The Charlatans Digest Vol.2 Issue #21 [Q] [The Charlatans]


Vol.2 Issue #21

September 3rd, 1996

There are 81 messages totalling 1492 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. AAAAUURRGH!!! (3)
  2. Tired old subject
  3. AAAAUUURRGH, Play nicely everyone.
  4. No Subject (23)
  5. THE END
  6. your mail
  7. All the whining (6)
  8. don't look back
  9. Fwd: Returned mail: User unknown
 10. Reading Festival
 11. nooo (3)
 12. The White Room
 13. Facts
 14. Jethro Tull? (2)
 15. Sheer Heresy (2)
 16. the 'sis bollocks. (2)
 17. the eighties and beyond (7)
 18. NME Single Reviews
 19. Stephan Fenn's daytripper bootlegs (message by James) (2)
 20. Any news from the Front?
 21. looking for Charlatans DATs
 22. Get us of this list (2)
 23. newsgroup
 24. New Single (2)
 25. Get me off this postinglist... - Reply
 26. Rush (7)
 27. Oasis breakup? (6)


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 11:33:45 +0800 (WST)
From: Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics 
Subject: RE: AAAAUURRGH!!!

>>> hey cheers, if you think so it's all you.  i just tend to ignore stuff
>>> i hate, ie. jethro tull, and yes, i am a musician.  just a very
>>> close-minded snobby one!
>>  not something to be proud about.
> neither is your occupation.

never said I was


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 11:35:19 +0800 (WST)
From: Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics 
Subject: Re: AAAAUURRGH!!!

On Mon, 19 Aug 1996, Heather Watson wrote:

> Who is everyone?  Their minds are "Thick as a brick."
> On Sat, 17 Aug 1996 wrote:
>> everyone is comparing the charlatans 2 jethro tull...

who really gives a shit? Its just pop music and as such you can 
probably find all sorts of unlikely comparisons. Nothing is as original 
as it first appears 


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 11:40:29 +0800 (WST)
From: Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics 
Subject: Re: Tired old subject

On Mon, 19 Aug 1996, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote:

> I am really sick of people on mailing lists who go on and on like know-it-alls
> all the time. There are some people who don't have a thoughts in their heads
> that weren't put there by NME or some other dopey magazine they paid too much
> for. Please stop wasting your time and money on Select, and take a Music
> Appreciation course or something.  Journalists often know a lot less than the
> general public.  Some of you would become extremely distraught if, for
> instance, Paul McCartney suddenly declared that he'd been misquoted about
> liking anything by the Beach Boys.  (And let's just keep in mind some of the
> no-brainer stuff Paul put out after his Beatles years).  Please learn to form
> your own opinions, people. This is only a suggestion.

Sorry are you referring to people who have made a comparison between 
Jethro Tull and the Charlatans? I'm not sure if you are so excuse me if 
I'm barking up the wrong tree but I see a vague similarity in some of the 
music and certainly did not get that idea from a magazine (I don't buy 
them and never have). I got it from listening to Up to Our Hips. Its hard 
to ignore the stylistic similarity. There is a 70's feel to the keyboards 
and guitar. Just my humble opinion, no need to take me to task for it. 
Please ignore this if that is not what you were referring to



Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 11:46:17 +0800 (WST)
From: Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics 
Subject: RE: AAAAUURRGH!!!

On Mon, 19 Aug 1996, Sproston Green wrote:

> At 11:11 AM 8/19/96 +0800, Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics wrote:
>>On Fri, 16 Aug 1996 KTAYLOR@MARY.FORDHAM.EDU wrote:
>>> hey cheers, if you think so it's all you.  i just tend to ignore stuff
>>> i hate, ie. jethro tull, and yes, i am a musician.  just a very
>>> close-minded snobby one!
>>  not something to be proud about.
> neither is your occupation.

I just replied to this and then it occurred to me that you probably 
think I meant one shouldn't be proud of being a musician. What I meant 
was you shouldn't be proud of being close minded or snobby. I consider 
myself a musician first and a researcher second and while it ultimately 
has no more validity than many other occupations it is nothing to be 
ashamed of either. Hope that clears things up.

By the way are you the one who got really uptight about the Jethro 
Tull/Charlatans comparison? I never bothered to see who it was. Not that 
I mind its quite an amusing diversion to read some of the messages on 
this list. Its good to see people getting passionate about things. It 
gives me more hope that that enthusiasm can be channelled into something 
more productive.



Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 10:34:33 +0100
From: (Daniel Freeman)
Subject: Re:AAAAUUURRGH, Play nicely everyone.

To everyone,

I have been of this mailing list for one week and it's been shite.
I've had about four messages that I've actually been interested in reading.
(quite an amazing fact, considering this list generates about six millions 
messages a day !)
All the rest have been about people being shitty to each other.

