A spicy hot Indian lamb dish

Very loosely based on Dharamjit Singh's recipe in Indian Cookery: A Practical Guide. Most restaurants that serve this dish pronounce it vinDAloo, with the stress on the second syllable.


(serves 4)


  1. Lightly roast the cumin seed and coriander seed by frying with no oil for a minute or so, stirring constantly. Grind these and combine them into a paste with the other spices, the garlic, ginger, and the vinegar.
  2. Add the lamb to the marinade and mix well. Refrigerate for 3-24 hours while mixing every few hours as convenient.
  3. Finely chop the onions and potatoes and sautae them for 5 minutes in the butter.
  4. Add lamb and spice paste and simmer over low heat for half an hour.


The marinating does add a lot of flavor and makes the meat much more tender. This can be skipped if need be.


Difficulty: easy (though it's easy to burn the spices while roasting them).
Time: 1 hour preparation, 1 day marinating, 1 hour cooking.
Precision: approximate measurement OK.


Nicholas Horton 
Aiken Computation Lab, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA USA 
Recipe last modified: 21 Aug 87

Original header

Path: decwrl!recipes
From: (Nicholas Horton)
Newsgroups: alt.gourmand
Subject: RECIPE: Lamb vindaloo
Message-ID: <12148@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: 27 Nov 87 06:14:03 GMT
Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
Distribution: alt
Organization: Aiken LAb, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass., USA
Lines: 61

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