2.7.59 released March 29, 2000 - new file life.c with eye reading code - new file location_set.c with a utility class that contains a set of locations on the go board - bew file location_set.h with headers for location_set.c - bugfix in board.c which makes the allocation of hash nodes correct - separation of the examination step of genmove() into it's own function, examine_position(), and calls to this function in a number of places - some comments added in mouse.c plus some cleanup - new option --decideeye which tells the status of an eye - new function get_coordinate() in main.c - black_eye and white_eye passed as arguments to make_domains - private black_eye and white_eye arrays for mouse.c - eye pattern added to eyes.db - bugfix in unrolled accumulate_influence() - bugfix in move_reasons.c