_ _ _______ | \/ | / _____/ |_||_|etal/ /hop _________/ / /__________/ (314)432-0756 24 Hours A Day, 300/1200 Baud Presents... ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue One, Phile 5 of 8

Using MCI Calling Cards

by Knight Lightning
of the 2600 Club!

How to dial international calls on MCI:

"Its easy to use MCI for international calling."

  1. Dial your MCI access number and authorization code (code = 14 digit number, however the first 10 digits are the card holders NPA+PRE+SUFF).
  2. Dial 011
  3. Dial the country code
  4. Dial the city code and the PRE+SUFF that you want.
Countries served by MCI:

Country                   code|Country                   code
Algeria...................213 |New Zealand...............64
Argentina.................54  |Northern Ireland..........44
Australia.................61  |Oman......................968
Belgium...................32  |Papua New Guinea..........675
Brazil....................55  |Qatar.....................974
Canada.........Use Area Codes |Saudi Arabia..............966
Cyprus....................357 |Scotland..................44
Denmark...................45  |Senegal...................221
Egypt.....................20  |South Africa..............27
England...................44  |Sri Lanka.................94
German Democratic Republic    |Sweden....................46
(East Germany)............37  |Taiwan....................886
Greece....................30  |Tanzania..................255
Jordan....................962 |Tunisa....................216
Kenya.....................254 |United Arab Emirates......971
Kuwait....................965 |Wales.....................44
Malawi....................265 |
Thats 33 countries in all. To get the extender for these calls dial 950-1022 or 1-800-624-1022.

For local calling:

  1. Dial 950-1022 or 1-800-624-1022
  2. Wait for tone
  3. Dial "0", the area code, the phone number, and the 14 digit authorization code. You will hear 2 more tones that let you know you are connected.
- Knight Lightning --> The 2600 Club!