
Yet another mail notification tool
EBuffy screenshot


Reading the e-mail can eat your time. Especially if you have to check whether there is any email available now and then. To solve this proble, someone invented the first e-mail notification tool..

For a long time, I used GBuffy but I got tired of it's configuration. So.. I decided the world needed yet another mail notification tool :-). EBuffy was born.


Major missing features: Only supports local folders. This probably won't change.


Ebuffy is released under the GNU General Public License. Basically this means it's free to use.



1.0Initial release. Don't use this, it only works for 120 seconds :-)
1.1Bugfix release. Use this.


This is a very simple program.
  1. Get the tar.gz-file from above.
  2. Unpack it. You will now have three files. ebuffy.py, rfc1522.py and dot-ebuffyconfig.py.
  3. Copy dot-ebuffyconfig.py to ~/.ebuffyconfig.py
  4. Edit ~/.ebuffyconfig.py to suit your needs. Mine looks like this:
    BOXES=[["INBOX", "/var/spool/mail/erik"]]
    In BOXES, you list mailboxes that are not in a directory. The format is the same as that of a Python list. Each mailbox is represented either as a tuple with the name that should be displayed, and the name of the spool file to watch or as a single filename which will just use the name of the file as the name to display.

    DIRS is a list of directories in which ebuffy should check for files named *.spool. DIRS could be a list, or if you only have one directory, a string.

    DIRECTION is how ebuffy should orient itself. "vertical" or "horizontal"

  5. Edit ebuffy.py. Change the first line to reflect the location of your system's python binary.
  6. You might have to do chmod 755 ebuffy.py
  7. Run ./ebuffy.py
Note that by clicking with your left mouse button on one of the buttons representing a mailbox, you will get a list of the mails that are in it. By clicking with your middle button, you'll de-highlight that button (that way taking away your attention of the mails in it) and by clicking the right mouse-button you'll quit EBuffy.

Info about new releases

If you'd like to be notified about new releases of EBuffy, drop me a mail.