2.7.127 released July 6, 2000 - redundant file interface/debugboard/loadsgffile.c removed - parts of interface/play_solo.c moved into new file interface/loadsgffile.c - new library interface/libinterface.a for use by interface/debugboard - new files sgf/sgfkey.c and sgf/sgfkey.h to handle new abstract type sgfkey - find_border() renamed to examine_cavity() in worm.c - static functions propagate_worm_recursive() and libertiesrec() removed from worm.c - code in worm.c simplified and cleaned up - dragon genus initialized in make_dragons() instead of in make_worms() - new static functions dragon_escape() and compute_alternative_escape() in dragon.c - new option --alternative_escape to enable new escape route measure - new file /regression/games/incident261.sgf - one new test in regression/mouse.tst