Can some one tell me who did  what,  to who, and why ? because its all very 
confusing and can will all try and be nice to each other, and don't slag
people off for what opinions they hold

Thank you and good nite


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 10:26:38 -0400
Subject: Re: No Subject


I made the mistake of not agreeing with someone on their comparison of the
Charlatans to Jethro Tull... Since then people (not everyone) have been
sending me hate mail... I don't think they know I'm from America (land of the
free opinion)...
So that's what started the little tiff... I have since kept my opinions 2
myself as I don't think it's worth it... I have even since asked 2 be removed
from this mailing list after being sweared at and told I was a tosser
(whatever that means)... I am still on the list so I guess they don't care...
Anyway have a great day!!!! :)~ 

Debi (


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 15:28:06 +0100
From: (Matthew Hayes)
Subject: THE END




Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 10:32:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: Heather Watson 
Subject: Re: your mail

Good Morning!  I am confused as well, these people are off their heads.  I
have been on the list for a short time and still need a bit of info so
I'll have to see what kind of a response you get.



Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 12:06:13 -0400
From: Jim Lowe 
Subject: Re: No Subject

I apologize in advance, but this has to be said;

>sending me hate mail... I don't think they know I'm from America (land of the
>free opinion)...

What a load of crap!



Date: Tue, 20 Aug 96 08:58:25 PDT
Subject: Re: All the whining

[post removed by request from the author]


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 12:34:53 -0400
From: (deborah evans)
Subject: Re: No Subject

> I have even since asked 2 be removed
> from this mailing list  I am still on the list so I guess they don't care...

Actually, I think you will find the reason you were not removed was because
you sent you unsubscribe request to the list not to the appropriate place -
not just once but several times.  Which incidentally became more than a
little annoying after a while.

However, I do agree that it is a shame you feel you should unsubscribe due
to a few, obvious, idiots sending you hate mail.  There is an easier way to
remedy that situation without unsubscribing.  Send the hate mail to the
postmaster of the server it came from with a note attatched that you do not
like such harrassment.  


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 12:22:39 -0400 (EDT)
From: Heather Watson 
Subject: Re: All the whining

Can we close this one?


Date: 	Tue, 20 Aug 1996 21:20:41 -0400
From: Anne Wong 
Subject: don't look back

ok everybody

before everyFREAKINbody gets off this list please stop bickering
pretend these recent "controversial" topics have never been mentioned
and get on with it. come on, just swallow your pride and move on!
it's quite simple. no more AAAARRGGHH mail. plus, the next person who
insists on sticking to this madness has the coodies. ok?



Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 13:08:40 -0400
Subject: Re: No Subject

thanks deborah.. i have since decided not 2 b removed because the few people
i have been getting hate mail from aren't worth it... i enjoy reading
everyone's stories and opinions...

anyone see any good concerts lately????


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 13:17:20 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Returned mail: User unknown

let me know if there's anything i can do 2 help... i, myself, just got robbed
on vacation (yeah!) and i am saving up 2 go to england, france and amsterdam
in february... so i know what it's like 2 not have 2 much money...
as far as cd's and concerts - i buy and go all the time... let me know what
you're looking 4... k?  i just went 2 see alanys morrisette last nite... i
wasn't sure how it was going 2 b but it was great... that woman can sing!

i also just brought a couple new cd's (hard house, etc.) we're always goin 2
rave parties in nyc... i'm goin 2 one this weekend... i'll let u know how it


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 20:58:51 +0100
From: Graham Cawsey 
Subject: Reading Festival

Sorry about this post having nothing to with The Charlies.

For Sale

2 x Tickets for the Reading Rock Festival.
Contact Ben or Gary on  01206 784352
Open to offers.
Do not reply to this email.



Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 21:06:02 +0100
From: Graham Cawsey 
Subject: Re: 

I agree with you, I have only ever sent two posts to this list.  They talk a
load of bollox. BUT and this is a big BUT.

It is 20 times better than the fucking blur one.  I downloaded mails from
that and unsubscribed immediatley.



Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 15:17:41 -0500
From: Nihilist 
Subject: Re: All the whining

At 08:58 AM 8/20/96 PDT, you wrote:
>All of these martyrs, and all of this whining, is getting to be more annoying
>than any of the attacks!  Just get on with it!

I think it's hilarious.  

What's this group about, then?


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 16:38:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: Heather Watson 
Subject: Re: All the whining

On Tue, 20 Aug 1996, Nihilist wrote:

> At 08:58 AM 8/20/96 PDT, you wrote:
> >All of these martyrs, and all of this whining, is getting to be more annoying
> >than any of the attacks!  Just get on with it!
> I think it's hilarious.  
> What's this group about, then?
> David

You know, I am so sick of all this and this a bad time for me to be
getting shit mail like this, so would you please move on to something
else?  I really don't find any good humor in this what so ever......


