Classic spinach lasagna

This recipe was posted to usenet by sridhar@spt.tek.com who got it from Sean Gilley (slg@e.ms.uky.edu). I modifed it slightly to my tastes (naturally).


(Serves 6-8)


  1. Sauce: Put tomatoes and tomato sauce in large pot over low heat. Press garlic, add. Chop onions, olives, mushrooms, and broccoli, add. Add spices to taste. Simmer covered over low heat until the whole tomatoes have merged with the rest of the sauce and you can no longer tell where one begins and the other ends.
  2. Cheese: Grate the cheeses and mix. Add eggs, parsley, and spinach, mix well.
  3. Building the lasagna: In a lasagna pan, put in just enough sauce to cover the bottom of the pan. Make a layer of noodles. Using about half of the available cheese mixture, make a layer of cheese. Another layer of noodles. Cover the noodles with sauce, the important thing being to make sure all noodles have at least some sauce on them. Another layer of noodles. Use the rest of the cheese mixture and make a layer of cheese. Put down the last layer of noodles, then use the remaining amount of sauce, or as much as possible, and cover the noodles in sauce.
  4. Bake at for 45 minutes.


The lasagna noodles are
uncooked when you build the lasagna. Be stingy with the sauce, if you aren't, you'll end up short at the end where you need it most.

If you do things as specified here, you will end up with a lasagna layered as (s-n-c-n-s-n-c-n-s), (sauce, noodles, cheese, etc.) but some prefer the heretic's way: (c-n-s-c-n-s-c-n-s)


Difficulty: moderate.
Time: 2-3 hours.
Precision: Approximate measurement OK.


Original recipe by Sean Gilley, Mathematical Sciences, U of Kentucky 
Posted by S.Sridhar, Tektronix Inc., Portland, Oregon 
Submitted by  
Dave Van't Hof, VLSI Cad, MIPS Computer Systems, Inc., Sunnyvale, Calif, USA 
Recipe last modified: 20 Sep 87

Original header

Path: decwrl!recipes
From: vanthof@mips (Dave Van't Hof)
Newsgroups: alt.gourmand
Subject: RECIPE: Spinach lasagna
Message-ID: <12140@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: 20 Nov 87 06:17:03 GMT
Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
Distribution: alt
Organization: MIPS Computer, Mountain View, Calif., USA
Lines: 84
Approved: reid@decwrl.dec.com

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