The Druidic Festivities

Druids are observant on how the light comes and goes in the nature. They celebrate eight special days. On these days the druidic power is extra strong and you can use some of that power when you use your druidic skills. Thus, you will spend less mental energy and the effects will be more impressive.

Yule (Winter solstice) Day 21 in Month of Demons This is the time of death and rebirth. The sun appears to be abandoning us completely as the longest night comes to us. The words of the ancient ceremony urge us to 'Cast away, whatever impedes the appearance of light.' The year is reborn and a new cycle begins.
Imbolc (Camdlemas) Day 1 in Month of Truth The ice melts and the streams start to run, watering the earth and giving it new life. The buds are swelling on the trees, ripe with the promise of spring.
Ostara (vernal equinox) Day 11 in Month of Water This are the times when there is balance between light and darkness. Life is growing stronger, death is becoming weak. Plant new trees and enjoy the forest all clad in spring green. Let the wind blow away the tiredness you have been feeling all winter.
Beltane (Mayday) Day 1 in Month of Spirit Go to the forests and collect wood from fallen trees and make a huge bonfire to celebrate the return of life and fruifulness to the earth. It is said that if you bathe in the dew of Beltane morn, your beauty will flourish throughout the year.
Litha (summer solstice) Day 11 in Month of Plant On this longest day of the year, light and life are abundant. The Sun God has reached the moment of his greatest strength. This is the night we honour the vigour and youth of the God of Nature. For in this season the full flowering of the Earth is upon us.
Lammas (Lughnasadh) Day 1 in Month of Harmony The nature is generous with gifts like fruit and berries. It's time to be thankful and express your gratitude for all we receive. Now we see that what we planned in early spring has really payed off well.
Mabon (autumnal equinox) Day 11 in Month of Fire This are the times when there is balance between light and darkness. The trees bare fruit and you should harvest what the Earth gives you. The rain will wash the forest clean and prepare it for its winter sleepp. The Sun is getting weak, the darkness will soon chase it away completely.
Samhain (Hallowmas) Day 1 in Month of Law It is time for looking back at one's roots and see how one has grown. Now when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest, you can also seek guidance from your ancestors. We are also preparing for a long, cold winter when we can drink deeply of the wisdom of the nurturing darkness.