Lysator Seminar Series

24/10: Beowulf Clusters

With Donald Becker, Scyld Computing Corporation

The Beowulf cluster project has evolved from research and demonstration systems, to prototype development systems, and is now in the early stages of being deployed as a major high performance computing platform in industrial and commercial environments.

Donald Becker will tell us about the history of the Beowulf project, what the main applications are today and how the system will evolve in the near-term future. He will also give an overview of the technical extensions to Linux developed as part of the project.

Donald Becker has contributed to the Linux kernel since 1992, and is largely responsible for Linux's broad support of network adapters. In 1994 he moved to CESDIS at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center to start the Beowulf Project. He is currently the Chief Technology Officer at Scyld Computing Corporation.

NOTE: This talk will be given in auditorium C2, not Estraden. Time: 18:15 - 20:00.

This talk is presented in cooperation with NSC's Workshop on Linux Clusters for Super Computing (Oct 25-26), http://www.nsc.liu.se/lcsc/. Please visit their web page if you want to attend.

UppLYSning is arranged by Lysator in cooperation with the Department of Computer and Information Science.