From archive (archive) Subject: Author Lists: Robert Anton Wilson From: JWenn.ESAE@XEROX.COM Date: 2 Jun 89 16:44:47 GMT Robert Anton Wilson writes wierd stuff. Best known as the co-author of the "Illuminatus" trilogy, he's written several other books on the same themes of paranoia, conspiracy and search for alternate awareness. I've omitted some of the odder books which aren't fiction (such as "Sex & Drugs", "The Book of the Breast" & "Prometheus Rising"). "Masks of the Illuminati" is probably the best stand-alone book, but I'ld personally recommend going for the entire "Illuminatus" trilogy. Don't worry if you find it confusing, it's designed that way. [C] == Short Story Collection. [O] == Omnibus. Includes other books. /John arpa: entropyisntwhatitusedtobe-ly ---------------------------------------------------------------- Wilson, Robert Anton [U.S.A., 1932- ] Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy [1989] [O] The Universe Next Door [1979] The Trick Top Hat [1979] The Homing Pigeons [1979] The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles: The Earth Will Shake [1982] The Widow's Son [1985] Nature's God [1989] The Sex Magicians [1974] The Cosmic Trigger: The Final Secret of Illuminati [1977] The Illuminati! Papers [1980] [C] Masks of the Illuminati! [1981] [non-fiction?] Shea, Robert J. & Wilson, Robert Anton The Illuminatus! Trilogy [1984] [O] The Eye in the Pyramid [1975] The Golden Apple [1975] Leviathan [1975]