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 96 15:32:43 PDT
Subject: Re:

[post removed by request from the author]


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 19:03:58 -0400
Subject: Reply to: Re: No Subject

well ihave not seen a good concert in a while but the best shows i have ever
scene were the charlatans uk.......10 and 11 tour moby and the prodigy.......
back a few years ago(i think in 92) the flaming lips.....transmissions from
the satalite heart show james......a year ago bjork........last tour

thanks james


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 19:56:47 -0400
Subject: Re: Reply to: Re: No Subject

u r very lucky...i wish the charlatans would come 2 new york so i can see

i luv them!!!!...


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 23:50:28 -0400
Subject: Re: All the whining

Hear, hear!  It didn't seem that bad to me.  On the other hand, I'm used to
dealing with lawyers everyday who think they haven't done their job unless
they've emotionally disemboweled someone before coffee break.

Hey, XXXXXX, any relation to Ken Stringfellow of the Posies?  I just saw them
this weekend at a festival here.  Great, high energy band.  

Cheer up everyone.  Only a few days until the Charlatans single release.
Until then...I will not say "AAAUURGH".   Maybe "Hmmmm..."



Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 12:02:53 +0800 (WST)
From: Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics 
Subject: Re: No Subject

On Tue, 20 Aug 1996 wrote:

> Danny,
> I made the mistake of not agreeing with someone on their comparison of the
> Charlatans to Jethro Tull... Since then people (not everyone) have been
> sending me hate mail... I don't think they know I'm from America (land of the
> free opinion)...
> So that's what started the little tiff... I have since kept my opinions 2
> myself as I don't think it's worth it... I have even since asked 2 be removed
> from this mailing list after being sweared at and told I was a tosser
> (whatever that means)... I am still on the list so I guess they don't care...
> Anyway have a great day!!!! :)~ 

Its a bit scary isn't it? I made the mistake of agreeing with someone 
that one or two of their songs DO sound a bit like Jethro Tull and while 
I didn't get hate mail exactly there were some heated and uncalled for 
comments made. By the way is that comment in parentheses (land of the 
free opinion) a joke? I thought opinions were $25 per plus tax unless it 
was a legal opinion and then the sky's the limit? (not that I'm 
suggesting that Australia is any better, lets not kid ourselves hey?).

Peace to you also


Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 12:07:54 +0800 (WST)
From: Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics 
Subject: Re: No Subject

On Tue, 20 Aug 1996 wrote:

> thanks deborah.. i have since decided not 2 b removed because the few people
> i have been getting hate mail from aren't worth it... i enjoy reading
> everyone's stories and opinions...
> anyone see any good concerts lately????


Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 12:08:56 +0800 (WST)
From: Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics 
Subject: Re:

On Tue, 20 Aug 1996, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote:

> I agree with you, Graham.  I used to be on the Blur list too.  Oh my God,
> it's just poll after stupid poll,(example: who in the group has the best hair?)
> and one pretentious git after another quoting the latest teeny-bopper magazine
> article.

Can you really expect much more through email? There was an interesting 
interview with Noam Chomsky about the internet and how it degrades 
exchanges because people don't think before they type. His idea seems to 
be borne out don't you think? Too many people too quick to access their 
computer and not as keen to access their brains maybe? The 
dis-information superhighway? The non-information superhighway? 

Not totally true because I have found out some interesting things on the 
net a lot more rapidly than I would otherwise (being in Perth, the most 
isolated capital city in the world - as we are constantly reminded). Mind 
is speed of access all that important. It seems we are getting overloaded 
with information and consequently have less time to think about it, which 
would have to be more important surely? Back to the same point: too quick 
to access a computer...

Has the Charlatans album been released in the UK or US yet? Is there a 
date? We won't get it here for at least 2 months after anywhere else 
unless we want to import it and pay more



Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 12:17:03 +0800 (WST)
From: Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics 
Subject: Re: Reply to: Re: No Subject

On Tue, 20 Aug 1996, SPROSTON GREEN wrote:

> well ihave not seen a good concert in a while but the best shows i have ever scene were
> the charlatans uk.......10 and 11 tour
> moby and the prodigy.......back a few years ago(i think in 92)
> the flaming lips.....transmissions from the satalite heart show
> james......a year ago
> bjork........last tour

A little bit of trivia. I played some guitar for a local techno band 
that supported Bjork when she was here in March. Got to meet the band, 
her (although she was a bit stand-offish) and Goldie who was much 
friendlier. Saw the show twice at a really nice outdoor venue we have 



Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 09:51:07 +0100
From: (Matthew Hayes)

A While ago I was looking through this mail order cd place on the internet
and while I was browsing through the charlatans listing, I noticed that
there were two records called 'the charlatans' BY the charlatans.
There was the UK 'The charlatans' which opened with nine acre court, feeling 
holy etc.... and apparently a US one called 'The charlatans....(first shag) 
with a completely different track listing, none of which I recognised. I 
told one of my mates about this and he said that there used to be this 
psycadelic band in the sixties also called the charlatans.

Can anybody explain where this record has come from.


Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 14:01:34 BST
From: sarah clark 
Subject: Re: Re: nooo




Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 14:08:32 BST
From: "" 
Subject: The White Room

Hi, this is my first post to the list as I only joined recently.  
Anyway, I've found an interview with Tim on The White Room's website 
from last Friday when they were on - its not very long but its quite 

Go to



Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 09:37:24 -0400
Subject: Re: No Subject


yeah the opinion thing was a joke... i knew people would get pissed off at me
again (at least the one's with no sense of humor) hehehehehehe

nothing's free here... in fact i've even been robbed 2 times in the past six
months yeah! leg up to america!

i always wanted to go to australia.... tell me about it at

don't b a stranger but stay strange....


Date: Wed, 21 Aug 96 10:13:04 -0500 (CDT)
From: (josh barnett)
Subject: Re: 

>A While ago I was looking through this mail order cd place on the internet
>and while I was browsing through the charlatans listing, I noticed that
>there were two records called 'the charlatans' BY the charlatans.
>There was the UK 'The charlatans' which opened with nine acre court, feeling 
>holy etc.... and apparently a US one called 'The charlatans....(first shag) 
>with a completely different track listing, none of which I recognised. I 
>told one of my mates about this and he said that there used to be this 
>psycadelic band in the sixties also called the charlatans.
>Can anybody explain where this record has come from.
they were a san fran. group back in the sixties. they are the reason why the
uk group you have grown to love added the uk to their name. they were having
a hard time about their name here in the states once some friendly came out.
so for legal reason's and distribution reasons the became 'the charlatans
uk' over here.


Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 16:22:28 -0500 (CDT)
From: (John Ball)
Subject: Re: All the whining

Been awhile since I have posted on this list..

was becoming distraught over the fact that it was going into red herring
over actual intelligent discussion. You know the classic ploy of making
personal attacks over inteligent refuting of points.


Famous fredrick and not noticed Noam come out..... Linguists and existentialists
warms my heart to see intelligence prevail......
thank you and may we see tim and co. have the balls to continue touring by
themselves instead of the sell out express w\ Oasis.

Like when Ride turned down the oppertunity to tour with the Rollin Stones
because they have integrity and the sweet sound to make it all the sweeter.

Tim if your listenin do your thing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Play the small clubs like the Blue note in columbia Mo where I last saw and
spoke to you.... It means so much more to us that travel over 6 hours to see
you chaps!!!!!!!

Love of life 
life of love


Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 10:14:36 +0800 (WST)
From: Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics 
Subject: Re: Facts

On Wed, 21 Aug 1996, John Ball wrote:

> Been awhile since I have posted on this list..
> was becoming distraught over the fact that it was going into red herring
> over actual intelligent discussion. You know the classic ploy of making
> personal attacks over inteligent refuting of points.
> Then
> Famous fredrick and not noticed Noam come out..... Linguists and existentialists
> warms my heart to see intelligence prevail......
> thank you and may we see tim and co. have the balls to continue touring by
> themselves instead of the sell out express w\ Oasis.
> Like when Ride turned down the oppertunity to tour with the Rollin Stones
> because they have integrity and the sweet sound to make it all the sweeter.
> Tim if your listenin do your thing!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Play the small clubs like the Blue note in columbia Mo where I last saw and
> spoke to you.... It means so much more to us that travel over 6 hours to see
> you chaps!!!!!!!
> Love of life 
> life of love

Well how about... "there is no history without nuance and nuance is 
open to interpretation." I think that was Norman Mailer that 
champion of women's lib and most celebrated of barroom brawlers. 


Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 10:07:32 +0800 (WST)
From: Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics 
Subject: Re: No Subject

On Wed, 21 Aug 1996 wrote:

> Kevin, 
> yeah the opinion thing was a joke... i knew people would get pissed off at me
> again (at least the one's with no sense of humor) hehehehehehe
> nothing's free here... in fact i've even been robbed 2 times in the past six
> months yeah! leg up to america!
> i always wanted to go to australia.... tell me about it at
> don't b a stranger but stay strange....
> Hello vdrklvr

Australia hey? Well we have kangaroos roaming the city streets. We eat 
prawns and fight giant crocodiles whenever we go swimming. I'm actually a 
long term tourist here (12 years now) from England. I've never been 
robbed but we do have a State Premier (like your governors) here in 
Western Australia who makes Pete Wilson look like a progressive and 
although I've never been in his office I'm sure he has a photo of the 
Queen next to one of Ronald Reagan kissing Margaret Thatcher. Yes its a bit 
of a cowboy state. 

Australia is basically a small city on the west coast with great beaches 
and a fairly good UK influenced band scene which I am a part of (although 
over the last few years the US college rock and grunge sound has taken over
- you may have even heard of Ammonia they toured the US recently and are like 
Silverchair). This is Perth: population around 1.5 million. Lots of ex 
pat poms.And on the east coast there are two major cities, all bigger, 
with slightly dirtier beaches and more mainstream music scenes that are 
more obviously US influenced. On the south east coast there is Melbourne 
with a mix of music scenes. My favourite city in Australia. I'm finishing 
up my research project in 18 months and then I'm off to live in Melbourne 
to seek fame and fortune as a musician.

