#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # This is jcbt, a BitTorrent toolkit. # For more information, see http://www.lysator.liu.se/~jc/jcbt.html # Copyright (C) 2005 Jörgen Cederlöf # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307, USA. VERSION = "0.5" import sys import pprint from BitTornado.bencode import bencode, bdecode from binascii import b2a_hex def l2h(l): prefixes = ["B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB"] s, i = [], 0 while l: if l%1024: if i < len(prefixes): p = prefixes[i] else: p = "*1024^%d" % i s.append("%d %s" % (l%1024, p)) l //= 1024 i += 1 return " + ".join(s[::-1]) def l2hn(l): i = 1 while l > i: i *= 2 return "%s - ( %s )" % (l2h(i), l2h(i-l) or 0) def prettyl(l): return "%d bytes == 0x%X bytes == %s == %s" % (l, l, l2h(l), l2hn(l)) def findranges(l): """Return a string describing the list of integers l in a compact format. Assumes l is sorted and has no duplicates.""" if not l: return "" begin = l[0] n = begin ranges = [] for i in l[1:] + [None]: if i == n+1: n = i elif n == begin: ranges.append("%d" % n) begin = n = i else: ranges.append("%d-%d" % (begin, n)) begin = n = i return ' '.join(ranges) def getzerosduplicates(pieces, piecesize): import sha zerodigest = sha.sha("\0"*piecesize).hexdigest() pieces = [pieces[x:x+20] for x in xrange(0, len(pieces), 20)] zeros = [] duplicatedigests = {} for n, piece in enumerate(pieces): digest = b2a_hex(piece) if digest == zerodigest: zeros.append(n) elif digest not in duplicatedigests: duplicatedigests[digest] = [n] else: duplicatedigests[digest].append(n) for digest in list(duplicatedigests): if len(duplicatedigests[digest]) < 2: del duplicatedigests[digest] return zeros, duplicatedigests def getinfohash(torrent, binary=False): import sha # Dictionaries are always sorted as raw strings when bencoding, so # the info hash should be safe to create from the bdecoded # dictionary. return sha.sha(bencode(torrent['info'])).hexdigest() def printall(torrent): import time info_hash = getinfohash(torrent) pieces = torrent['info']['pieces'] torrent['info']['pieces'] = '*** A %d bytes long concatenation of %d hashes ***' \ % (len(pieces), len(pieces)/20) pretty = pprint.pformat(torrent) print "The whole torrent file decoded, with pieces censored:" print " " + pretty.replace('\n', '\n ') if 'length' in torrent['info']: totlen = torrent['info']['length'] else: totlen = sum([f['length'] for f in torrent['info']['files']]) print "Total size: " + prettyl(totlen) piecelen = torrent['info']['piece length'] print "Piece size: " + prettyl(piecelen) try: print "Creation date: " + time.ctime(torrent['creation date']) except KeyError: print "No creation date is available in this .torrent." zeros, duplicates = getzerosduplicates(pieces, piecelen) if zeros: print "%d/%d" % (len(zeros), len(pieces)/20), print "zero pieces were found: " + findranges(zeros) else: print "No zero pieces." if duplicates: print "Duplicate pieces:" total = 0 for dup in duplicates: print " %s: %s" % (dup, findranges(duplicates[dup])) total += len(duplicates[dup]) if total > 0: print " Totally %d pieces duplicated over %d pieces." % (len(duplicates), total) else: print "No duplicate pieces." print "Info hash:", info_hash def getsock(beginport=4000): import socket host = "" port = beginport s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind((host, port)) return host, port, s def listen(s): s.listen(1) conn, addr = s.accept() return conn, addr def server(): import cgi host, port, s = getsock() tracker_url = "http://%s:%d/foo" % (host, port) peers = [] responsedict = {'interval': 60, 'peers': peers} ids = {} while True: print if peers: print "Known peers:" for peer in peers: print " %15s:%-5d %s" % (peer['ip'], peer['port'], peer['peer id']) else: print "No known peers." print "Tracker URL: ", tracker_url print conn, addr = listen(s) query = conn.recv(100000) print 'Connected by', addr for line in query.split('\n'): print "remote> ", line q = query.split(' ', 2)[1].split('?', 1)[1] q = cgi.parse_qs(q) peer_id = q['peer_id'][0] peer_port = int(q['port'][0]) peer_ip = q.get('ip', [addr[0]])[0] print "peer_id, port: %s, %d" % (repr(peer_id), peer_port) if peer_id not in ids: peers.append({'peer id': peer_id, 'ip': peer_ip, 'port': peer_port}) ids[peer_id] = None response = bencode(responsedict) print "me> ", response conn.send(response) conn.close() def talktotracker(argv, cmd="jcbt track"): def usage(): print "%s trackerURL info_hash" % cmd print " or" print "%s torrentfile" % cmd