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Statistics: ''Home language'' instruction in Sweden (the s.c.nordic FAQ)
nordic flags
The home pages for the Usenet newsgroup soc.culture.nordic
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Statistics: ''Home language'' instruction in Sweden

In order to make the contacts easier between second/third generation immigrants, and their relatives (abroad or in the country), it is since the beginning of the 1970:ies a requirement for the municipalities to offer instruction in hemspråk ("home-language") for pupils with immigrant background. The municipalities are in principle required to organize this instruction also for pupils who visit other than municipal schools. 1986 the criteria were made more stringent for which pupils being entitled to this instruction, and a year later also the native minorities were formally included in the same law. (Practically they were included from the start.) From 1994/95 the municipalities aren't forced to offer more than seven years of instruction, except for the native minorities and in Nordic languages.

State subsidies are paid for the teachers' salary, but not for more than three hours each week. (In case of small groups the subsidies are limited to 0.85 hours per week and participant.) For some languge, as for instance Sámi languages, Tornedalen-Finnish and Standard-Finnish, there is no lower limit stipulated for when a municipality can refuse due to a limited request among the pupils, but it can be assumed that a municipality would be convicted in court if it refused to organize instruction for which state subsidies would be paid. For other languages the limit is at five pupils per municipality (and language). No such cases are however reported.

The Swedish term home-language is in its legal sense defined as follows:

Those pupils are entitled to instruction in home-language, who fulfill any of the following requirements: The following table is compiled from two sources of official Swedish statistics: From the summary of the latter I quote:
Pupils with home language other than Swedish
In the autumn 1993 11 per cent of the pupils in comprehensive school (102'280) and 6 per cent in upper secondary school (19'450) had another home language than Swedish. (...) There were 125 different home languages. Finnish (23'100 pupils) was the most freqvent language followed by Arabic (12'150 pupils) and Spanish (11'840 pupils). In 1993 asylum appliers in comprehensive school were not included.

Teaching hours per week as a total for home language instruction in comprehensive and upper secondary school in 1993 was 43'800 compared to 53'800 in 1992.

Important to note is that not all immigrant pupils (but all from the native minorities) are entitled to "home language" instruction. Their foreign parent is required to give a base and a regular practice in the daily talk with the pupil.

Below the "upper secondary school" (gymnasiet) is omitted. The Finnish group is specially shown, both due to this group's importance and its relevance in the news-group. Finland-Swedish pupils are included, but their number isn't believed to be as considerable as 20-30 years ago.

 Children aged 7-15 years                                 all Finnish
                                                       pupils  pupils

 ----------------------------------------------       ------- -------
 Statistics according to place of birth:
 children born abroad:                                 78'000   1'000
 2nd generation immigrants:                           138'000  47'000

 Sum:                                                 216'000  48'000

 Statistics according to custodians:
 children with one of the parents born abroad          59'000  19'000
 children living with single parent born abroad        48'000  14'000
 children with both parents born abroad                75'000   9'000

 Sum:                                                 182'000  42'000

 (immigrant children living by native Swedes?)         34'000   6'000

 Pupils in comprehensive school:

 all pupils 1994:                                     894'000
 thereof entitled to instruction                      102'000  20'000
 participants in the home language education           59'000  11'000

Note! In this table no distinction is made between Tornedalen-Finnish and
Standard-Finnish, nor between pupils entitle to instruction due to status as
native minority or immigrant.

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- Is the text above really reliable?
- See the discussion in section 1.2.2!
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FAQ-Related texts

© Copyright 1996-2001 by Johan Olofsson.
You are free to quote this page as long as you mention the URL.
The line of flags is modified after a picture at det Åländska skoldatanätet.
This page was last updated May the 7th in the year of 1998.

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