Maybe I'll get the chance to be robbed soon. I'm going to be in the US in 
January and Canada from June to August next year. Here's hoping.

Speak to you soon


Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 22:53:47 -0700
From: Patrick Treanor 
Subject: Re: 

Matthew Hayes wrote:
> A While ago I was looking through this mail order cd place on the internet
> and while I was browsing through the charlatans listing, I noticed that
> there were two records called 'the charlatans' BY the charlatans.
> There was the UK 'The charlatans' which opened with nine acre court, feeling
> holy etc.... and apparently a US one called 'The charlatans....(first shag)
> with a completely different track listing, none of which I recognised. I
> told one of my mates about this and he said that there used to be this
> psycadelic band in the sixties also called the charlatans.
> Can anybody explain where this record has come from.

check it out Mat, the charlatans that you were speaking of are early 
sixties or before, but they are definitly NOT psychedelic!! they sing
some old country/folky junk. one of the tracks is "folsom prison blues"
a Johnny Cash song. in 1995 they re-released a best of deal and I bought 
it as a novelty item. either way it kinda sucks. it was recorded in
San Francisco

hope it helps.


Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 23:16:25 -0700
From: Patrick Treanor 
Subject: Jethro Tull?

I've been reading all the junk about Jethro Tull sounding like the 
Charlatans (or visa/versa), so I had to check it out for myself. I went 
to a great local store and they acctually had a "used" Tull best-of Cd
so I popped it in the listening booth cd player, And was quickly 
reminded how much I disliked "Aqualung". So I'm skipping through tracks 
going "NOPE, NO-WAY, NOPE, NOT IN A MILLION YEARS........." until I came 
to a track called "HYMN 49", the sound was unmistakeable, it certainly 
had a Charlatans feel going on. I could almost hear Tim singing (weird).
Then of-course Mr.Tull came in and screwed that high up.......

So I say yes and no, and if the Charlies were influenced, they only kept 
the good.



Date: Thu, 22 Aug 96 06:26:40 PDT
Subject: Re: No Subject

Went to the cure. I'm not a big Cure fan, but they were impressive. They 
played a lot of old stuff, and Robert Smith played a beautiful Gretsch.


Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 10:11:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: Heather Watson 
Subject: Re: No Subject

Where did you see The Cure?  I just saw them in MI, and I thought they
were great, but then again The Cure is a favorite of mine.           

Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 12:47:02 -0500 (CDT)
From: W00DST0CK 
Subject: Re: Re: Sheer Heresy

On Mon, 5 Aug 1996, trainees wrote:

> (In reply to your message dated Friday 2, August 1996)
> Dear Dan
> I know Rob's death was a tragedy, but his playing style was, 
> fortunately, very simple on most tracks.  I can think of one 
> man who could do the job admirably - Clint Boon of Inspiral 
> Carpets. If you've not heard them, check them out.  Clint 

I agree that the inspiral carpets are an excellent band but i think that 
they are much more brash and hype than the charlatans and arent the 
carpets still together anyway?


Date: Thu, 22 Aug 96 10:50:33 PDT
Subject: Re: No Subject

I saw the cure here in San Jose (CA) at the Arena. Robert Smith wore a 
San Jose Sharks jersey and even sang 'Do you know the Way to San Jose'
It was a good show, but I'm sure it would've been even better if Porl 
had been there. 


Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 12:57:00 -0500 (CDT)
From: W00DST0CK 
Subject: Re: the 'sis bollocks.

I dont know if any one remembers anything about the psychedlic furs, but 
they had a couple of hitts way back when and if they didnt all od 
somewhere  it hink there keyboardist would be excellent. However there 
keyboardist may have just been  a studio musician cant remember honestly.


Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 14:03:42 -0400
Subject: Re: No Subject

i think robert smith is great! i luv the cure...

can't wait to see them in nyc


Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 14:06:13 -0400
Subject: Re: the 'sis bollocks.

i remember the phyc furs... they were great...


Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 23:11:38 -0500 (CDT)
From: (John Ball)
Subject: the eighties and beyond

>i remember the phyc furs... they were great...

I saw the furs in 92 at UCR in riverside cal. they were awwwwright, but that
new smiths cover that the singers (sorry don't know his name) new band has
is really better than their old stuff. 
they do "How soon is now" one of the best smiths songs and great by any
standard, even rob

but come on the cure haven't had a good single since facination street and
evn this fan is getting annoyed by the bad pop. I liked the depth of
wish....edge of the the
unstuck....amoung others but the singles friday and high were pathetic......

sorry for being so into the eighties

in more related news I liked the desert island and top ten charletans songs
but wondered what covers you out their might like to hear? 

no jethro tull songs please
I was thinkin LA women or riders on the storm by jim and the doors
I know their american but they are better than the Aphgan Wiggers


Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 13:46:49 +0800 (WST)
From: Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics 
Subject: Re: Jethro Tull?

