From archive (archive) Subject: Author Lists: Sheri Tepper From: JWenn.ESAE@XEROX.COM Date: 19 Jan 89 14:42:01 GMT On the other hand, Sheri Tepper has no problem with productivity. She's averaged 3 books a year for the past 6 years. And they've been of a consistently quality ranging from good to extremely good. Bother her SF and Fantasy are recommended. /John [O] == Omnibus (a book that completely contains other books) arpa: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sheri Tepper True Game Series: The True Game [1985] [O] King's Blood Four [1983] Necromancer Nine [1983] Wizard's Eleven [1984] The Chronicles of Mavin Manyshaped [1986] [O] The Song of Mavin Manyshaped [1985] The Flight of Mavin Manyshaped [1985] The Search of Mavin Manyshaped [1985] The End of the Game [1987] [O] Jinian Footseer [1985] Dirvish Daughter [1986] Jinian Star-Eye [1986] Marianne Series: Marianne, the Magus, and the Manticore [1985] Marianne, the Madame and the Momentary Gods [1988] In Series: Blood Heritage [1986] The Bones [1987] The Awakeners [1987] [O] Northshore [1987] Southshore [1987] The Revenants [1984] After Long Silence [1987] The Gate to Women's Country [1988]