From archive (archive) Subject: Author Lists: Karl Edward Wagner From: JWenn.ESAE@XEROX.COM Date: 20 Jun 89 08:06:30 GMT Another fantasy writer I haven't read. Although, I've heard his particular style as belonging to the "Mayhem and Magic" school of fantasy. He also writes horror and edits the "Years Best Horror" series. [C] == Short Story Collection. rev == revision of an older title /John arpa: ifyoucanthearmeitsbecauseiminparentheses-ly ---------------------------------------------------------------- Wagner, Karl Edward [U.S.A. 12/12/1945- ] The Kane Series: Darkness Weaves with Many Shades [1970] Death Angel's Shadow [1973] [C] Bloodstone [1975] Dark Crusade [1976] Night Winds [1978] Darkness Weaves [1978] [rev. of "Darkness Weaves with Many Shades"] The Book of Kane [1985] [C] The Bran Mac Morn Series: Legion from the Shadows [1976] Midnight Sun [1974] [C] The Road of Kings [1979] [Conan] In a Lonely Place [1983] [C] Why Not You And I? [1987] [C] Drake, David & Wagner, Karl Edward Killer [1985]