On Wed, 21 Aug 1996, Patrick Treanor wrote:

> I've been reading all the junk about Jethro Tull sounding like the 
> Charlatans (or visa/versa), so I had to check it out for myself. I went 
> to a great local store and they acctually had a "used" Tull best-of Cd
> so I popped it in the listening booth cd player, And was quickly 
> reminded how much I disliked "Aqualung". So I'm skipping through tracks 
> going "NOPE, NO-WAY, NOPE, NOT IN A MILLION YEARS........." until I came 
> to a track called "HYMN 49", the sound was unmistakeable, it certainly 
> had a Charlatans feel going on. I could almost hear Tim singing (weird).
> Then of-course Mr.Tull came in and screwed that high up.......
> So I say yes and no, and if the Charlies were influenced, they only kept 
> the good.
That was my point. The Charlatans are a lot more listenable, better 
melodies, better guitar, no flute, but there is a similarity. Mind you 
the influence might not be conscious it may be just a coincidence but Tim 
and Co are about 28, 29, 30 aren't they? That would mean they would have 
just got into listening to music when Jethro Tull were big in England, so 
maybe its an unconscious influence (my psych friend tells me there's no 
such thing as a "sub-conscious").



Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 13:51:47 +0800 (WST)
From: Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics 
Subject: Re: No Subject

On Thu, 22 Aug 1996, CHRIS WALTON, SHIFT 7 DIFFUSION, PG:932-3802 wrote:

> Went to the cure. I'm not a big Cure fan, but they were impressive. They 
> played a lot of old stuff, and Robert Smith played a beautiful Gretsch.

Ah the Gretsch. I have a 1968 double anniversary special all original 
with Bigsby tremelo arm... Great look, not a bad sound for clean chords, 
and it was a bargain for Aus$1000 about 6 years ago. Just a bit of 
useless trivia to add to the trivia net



Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 07:55:47 -0400
Subject: Reply to: the eighties and beyond

id like to hear the charlies do "time for living" by the beasties but slowed
down and in their funky way



Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 07:53:31 -0400
Subject:  Sheer Heresy

what about the boy who played the hamond on the track BIRDMAN by ride......a
real groovey track



Date: Fri, 23 Aug 96 06:01:11 PDT
Subject: Re: No Subject

Sounds like a nice guitar. I think the bigsby looks cool, but cuts the 
sustain a little bit. I have a 1967 streamliner all original and a 1979
Broadcaster that looks like a Gretsch, but was made in the 'Baldwin Era'
It sounds a bit like a Gibson ES. I also just bought a Ricky 360s. I'm
looking to buy a Tennesseean or a Country Gentleman like Squire's. Does
anyone know of any floating around?
P.S. No one ever answered my question- Squire did not degrade himself by
playing with Oasis did he?


Date: Fri, 23 Aug 96 14:38:49 -0500 (CDT)
From: (josh barnett)
Subject: Re: Reply to: the eighties and beyond

>id like to hear the charlies do "time for living" by the beasties but
slowed down and in their funky way

i would like to hear the charlatans and beastie boys to get together and do
a groove session together. mca has a very nice upright bass.


Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 21:54:59 +0100
From: Graham Cawsey 
Subject: NME Single Reviews


                One To Another 
                (Beggars Banquet) 
"... One more bitter twist in the tragedy of Rob Collins' death is just how
terrific and on form his band are sounding these days. This first peep from
their forthcoming fifth album proves their triumphant Knebworth slot two
weeks back was no emotionally-charged fluke, sounding like prime-time Stone
Roses after a severe duffing up by Black Grape."" 

They have a sound sample on line as well.



Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 21:23:46 -0400
Subject: Stephan Fenn's daytripper bootlegs (message by James)

How do I reach you James?!  I desperately want those daytripper bootlegs with
Ride and the Charlatans and I don't know how to get to your private e-mail
address.  Please leave a message for me or something so I can get in touch
with you.  Thank-you!!


Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 23:34:42 -0400
Subject: Any news from the Front?

I'm interested in hearing from any of you who attended the Chelmsford and/or
Reading fests.  How 'bout a top ten performances list, eh?

Happy gig trippin to you all.  Don't eat the orange acid.



Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 15:51:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: Rahul Krisnaswamy 
Subject: looking for Charlatans DATs

Hi, I'm looking to trade live stuff by the Charlatans, Ride, house of 
Love, Bluetones, many others.  Have much to offer, please send lists.  
Thank you.



Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 20:30:18 -0400
Subject: Reply to: Stephan Fenn's daytripper bootlegs (message by James)

james who im a james and i have hotlicks on vynil...are ou talking to me



Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 22:46:46 -0500 (CDT)
From: (SmilingJudy)
Subject: Re: nooo


I forgot I had this, but I had saved it from the charlie's list.  

