Tex-Mex style pinto beans.

This is known in Mexico as "frijoles en olla"!beans in the pot. This is the basis for refried beans (frijoles refrito), but we also like it as well as a side dish.


(Serves 4-6)


  1. Pick through the dried pinto beans to remove small rocks (processors never seem to get rid of all of them).
  2. Rinse beans well several times until water runs clear and all grit is removed.
  3. Place beans in a large pot with enough water to reach 2/3's of the way up the pot. Bring water to a boil and add 1 large quartered onion and 3-4 slices of bacon. During the cooking process, the onion will become mush. This and the bacon add real flavor to the beans.
  4. Cook over low heat for 3-4 hours until the beans are very soft and tender. Beans should just bubble, not boil, during the cooking process.
  5. During the first 90 minutes, stir and check frequently. The beans absorb a large amount of water and you will have to add some periodically to prevent burning.
  6. Add salt during the last 30 minutes. Finished beans should have the consistency of bean soup!which I guess this is.


Difficulty: easy.
Time: 4 hours.
Precision: no need to measure.


Pamela McGarvey 
UCLA Comprehensive Epilepsy Project, Los Angeles, Calif., USA 
Recipe last modified: 22 Dec 83

Original header

Path: decwrl!recipes
From: pam@cepu (Pam McGarvey)
Subject: RECIPE: Frijoles en olla
Message-ID: <7427@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: 9 Jan 87 04:47:40 GMT
Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
Organization: UCLA Comprehensive Epilepsy Project, Los Angeles, Calif., USA
Lines: 55
Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP

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