerability on linux.com

I have put information about the symlink attack and fixes on

Note that any user can protect themselves without applying a patch.
Exmh already has a feature that allows users to choose their own
tmp directory via the TMPDIR or EXMHTMPDIR environment variable.
Apparently the original bug reported failed to realize this simple
remedy.  However, a patch that causes exmh to pick a better directory
by default is in place and available from the above web page.  The
change is also checked into CVS.

If someone outthere is a member of BUGTRAQ, I would appreciate a
posting to their list about this fix.

>>>Albert White - SUN Ireland said:

 > On http://oreilly.linux.com/pub/a/linux/2001/01/08/insecurities.html
 > This bug is mentioned:
 > "A problem in the bug reporting system for exmh, an X-based interface for th
 > MH mail, can cause overwriting of arbitrary system files that are writable b
 > the user running exmhexmh encounters a problem in its code, it opens a dialo
 > that asks the user what happened and then allows them to send a bug report t
 > the author. If the user chooses to e-mail the bug report, exmh creates the
 > file /tmp/exmhErrorMsg. If the file is a symlink, it will follow the symlink
 > overwriting the file that it is linked to.
 > As of this time, the author has not released a patch or updated version. It
 > recommended that the bug report feature not be used on multiuser systems unt
 > this problem has been fixed."
 > I think the problem is in error.tcl around line 121:
 >    119  proc ExmhMailError { w errInfo } {
 >    120      global exmh
 >    121      if [catch {open [Env_Tmp]/exmhErrorMsg w} out] {
 >    122          Exmh_Status "Cannot open [Env_Tmp]/exmhErrorMsg" purple
 >    123          return
 >    124      }
 > I guess all that is needed to fix this is a check to see that the file isn't
 > symlink before opening it. I don't know how to do that in tcl though :)
 > Cheers,
 > ~Al
 > --==_Exmh_-536764512P
 > Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
 > Version: GnuPG v1.0.2 (SunOS)
 > Comment: Exmh version 2.2 06/23/2000
 > H7r69/0P2qxWE66bcPUCxg==
 > =2+zl
 > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
 > --==_Exmh_-536764512P--

--	Brent Welch	<brent.welch@interwoven.com>
(5959538) --------------------------------(Ombruten)