>Here's what I have at the moment:
>                       Brighton Daytripper 1993

Do you have boots of the charlie's and ride at the Daytripper?  I'd be very
interested in getting a copy of that.  I don't have much to offer in the
form of charlie trade...just your basic stuff like Hot Licks, Isolation,
etc... and the Some Friendly video.  But I have lots of ride and access to
more if you are interested in those.  Or I could pay cash if none of that
interests you.  

Please let me know if you want to work something out.  

kim :) 


Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 22:47:31 -0500 (CDT)
From: (SmilingJudy)
Subject: Re: nooo

Sorry about that everyone!


Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 16:32:51 +0000
From: (Owen O'Connor)
Subject: Get us of this list

Please, please please get us off this list!
It is blocking up our mailbox

O'Connor O'Sullivan Ltd
52 Northumberland Road,
Dublin 4.
Telephone: + 353 1 6682833.
Fax: + 353 1 6682297.


Date: Mon, 26 Aug 96 11:49:59 PDT
Subject: Re: Get us of this list

[post removed by request from author]


Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 18:44:28 -0400
From: (deborah evans)
Subject: Re: Reply to: the eighties and beyond

>id like to hear the charlies do "time for living" by the beasties but
slowed down and in their funky way

Okay I have to ask the a very stupid question to the list based on this
email.  I'm not a beastie boys fan so I have no idea, but, the song "time
for livin'" on the HELP album is this the song that was made reference to
here????  I'm guessing it obviously was and with that thought in mind how
different was the charlatans version to the original.  Like I said I'm not a
beastie boys fan - in fact I think they are utter rubbish.  

As an aside, I just saw the manics play in Toronto this weekend, and they
were amazing.  I think I rate them in my top 5 all time favourite live shows
ever.  And they even did a cover of "take the skinheads bowling" but sadly
only 3 older songs.  


Date: Tue, 27 Aug 96 10:13:10 -0700
From: Sigurd Sigmundssen 
Subject: newsgroup

I recently signed up for the Charlatans UK mailing list and am curious 
whether there is a corresponding newsgroup at which I can point my 
browser to get a "feeling" for the group before posting.  My main 
interest here is discussing the lyrics, which I like the sound of but 
never really understand.  



Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1996 10:59:52 +0200
From: Eirik Gudmundsen 
Subject: Re: Reply to: the eighties and beyond 

deborah evans wrote:

> Okay I have to ask the a very stupid question to the list based on this
> email.  I'm not a beastie boys fan so I have no idea, but, the song "time
> for livin'" on the HELP album is this the song that was made reference to
> here????

In fact, it isn't that "Time For Livin" song The Charlatans cover on the Help 
album. That is a Sly & Family Stone song which I've not heard the original of 
actually. Anyway, the Beastie Boys' "Time For Living", is one of their more 
punkish songs on the "Check Your Head" album. It's cool, but it's definetely 
nothing like Sly's "Time For Livin". 

Sigurd Sigmundssen wrote:

> I recently signed up for the Charlatans UK mailing list and am curious 
> whether there is a corresponding newsgroup at which I can point my 
> browser to get a "feeling" for the group before posting.  My main 
> interest here is discussing the lyrics, which I like the sound of but 
> never really understand.  

Hi, and welcome to the list. There is actually a newsgroup for the Charlatans, 
but it isn't visited too much. It's on . If you can't 
find it, you have to ask your newsserver to get it on your menu. All of you 
should go there.

At last there is also a news message. 109, the Charlatans free info service, 
has put out the new issue of their very informative fan magazine. It's issue 16.
If you want it,  you just have to send a large SAE inc 2xIRC for overseas to 
"109" PO Box 94, Northwich, CW9 5TS. 

I also saw the new video by the Charlatans, and it was excellent. Rob behind 
the piano like he used to. I'm happy they did record that video before he 
died. The song is a killer!!! I'm so happy..

Cheers,  Eirik.

NB! check out my homepage as well, for news or other things. I am updating it 
quite often now.


Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1996 13:16:29 +0100
From: Michael Hutchinson 
Sunject: New Single

Has anyone bought the new single yet? - what are the B sides like ?



Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1996 17:01:11 +0100
From: Graham Cawsey 
Subject: Re: New Single

>Has anyone bought the new single yet? - what are the B sides like ?

They are fuckin tops.



Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1996 18:34:54 -0400
Subject: Reply to: Re: Reply to: the eighties and beyond

time for living was a song the beastie boys did on ill communication


Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 00:23:57 +0100
From: Neil Myers 
Subject: Re: Get me off this postinglist... - Reply

Are you surprised people want off, having their mailboxes
filled up with stupid, brain-dead requests? For Christ's 
sake, can't these people do anything right?

Now, is everybody sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list,
you can send mail to "" with the following
command in the body of your email message:

    unsubscribe charlatans [E-mail address]


Let's hope we've seen the last of these time-wasters ;-)

Love, peace & unity.

Neil ;-)

P.S. I don't want to unsubscribe!


