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set-membership-type [102] (10) Recommended

        set-membership-type [102] (( pers       : Pers-No;
                                     conf       : Conf-No;
                                     type       : Membership-Type ))
                -> ( );

This call modifies the type of a membership. The person pers membership in conference conf is affected. The server may impose arbitrary restrictions on how the membership type may be changed. Typically it will only be possible to clear the invitation bit. It is possible that the server will not permit the secret bit to be set. Attempting to set a membership type that does not agree with the server's restrictions will result in an error.

Error codes

Login required before issuing this call.
conf is zero.
The conference conf does not exist or is secret or the person pers does not exist or is secret.
Insufficient permissions to change the membership of pers.
Person pers is not a member of conference conf.
The requested membership type type was not compatible with restrictions set on the server or on the conference conf