sys.exit(1) if len(argv) == 1: torrent = bdecode(open(argv[0]).read()) tracker = torrent['announce'] infohash = getinfohash(torrent) elif len(argv) == 2: tracker, infohash = argv else: usage() for n in range(len(infohash)//2)[::-1]: infohash = infohash[:n*2] + "%" + infohash[n*2:] import random import time peer_id = "IGNORE_%s_" % time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') \ + "".join([chr(random.randint(ord('a'), ord('z'))) for n in range(4)]) # Even without event, at least TPB returns me on later queries. # With port 0. (TPB/Hypercube seems to take integer ports mod # 2**32 and translate other ports to 0. Or rather stop reading # when not digit.) url = "%s?info_hash=%s&peer_id=%s&port=0&uploaded=0&downloaded=0&left=1&event=" \ % (tracker, infohash, peer_id) #url = tracker + '?info_hash=%92%0B%D2%0C%97%85%40%B0%C6%A9c%8DjB%AA%92%40%23%15%26&peer_id=T03A-----cpCWNVCoT8w&port=6931&uploaded=0&downloaded=0&left=1&no_peer_id=1&compact=1&key=C79fRm' print "Fetching %s" % url import re match = re.compile('http://([^/:]*)(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)').search(url) host, port, path = match.groups() if port is None: port = 80 else: port = int(port[1:]) import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) print "Connecting to %s:%d" % (host, port) s.connect((host, port)) query = "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n" % path print "me> %s" % repr(query) s.send(query) query = "Accept-Encoding: identity\r\nHost: %s:%s\r\n\r\n" % (host, port) print "me> %s" % repr(query) s.send(query) response, resp = "", s.recv(2**16) while resp: response = response + resp resp = s.recv(2**16) lines = response.split('\n') s.close() for n, line in enumerate(lines): print "remote>", repr(line) if not line.strip(): break try: decoded = bdecode('\n'.join(lines[n+1:])) print "remote sent a bencoded dictionary:" for line in pprint.pformat(decoded).split('\n'): print " ", line except ValueError: for line in lines[n+1:]: print "remote>", repr(line) def btdiff(torrent0, torrent1): size0 = torrent0['info']['piece length'] size1 = torrent1['info']['piece length'] hashes0 = torrent0['info']['pieces'] hashes1 = torrent1['info']['pieces'] if size0 == size1: print "Piece size is %s in both torrents." % l2h(size0) else: print "Piece sizes differ: %s vs %s. Aborting." % (size0, size1) return equal = True for i in xrange(min(len(hashes0), len(hashes1))/20): if hashes0[i*20:i*20+20] != hashes1[i*20:i*20+20]: equal = False print "Piece %d differ: %s != %s" \ % (i, b2a_hex(hashes0[i*20:i*20+20]), b2a_hex(hashes1[i*20:i*20+20])) if equal: print "All pieces were identical." if len(hashes0) == len(hashes1): print "Both torrents contain %d pieces." % len(hashes0) else: print "%d pieces are only present in the %s file." % \ (abs(len(hashes0) - len(hashes1))/20, len(hashes0)>len(hashes1) and "first" or "second") def main(argv): def usage(e=1): if len(argv) > 0: me = argv[0] else: me = "jcbt" print "This is jcbt version %s." % VERSION print "Copyright (C) 2005 Jörgen Cederlöf " print "Usage:" print "%s help" % me print " Show this help." print "%s print file.torrent" % me print " Shows all information contained in file.torrent, except hashes." print " Unlike other programs with similar purposes, even all unknown" print " fields are shown." print " Decodes total size and piece size" print " Detects duplicate and zero pieces" print "%s diff first.torrent second.torrent" % me print " Find differences between the hashes in two torrent files." print "%s track trackerURL info_hash" % me print "%s track file.torrent" % me print " Connect to the tracker and receive information about other clients." print "%s server" % me print " Start a simple tracker connecting all clients calling it." print " Very useful for syncing two clients downloading the same files from" print " two different incompatible torrents using a third client acting as" print " a proxy. With this server the proxy client can connect to the real" print " clients without relying on the external tracker." sys.exit(e) try: op = sys.argv[1] except: usage() if op in ('help', '--help'): usage(0) if op == 'print': torrent = bdecode(open(sys.argv[2]).read()) printall(torrent) elif op == 'server': server() elif op == 'track': talktotracker(sys.argv[2:], " ".join(sys.argv[:2])) elif op == 'diff': torrent0 = bdecode(open(sys.argv[2]).read()) torrent1 = bdecode(open(sys.argv[3]).read()) btdiff(torrent0, torrent1) else: usage() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)