Date: Tue, 27 Aug 96 19:41:48 -0500 (CDT)
From: (josh barnett)
Subject: Re: Reply to: the eighties and beyond

>>id like to hear the charlies do "time for living" by the beasties but
>slowed down and in their funky way
>Okay I have to ask the a very stupid question to the list based on this
>email.  I'm not a beastie boys fan so I have no idea, but, the song "time
>for livin'" on the HELP album is this the song that was made reference to
>here????  I'm guessing it obviously was and with that thought in mind how
>different was the charlatans version to the original.  Like I said I'm not a
>beastie boys fan - in fact I think they are utter rubbish.

the beastie boys 'time for livin' is not the same as the charlatans from
help. that is a sly and the family stone cover. if you think the beastie
boys are utter rubbish give 'the in sounds from way out' a listen.


Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1996 17:53:17 -0700
From: Patrick Treanor 
Subject: Rush

I didn't hear the similarity between rush & the bluetones, but I think 
it's unanimous that John from CAST definitly sounks like Getty Lee
(hope I spelled it right)



Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 02:52:26 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Reichert 
Subject: Re: Rush

> John from CAST definitly sounks like Getty Lee
>(hope I spelled it right)

Sorry, no. But it's GEDDY Lee. Lemme guess, I'm the only person on this list
who likes RUSH.

Hey, I'm from Canada kay? A teenage rockon who grew up eventually. If yer a
teenage rockon from Canada, yer can never give up RUSH (albeit the Charlies
are and always will be the best)



Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 11:12:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: Heather Watson 
Subject: Re: Rush

My appreciation for RUSH started years ago, I think that I was the only 9
year old who listened to them and actually loved their music. I was
particularly fond of 2112.


Date: Wed, 28 Aug 96 08:40:49 PDT
Subject: Re: Rush

[post removed by request from author]


Date: Wed, 28 Aug 96 13:42:16 PDT
Subject: RE: Rush

Unanimous? No, I don't think Rush fits in anywhere. Geddy Lee is a wannabe
Robert Plant. If you say the Bluetones' voice sounds like Robert Plant, I
think I can hear where you're comin' from. That Rush drummer-Niel Pert is
too overated. I think Reni and John Brookes are miles ahead of him.



Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 07:53:57 +0900
From: Gregory 
Subject: Re: Rush

>p.s. There's this one tennis player from Australia who looks a lot like Tim

I hope you don't mean Mark Phillipousos ? (though by saying this I guess I
am in fact agreeeing with you).


Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 18:59:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Reichert 
Subject: Oasis breakup?

I just heard that Oasis has broken up.
What happened, was the rest of the band getting annoyed with Yoko?



Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 18:58:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Reichert 
Subject: RE: Rush

At 13:42 28/08/96 PDT, you wrote:
>Unanimous? No, I don't think Rush fits in anywhere. Geddy Lee is a wannabe
>Robert Plant. If you say the Bluetones' voice sounds like Robert Plant, I
>think I can hear where you're comin' from. That Rush drummer-Niel Pert is
>too overated. I think Reni and John Brookes are miles ahead of him.

Hmmm. I think that comparing Reni or Brookes with Neil Peart is a bit off.
Completely different types of music, and Peart is more of an overall
percussionist than a drummer.

Hey, Rush isn't that bad. They've done Canada more proud than Alanis "I'll
live and record to the States but still call myself Canadian" Morrishit.



Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 08:56:44 +0800 (WST)
From: Kevin Johnson PhD Geopolitics 
Subject: Re: Oasis breakup?

On Wed, 28 Aug 1996, David Reichert wrote:

> I just heard that Oasis has broken up.
Oh please please tell me its true


Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 10:10:16 +0200
From: Eirik Gudmundsen 
Subject: Re: Oasis breakup?


Oasis hasn't broken up. Liam just said he wanted to stay home to move into a
new house, and Noel just said "go on, and come to America when you're ready".
Liam isn't therefore joining the rest of the band on their US tour. Nothing
more dramatic than that. But if Liam would quit or get fired, I doubt very
much it would brake up the band. Noel IS the band, so unfortunate for some
and good for others, Oasis is still running.....

Cheers, Eirik 


Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 19:21:39 +0900
From: Gregory 
Subject: Re: Oasis breakup?

Tokyo FM had 15 minutes of OASIS this afternoon and finished the set by
saying the word from England was that OASIS had split up and they were
waiting for the official word. Dire Straits fans everywhere are likely to be
offing themselves.


Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 11:55:11 +0000
Subject: Re: Oasis breakup?

Liam was on the news this morning, and he is flying out to the USA to 
join the rest of the band


Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 08:19:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: Heather Watson 
Subject: Re: Oasis breakup?

No they did not. I am going to see them this Friday.  Liam wasn't at the 
Chicago show, but he said that he would play Detroit.


End of The Charlatans Digest #2.21
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This page was last updated Sep 3, 1996 by Erik Söderström