From archive (archive) Subject: Author Lists: Patricia McKillip From: JWenn.ESAE@XEROX.COM Date: 19 Jan 89 14:11:02 GMT Patricia McKillip has been writing SF longer than most people realise. Personally, I feel that her prose and storytellig abilities are better utilised in her fantasy than in her SF. Her riddle master trilogy is great, even if it does border on the cute ("Air of Sea & Fire"? Come on). Her stuff is defineitely recommended for all fantasy fans. /John [O] == Omnibus (a book that completely contains other books) arpa: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Patricia McKillip The Quest of the Riddle-Master [1982] [O] The Riddlemaster of Hed [1976] Heir of Sea and Fire [1977] Harpist in the Wind [1979] In Series: Moon-Flash [1984] The Moon and the Face [1985] The Throme of the Erril of Sherill [1973] The House on Parchment Street [1973] The Forgotten Beasts of Eld [1975] The Night Gift [1976] Stepping From the Shadows [1982] Fool's Run [1987] The Changeling Sea [1988]