Central Texas style Mexican enchiladas

We cook beef enchiladas in two ways!the traditional rolled enchilada and the easier-to-cook New Mexico stacked style. Both procedures are given. Also, we used to cook the enchilada sauce/chili from scratch but more recently began using a shortcut with canned Old El Paso brand enchilada sauce, since it is not only faster (20 minutes vs. 4+ hours) but also has a very authentic spice combination.


(Serves 6-8)

Procedure (sauce and filling)

  1. Brown ground beef and 1 chopped onion in a large skillet. There should be enough fat in the beef to eliminate any need for extra oil and also to sautae the onions at the same time. While you are browning the beef (it should be completely cooked with no pink or red color left), be sure to break it up so that it is granular in texture, as opposed to chunky, when completely browned. Onions should be limp and translucent but not brown.
  2. Add about 4 Tbsp of flour and sautae until flour is completely incorporated into the meat mixture.
  3. Add the enchilada sauce. Heat over low heat. If the mixture is too thick, add a little water. The consistency should be that of a thick gravy, but not soupy. Simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes.

Procedure (rolled enchiladas)

  1. Rolled enchiladas are tougher to assemble, but more authentic. Have ready a large baking pan!we always use an oblong Pyrex pan.
  2. One at a time, dip each tortilla in the enchilada sauce just enough to coat and slightly soften.
  3. Lay the tortilla flat in the baking pan, spoon about 50 ml of the enchilada sauce in a line down the middle, top with about 5 ml chopped onion and about 50 ml of grated cheese.
  4. Roll the tortilla tightly into a cylinder with the seam on the bottom, and position against the bottom edge of the baking pan. Repeat until the pan is full. This can get tricky (but it is possible) as the pan gets full. Assembling the enchilada outside of the pan is usually a messy disaster. Depending on the size of the pan and how tightly each enchilada is rolled, you can get 8-12 enchiladas in a pan. This recipe should make about 16-24 enchiladas.
  5. Spoon enchilada sauce over the assembled enchiladas to thinly cover. Sprinkle generously with grated cheese. Bake at 220C for 20 minutes.

Procedure (stacked enchiladas)

  1. This is the New Mexico style. It is much easier to assemble. Have plates ready. One at a time, submerge each tortilla in the enchilada sauce (which should be cooking on low heat during this process) and cook until limp but not falling apart!this may take a little practice to gauge the time.
  2. Remove the tortilla from the sauce and place flat on a plate. Spoon a little sauce, including meat, over the tortilla, add 15 ml chopped onion and about 50 ml grated cheese.
  3. Repeat the process untill you have a stack of 3-4 tortillas on a plate, depending on the appetite of the person who will eat them. Top the last tortilla with a generous amount of sauce and cheese. Serve immediately.


The fundamental difference between these two styles is the method used to cook the tortillas. In the rolled style, the sauce is cooked into the tortilla through the baking process. In the stacked style, the tortilla is cooked directly in the sauce. Only the appearance differs!the taste is the same with either style.

I always use Old El Paso canned enchilada sauce, though it is possible to make your own.


Difficulty: moderate.
Time: 1 hour.
Precision: approximate measurement OK.


Pamela McGarvey 
UCLA Comprehensive Epilepsy Program 
Recipe last modified: 22 Dec 83

Original header

Path: decwrl!recipes
From: pam@cepu (Pam McGarvey)
Newsgroups: mod.recipes
Subject: RECIPE: Tex-Mex enchiladas
Message-ID: <7425@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: 9 Jan 87 04:46:20 GMT
Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
Organization: UCLA Comprehensive Epilepsy Project, Los Angeles, Calif., USA
Lines: 120
Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP

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 This recipe uses a macro feature that was not present in early versions of
 mod.recipes, namely an argument to the "PROCEDURE" header. The version of
 the macros that is needed to process this recipe has been distributed since
 July 1987, so I feel it is now in order to start using it. Those of you who
 are using old or customized versions of the recipe macros should pick up
 that change if you want this recipe. 
 Brian Reid, Editor.